I love to read. A lot. I protect my morning routine pretty fiercely, and it always consists of a nice hot cup of coffee, a good book, and my journal. In addition to books, I am also a fan of a few podcasts. I have been bringing podcasts into my morning routine when I’m between books.
This morning, the topic of the interview I was listening to was abundance, vibrational energy, and the Universe…all topics I love reading about, talking about, and listening to what others have to share about them.
In this interview, the interviewee discussed something I try to work on with my clients. She used an example to introduce the concept, and as a musician, it resonated with me deeply. She was talking about the fact that we need to put out to the Universe (I could also say to God, but for simplicity’s sake, I will continue to use the Universe here) what we desire or are trying to create. A visual she used to support this was one of two guitars. She explained that if you put two guitars in the same room and pluck a particular string on one, that same string on the other guitar will vibrate. It picks up on the vibration and joins with it. It works the same for us. We are one guitar; the Universe is another. Pretty amazing.
Extending Our Energy
I am not suggesting that we control the Universe and it does what we tell it to, but I am saying that the Universe will respond to us with the same energy we are putting out. Consider this: If you wanted to redecorate and design your kitchen, you wouldn’t hire the contractor and simply say, “I would like a new kitchen, please.” You would tell them what colors you want, what style you want, and so on. They would need a direction to create the kitchen of your dreams. We take things like decorating our homes pretty seriously – but do we take the direction and creation of our lives as seriously? Do we put as much time into designing our lives and our dreams as we do our kitchens? Maybe it seems like the two are not related at all, but I believe they are.
When we want to create certain things in our lives, such as financial abundance, healthy relationships, fun, adventure, and the like, we have to let the Universe know what we are trying to create. We have to pluck the string on our inner guitar! If there is one thing I am sure of, it is that we live in a benevolent Universe. Another way of expressing that is, “God wants great things for us.” The Creative Source, responsible for all living things, wants to support us in our creations as well. However, we have to do our part, just like we would do with the kitchen contractor. In other words, we have to pluck our string.
But What Does It Mean to Pluck Our String?
If we want joy, we have to extend the energy and vibration of joy. If we want love, we have to extend the energy and vibration of love! If we want abundance, we have to extend the energy and vibration of abundance. If we are not feeling abundant in a particular area of our life (finances seem to fit this category for many), we start with something we do feel abundant in. Perhaps we feel abundant joy or kindness, humor or peace. We feel that energy of abundance and let the Universe know that what we desire is more of that in other areas of our lives, such as our finances. If we have abundant love for our pets or our friends or family members and are seeking a life partner, we connect with the vibration of abundant love we have, and we let the Universe know that what we desire is more of that in the form of a life partner. We have to make choices that support the dream we are trying to create and vibrate at that level of energy.
We live in a benevolent Universe, and I know God wants great things for us all. We will be supported in the good and positive things we want to manifest. The great composer of life is just waiting for each of us to pluck our string of choice. Once we do, that music will travel and connect with the same note that is already part of the great Creator’s symphony. What note will you play? The choice is yours!
Charleen K. Miele, LPC, is a Licensed Professional Counselor who started her journey as a teacher, church music director, and fitness instructor. Charleen works with clients both in person and via telehealth and has recently added Trauma Informed Breathwork to her work. She offers her clients the opportunity to experience IFS and/or breathwork through in-person and online sessions and is currently offering group breathwork sessions online and will be hosting workshops and group sessions in person in the new year. Life coaching and spiritual life coaching, including breathwork and IFS work, are also available both as individual sessions and as packages of two, four, or six sessions. Charleen will soon be offering self-paced online courses as well as interactive groups that will meet for a series of weeks and will include lectures, discussions, journaling, and experiential somatic work through breathing and movement.
Visit: thesacredselfllc.com. Contact Charleen at: thesacredselfllc@gmail.com or call 860.614.8382. Located at 171 Market Square #102, Newington, CT.