Category: Self-care

1 2 3 10 24 / 220 POSTS
The Art of Self-Care

The Art of Self-Care

Imagine waking up each day feeling refreshed, energized, and deeply connected to your inner self, navigating life’s challenges with grace, resilience, [...]
5 Tips for Navigating a Motherless Motherhood

5 Tips for Navigating a Motherless Motherhood

As I kissed your cheek, I whispered for only you to hear, “I will love you for forever.” You exhaled as I inhaled my first breaths without you. You ha [...]
The Magic Is Inside Us: How We Can Heal Ourselves Naturally

The Magic Is Inside Us: How We Can Heal Ourselves Naturally

When I read that this issue’s theme was “Boosting Your Immune System Naturally,” I instantly thought of a quote by Dr. Ida P. Rolf: “When the body get [...]
Why Emotional Intelligence Matters

Why Emotional Intelligence Matters

The topic of emotional intelligence is becoming a focal point in discussions among top thought leaders today, yet it remains an underdeveloped skill i [...]
Essential Self-Help Energy Medicine Solutions for Stress

Essential Self-Help Energy Medicine Solutions for Stress

Absolutely everything is energy, and your feelings of stress are no exception. When thoughts or external events trigger stress, a resulting surge of e [...]
Life – It’s All Energy

Life – It’s All Energy

Everything in life is energy. We are reminded of this all the time. If you are hiking and tired, hug a tree. Its roots go deep into the earth, and its [...]
How I Healed Myself From Lyme Disease and Mold-Related Illness

How I Healed Myself From Lyme Disease and Mold-Related Illness

In 2017, I was a Division I athlete playing tennis at the University of Connecticut. I was at the top of my game, playing in the top doubles spot and [...]
Blossom Where You’re Planted: Cultivating Abundance

Blossom Where You’re Planted: Cultivating Abundance

Have you ever felt a deep yearning for a life overflowing with abundance - not just material wealth but a richness in love, purpose, and well-being? T [...]
The Art Behind Intuitive Design

The Art Behind Intuitive Design

I am a storyteller of souls, an intuitive who has the ability to see within the living as well as those who have passed. Whether human or animal, I sh [...]
Retrieving the Shadow Through Strong Emotions

Retrieving the Shadow Through Strong Emotions

According to Jung, the Shadow is the disowned or unconscious parts of the persona, the masks or faces that we show the world. The parts of ourselves t [...]
Nourishing the Soul: A Spiritual Spa Experience With Agnes Daddona

Nourishing the Soul: A Spiritual Spa Experience With Agnes Daddona

Spring, a season synonymous with renewal and rejuvenation, awakens nature from its winter slumber with a vibrant burst of colors and new life. Symboli [...]
Metaphysical Psychotherapy: Weaving Ancient Wisdoms and Contemporary Psychology

Metaphysical Psychotherapy: Weaving Ancient Wisdoms and Contemporary Psychology

As a licensed healthcare clinician, I believe putting the psyche (a Greek word meaning “soul”) back into the word psychology (the study of the psyche/ [...]
Jump-Start Your Health and Face Aging Head-On!

Jump-Start Your Health and Face Aging Head-On!

When I went to Florida in late February to visit my wonderful mom, I used the nine-day visit to activate myself from my inactivity of winter. The dogs [...]
10 Essential Steps for Women to Reinvent Themselves

10 Essential Steps for Women to Reinvent Themselves

Are you ready to take the plunge into a new phase of your life and emerge as the architect of your personal 2.0 version? Reinventing yourself from you [...]
All Will Be Well!

All Will Be Well!

One of my favorite phrases is, “All will be well.” However, when I use this phrase personally or with my clients, I often add the tagline, “We just ma [...]
The Gift of Self-Empathy: An Interview With Dr. Judith Orloff

The Gift of Self-Empathy: An Interview With Dr. Judith Orloff

Last month, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Judith Orloff, New York Times bestselling author, seasoned psychiatrist, and highly attuned em [...]
Expect the Unexpected – Expect Miracles!

Expect the Unexpected – Expect Miracles!

During a recent deep cleaning and purging moment, I realized the sofa in my Rolfing® waiting room looked tired and screamed to be replaced. I had not [...]
Do We Have a Vibrational Connection With the Universe?

Do We Have a Vibrational Connection With the Universe?

I love to read. A lot. I protect my morning routine pretty fiercely, and it always consists of a nice hot cup of coffee, a good book, and my journal. [...]
Discover the Power of Intuition with Agnes Daddona

Discover the Power of Intuition with Agnes Daddona

Intuition, often called our “inner knowing” or “gut feeling,” is a profound sense that transcends logic and reasoning. From the lens of a spiritual he [...]
Unveiling the Power of Affirmations

Unveiling the Power of Affirmations

Affirmations, often seen as positive statements, are potent tools that intertwine science and personal experience, creating a ripple effect in the uni [...]
The Scoop on Abusing Sugar

The Scoop on Abusing Sugar

Did you splurge over the holidays? If you’re like 75% of the American population, you ate too much sugar in the form of sweets or simple carbohydrates [...]
Understanding the “Why” — Exploring Your Weight Loss Motivations

Understanding the “Why” — Exploring Your Weight Loss Motivations

It’s the start of the new year, so you’re likely putting your resolutions together. If one of your resolutions is to lose weight…why? Whenever I hear [...]
Acceptance Is Not Resignation, and Resignation Is Not Acceptance

Acceptance Is Not Resignation, and Resignation Is Not Acceptance

Though acceptance and resignation may appear to mean the same thing, there are huge differences in terms of attitudes and perspectives, especially whe [...]
Looking in the Mirror

Looking in the Mirror

For the past forty-three years, I have worked with people to help them better understand their bodies. I teach them how to be more comfortable not onl [...]
1 2 3 10 24 / 220 POSTS