Category: Prevention

1 2 3 24 / 72 POSTS
The Sun: Your Skin’s Most Beautiful Adversary?

The Sun: Your Skin’s Most Beautiful Adversary?

Ah yes, here comes the sun. So warm, so beautiful, so life giving. How can such a beautiful, blazing star cause so much damage? Let’s look at the fac [...]
Why Are All Skin Creams White?

Why Are All Skin Creams White?

If you think about it, most, if not all, skin creams are white. Ever wonder why? You see, base creams initially make it feel like you are applying moi [...]
Protect Your Cells with Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy

Protect Your Cells with Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy

Molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy has been on the rise in healthcare since a 2007 National Library of Medicine study exploring its antioxidant pro [...]
Are Plants Ineffective and Weak in Skin Care?

Are Plants Ineffective and Weak in Skin Care?

Which plants and their oils can cause severe damage to your skin? Which plants negatively affect around 85 million people per year? Which plants send [...]
The Science Behind Repairing Your Skin

The Science Behind Repairing Your Skin

If you think this is just another article about skin care...think again! Hundreds of articles are written every year about anti-aging skin care and w [...]
Exercise for Dementia Prevention

Exercise for Dementia Prevention

In working with a number of patients concerned about optimizing brain health in the hopes of reducing their cognitive decline, I let them know that an [...]
Longevity Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

Longevity Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

Drawn-out protocols need not apply! The keys to longevity are everyday, accessible habits that can add years to your life and keep your brain function [...]
How Your Lifestyle Affects Longevity

How Your Lifestyle Affects Longevity

There is increasing focus on longevity and anti-aging in our society—but what if these could be improved simply by living? Instead of investing in the [...]
The Never-Ending Trend in Healthcare: Pay More, Get Less

The Never-Ending Trend in Healthcare: Pay More, Get Less

When was the last time you had an appointment with a doctor in an independently-owned private practice? Did you know that fewer than half of practicin [...]
Unleashing Kinesthetic Intelligence Through ATSI

Unleashing Kinesthetic Intelligence Through ATSI

In a world where physical disconnect is commonplace, cultivating kinesthetic intelligence - our body’s innate ability to gauge movement, weight, and p [...]
A Complete Approach to Physical Therapy

A Complete Approach to Physical Therapy

According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), physical therapy management has five elements: examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prog [...]
10 Tips for Mental Well-being

10 Tips for Mental Well-being

While there are many factors that contribute to mental health, the choices we make every day can have the most significant impact. From embracing the [...]
Simple Lifestyle Changes You Can Make Today to Optimize Your Immune System

Simple Lifestyle Changes You Can Make Today to Optimize Your Immune System

Do you suffer from ongoing or recurring health challenges? Do they include frequent bacterial or viral infections, chronic fatigue, food allergies/sen [...]
Is Sleep the Most Important Factor in Disease Prevention?

Is Sleep the Most Important Factor in Disease Prevention?

Sleep does not get enough respect. Some wish they did not need so much of it—they see it as a nuisance, an interference in what they are trying to acc [...]
Stay Healthy All Year with Vitamin D

Stay Healthy All Year with Vitamin D

Vitamin D is emerging as a good preventive measure for COVID-19 both to bolster immune response and to dampen the escalating inflammatory response, wh [...]
Healing Chronic Illness with Functional Medicine

Healing Chronic Illness with Functional Medicine

Chronic health issues can be a daily burden. Many are suffering with Post-COVID (or Long-COVID) syndrome, that includes fatigue, brain fog, and residu [...]
Can an Alkaline Diet Promote Greater Wellness?

Can an Alkaline Diet Promote Greater Wellness?

Have you been searching for a diet that can promote your overall wellness? The overly simplistic acid-alkaline theory of disease essentially maintain [...]
Kidney Care for Critical Detoxing and Longevity

Kidney Care for Critical Detoxing and Longevity

Are you seeking ways to improve your body’s ability to combat both viral and other infections and age-related degenerative diseases? One of the most i [...]
Power Up Your Brain with Nootropics

Power Up Your Brain with Nootropics

Nootropics Tune Up Your Mind…[They] are a different type of brain and cognition supplement. Their goal is to boost cognitive performance now...[They] [...]
Choline Plays an Important Role in Pregnancy

Choline Plays an Important Role in Pregnancy

Choline is a critical nutrient during pregnancy that has only recently begun to be more understood. While it is not technically a vitamin by definitio [...]
Anti-Viral Nasal Spray May Prevent COVID-19 Infection

Anti-Viral Nasal Spray May Prevent COVID-19 Infection

We wear masks to protect others from our exhaled droplets. These droplets may contain virus. It is a considerate gesture and quite helpful. But when t [...]
From Anxiety to Inflammation to Pain Safe, Legal, Proven CBD/Hemp Oil

From Anxiety to Inflammation to Pain Safe, Legal, Proven CBD/Hemp Oil

Have you been suffering from a chronic health problem, but have found little relief from prescription medications or multiple natural remedies? If so, [...]
Never Fear Food Poisoning Again

Never Fear Food Poisoning Again

Your head is pounding, your brow is sweating, and the stabbing pain in your gut is the only thing that distracts you from the nausea. You run for the [...]
1 2 3 24 / 72 POSTS