Category: Heart Health

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Erectile Dysfunction and Heart Health

Erectile Dysfunction and Heart Health

One of the most important elements in maintaining a healthy relationship is communication. And when the subject is erectile dysfunction (ED), it is vi [...]
The Power of CoQ10

The Power of CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an organic compound that is fast becoming my favorite supplement. Among its many functions is its critical role in ATP, or ene [...]
Reducing Stress Is the Heart’s Work

Reducing Stress Is the Heart’s Work

You’ve probably sat through a Zoom meeting and watched a weak presentation, thinking, “What an incoherent presentation that was!” Or maybe you saw som [...]
Healing Chronic Illness with Functional Medicine

Healing Chronic Illness with Functional Medicine

Chronic health issues can be a daily burden. Many are suffering with Post-COVID (or Long-COVID) syndrome, that includes fatigue, brain fog, and residu [...]
Women! Let’s Discuss Your Heart Health

Women! Let’s Discuss Your Heart Health

The CDC stated recently that women are at an all-time high for heart disease, cardiovascular disease or CVD, and that men were actually on par or lowe [...]
Mega Boost Your Health with IV Vitamin Therapy

Mega Boost Your Health with IV Vitamin Therapy

Intravenous (IV) therapy, also known as “Myer’s Cocktails,” has been used for decades, but for many of us, we need to go back to the basics and unders [...]
Cholesterol, Just the Fats!

Cholesterol, Just the Fats!

By design, everything our body does has a purpose. So, why would it produce so much cholesterol if it were bad? What is Cholesterol? While many [...]
Lowering Your Cholesterol May Not Prevent Heart Disease: Part 2

Lowering Your Cholesterol May Not Prevent Heart Disease: Part 2

Dietary factors and therapeutic lifestyle changes have no side effects. They should be considered the first line of defense in preventive cardiology. [...]
Lowering Your Cholesterol May Not Prevent Heart Disease

Lowering Your Cholesterol May Not Prevent Heart Disease

In the “old” days LDL was considered “bad” cholesterol . . . . HDL, on the other hand, was traditionally believed to be “good” cholesterol . . . The p [...]
Women’s Health: A Matter of the Heart

Women’s Health: A Matter of the Heart

There is an old saying: “We don’t know what we don’t know.” This phrase may be far more true than people know. Medicine today has descended into a wo [...]
New Risk Detection Strategies for Heart Disease

New Risk Detection Strategies for Heart Disease

As a seasoned natural medicine practitioner, I have observed over the years the baby boomer population and how they age. There is an angst that comes [...]
Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions Part 2

Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions Part 2

Curcumin has a surprisingly wide range of beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic activi [...]
You Are What You Eat: The Truth Behind Metabolic Syndrome

You Are What You Eat: The Truth Behind Metabolic Syndrome

  There is nothing short of an epidemic silently sweeping the United States. According to the American Medical Association, 34% (more than one [...]
Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions, Part 1

Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions, Part 1

Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities and thus has a pote [...]
The Healing Benefits of Olive Oil

The Healing Benefits of Olive Oil

There are many different kinds of fats: saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated; and our body needs a mixture of healthy fatty acids in the d [...]

Heart Health: For Women Only

Vicki Kobliner MS RD CD-N   It is not breast cancer but heart disease that claims the lives of the greatest number of women every year. Whi [...]

Curb Blood Vessel Inflammation to Decrease Cardiovascular Risk

Kara Burkhart, ND   Cardiovascular disease is still the number one killer in the United States.  Classic risk factors for cardiovascular di [...]

Cold and numb Numb hands Hands and Feet; Raynaud’s Phenomenon… How to Treat

Ashley Burkman, ND   Raynaud’s (pronounced rey-nohz), named after the French doctor who first described this certain set of symptoms, is ch [...]

Proven Ways to Protect Your Heart

Paul D. Tortland, D.O.   As the name implies, Preventive Medicine strives to be proactive, rather than reactive, with regard to health.  Re [...]

Debunking The Cholesterol – Heart Disease Myth

By Paul D. Tortland, D.O. The Cholesterol “Problem” Most everything we’ve been taught about cholesterol and heart disease is wrong. The secon [...]

The United States of America – An Overmedicated Society

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - AN  OVERMEDICATED  SOCIETY by Dr. Henry Sobo Here are two important facts that you should know: #1. Medication sid [...]

Statin Drugs

Instead of giving my personal views on statins, let’s quickly review some of the studies done on these drugs and allow you to form your own educated o [...]

Cholesterol – Why We Can’t Live Without It

Written by Deanna M. Cherrone M.D., owner of Natural Health & Healing  a Functional Medicine  practice in Avon, CT. Cholesterol is a fatty subs [...]

Tran Fats: not good, but bad and very ugly – By Kelli Swick B.S.

Heart disease, the number one cause of death in the United States for men and women has been attributed partially to the types of fats Americans consu [...]
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