Category: Pain
Simple Tips for Weight Loss
It’s that time of year again - many of us have New Year’s resolutions that may include weight loss goals. Semaglutide medications such as Ozempic and [...]
NAFLD: The Silent Killer
When we think about liver disease, what usually comes to mind is cirrhosis due to several years of excessive alcohol consumption. However, liver damag [...]
3 Reasons to Heal the Past to Find Relief From Chronic Pain
Healing the past is so important for whole body healing. Learning where trauma hides in the body and what you can do to release your pain is an import [...]
A Conversation With Pain – Relief Expert Jacqueline Kane
Collinsville-based Low Back Pain specialist Jacqueline Kane has been working with people in pain for decades. Using a variety of techniques, such as B [...]
Unwrap the Gift of Reiki
Every so often, I hear a proclamation for a specific product, book, or technique that helped catalyze positive change and desired results in a person’ [...]
Just for Today, I Will: The Tradition and Practice of Reiki
Reiki is an energy healing technique conceptualized as a biofield therapy. The name Reiki originates from the Japanese word Rei, or “Universal Life,” [...]
Acupuncture Is Much More Than Pain Relief
Acupuncture hails from a bigger framework - commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - that provides various treatment options for numerous [...]
Chiropractic Care: The Maintenance Model
Typical patients in and out of chiropractic offices are those who have acute/chronic injury, trauma, or developmental deformities. They rely on chirop [...]
Unleashing Kinesthetic Intelligence Through ATSI
In a world where physical disconnect is commonplace, cultivating kinesthetic intelligence - our body’s innate ability to gauge movement, weight, and p [...]
When UTIs area Vicious Cycle
There’s a sensation familiar to too many women and men...the urgent need to empty their bladder, along with the burning that accompanies doing so. Eve [...]
5 Unexpected Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Most of us know what to do to keep our immune system strong. Get at least eight hours of quality sleep every night. Exercise regularly. Eat a healthy [...]
What “It Works” Really Means in Chiropractic Care
I received my first chiropractic adjustment when I was 15 years old. It happened on a metal bleacher after a high school track meet. I had spoken with [...]
Manifesting Your Pain-Free Future
As humans, we are manifesting all the time.
It’s true!
Our thoughts create our beliefs, and our beliefs create our reality. The physical, emotional, [...]
Your Ancestral Wounds May Be Causing Your Physical Pain
We are all energetic beings, susceptible to the energy of others. It started in the womb—for nine months, we were exposed to the hormones, nutrition, [...]
Peptide Therapy to Reduce Pain and Accelerate Healing
In the groundbreaking book, Why We Age - and Why We Don’t Have To by Dr. David Sinclair, a leading world authority on genetics and longevity, Sinclair [...]
Achieve Healthy Weight Loss with Hypnosis
Obesity is known to increase the risk of various disorders, including stroke, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and many types of cancer. It’s no secret tha [...]
Hypnosis Can Help Reduce Stress
Many of us experience some form of daily emotional stress that often results in physical stress, which can result in serious health conditions. Fortun [...]
Is It Possible to Slow Down – or Even Reverse Aging?
In the groundbreaking book, Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To, by Dr. David Sinclair, a leading world authority on genetics and longevity, Sinclair [...]
Get to Know CBD: The Most Frequently Asked Questions
You may have heard about all the health-related benefits of using CBD, but you’re still on the fence about using it. You have questions...and we have [...]
Is Your Pet’s Stress Stressing You Out? Dogs + CBD FAQs
For many of us, our pets are our fur babies. We love them, cuddle with them, and of course, we worry when they’re unwell. Thankfully, more natural opt [...]
The Latest Non-Invasive Regenerative Therapy to Treat Chronic Injury
Regenerative medicine is the wave of the future. It is the process of replacing or “regenerating” human cells, tissues, or organs to restore or establ [...]
Massage Improves Quality of Life as You Age
Americans are living longer, healthier, and more active lives than ever before. Specifically, the 65 and older population reached just under 50 millio [...]
Natural Pain Relief with CBD
One of the leading reasons aging adults seek medical attention is for pain relief. As we age, those little aches and pains can become more chronic, ev [...]
Boost Your Immune System with Massage Therapy
Many of the health benefits of massage therapy, such as decreased pain and stiffness and reduced stress and anxiety, are very well known. But did you [...]