Category: Conditions

1 16 17 18 19 20 31 432 / 744 POSTS
How Is Your Brain Performing?

How Is Your Brain Performing?

If you are an athlete and want to make sure that your brain is performing at its best, or you play a sport that has a possibility of concussive injuri [...]
8 Tips to Restoring Healthy Brain Function

8 Tips to Restoring Healthy Brain Function

Sleep, water, stress reduction, exercise, and diet are key when it comes to brain health. Here’s my top recommendations for improving brain health: [...]
Belly Blues: How Gut Health Impacts Your Mood

Belly Blues: How Gut Health Impacts Your Mood

Stress is something we all have experienced. We have all dealt with digestive issues at some point in our life, whether it be heartburn, gas, diarrhea [...]
Dermaplaning: The Hottest New Skincare Treatment

Dermaplaning: The Hottest New Skincare Treatment

One of the trendiest exfoliation options today is dermaplaning, which is performed using a sterile surgical scalpel (not as scary as it sounds!) to ma [...]
Healthy Aging Primer, Part 2: How to Increase Health Span & Longevity

Healthy Aging Primer, Part 2: How to Increase Health Span & Longevity

Efforts to increase healthspan by means of supplements and pharmaceuticals targeting aging-related pathologies are presently in spotlight of a new bra [...]
Natural Prevention for Breast Cancer

Natural Prevention for Breast Cancer

While preventing breast cancer is not an absolute, lowering your risks is an ideal way to do the best you can to stay healthy. Eating a healthy diet, [...]
Preventing Cancer Naturally with Nutrition and Exercise

Preventing Cancer Naturally with Nutrition and Exercise

To better prevent cancer occurrence or recurrence, the underlying causes of cancer such as DNA mutations and cellular metabolic dysfunction must be ad [...]
Compassionate Healing Modalities for Children

Compassionate Healing Modalities for Children

Children…we all love those adorable, energetic, creative, sweet, loving, delightful, expressive little beings! But children don’t always exhibit these [...]
Can You Let Go?

Can You Let Go?

Maybe you're surprised to know that the three following statements are common to me (and probably most bodyworkers): Thank you! I didn't realize ho [...]
Natural Remedies to Reduce Stress

Natural Remedies to Reduce Stress

Physical and emotional stress is a fact of modern life. We all experience it one way or another and sometimes it can help when motivating us to perfo [...]
The ABC and E’s of Accident and Injury:  The Importance of an Integrated Healthcare Approach

The ABC and E’s of Accident and Injury: The Importance of an Integrated Healthcare Approach

Hey, quick question. Where was the rest of your body when your knee fell down the stairs or when your neck was in a car accident? Over thirty years [...]
Reduce Your Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s

Reduce Your Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s

My interest in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s stems from my personal experience of caring for my parents over an eight-year period. My f [...]
Healthy Aging Primer, Part 1: How to Increase Health Span & Longevity

Healthy Aging Primer, Part 1: How to Increase Health Span & Longevity

[A] virtual landslide of data has continually emphasized the Western diet as the key factor in virtually every chronic disease . . . During the 2 [...]
Natural Treatments for Childhood Anxiety

Natural Treatments for Childhood Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are becoming more prevalent in recent years. Adults and children alike suffer from various forms of anxiety, including extreme fear [...]
Heal Anxiety by Facing Your Shadow

Heal Anxiety by Facing Your Shadow

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I’m a healer, and I have anxiety. That’s right. I didn’t really understand what anxiety was, nor did I rea [...]
A Multifaceted Approach to a Healthy, Happy Gut

A Multifaceted Approach to a Healthy, Happy Gut

It has been said that inflammation is the cause of almost every disease and this is especially true when it comes to disorders of the gut. Intestinal [...]
How To Boost Your Bone Strength While Building A Better Body

How To Boost Your Bone Strength While Building A Better Body

Our bones continually develop throughout our youthful years, forming the foundation of our body for our adult lives. When we were children we had nagg [...]
Glowing Skin au Naturel

Glowing Skin au Naturel

We all strive for that dewy, soft, glowing skin that reminds us of youth and vitality. Yet our skin is often dry, blemished and dull. Our skin tone, c [...]
Look Years Younger and Achieve Robust Wellness with Essential Oils

Look Years Younger and Achieve Robust Wellness with Essential Oils

When I was asked to write an article on natural skin care, I JUMPED on it. Here's why: In the past, having horrible skin was just my 'thing,' and I [...]
Hydrogen Water: A Powerful Natural Antioxidant

Hydrogen Water: A Powerful Natural Antioxidant

Free radicals – you’ve heard about them, but what are they really and how do we fight them? In a nutshell – free radicals are inflammation-causing mol [...]
What Does the Future Hold for Diagnosing and Treating Lyme?

What Does the Future Hold for Diagnosing and Treating Lyme?

Well, it’s that time of year again. The snow is beginning to melt and crocuses and daffodil bulbs are breaking the ground. It’s also that time of year [...]
Six Innovative Treatments for Lyme Disease

Six Innovative Treatments for Lyme Disease

If you’ve been diagnosed with Lyme disease, chances are good you’ve been prescribed antibiotics. That may be fine, but it may not be enough to keep sy [...]
Co-Creating Healthy Families: What You Need to Do Before Getting Pregnant

Co-Creating Healthy Families: What You Need to Do Before Getting Pregnant

It is so amazing to have the opportunity and desire to create a family with the one you love. I had the great privilege to be very intentionally pregn [...]
Safe Hormone Replacement Therapy

Safe Hormone Replacement Therapy

Synthetic pharmaceuticals prescribed as “hormone replacement” therapy are among the most widely prescribed medications in this country. They are most [...]
1 16 17 18 19 20 31 432 / 744 POSTS