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CT’s Top Energy Healers

CT’s Top Energy Healers

Energy healers believe your body is instilled with a subtle energy or life force, the flow of which must be balanced for good health. Energy healing activates the body’s subtle energy systems to remove blocks. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body’s inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated. Energy healers help people with a wide range of health issues, from anxiety to chronic pain to side effects from cancer, and also with a variety of mental health problems.

Jenny Alzate, LPC, Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider
Jenny Alzate I’m Jenny Alzate, co-founder and director of Enlightenment Counseling Center and a licensed psychotherapist for over 15 years. I am passionate about the work I do with young adults, women, and mothers as I continue to witness healing and human beings reclaiming their power and their lives. I believe we can heal from mental illness. Although the secondary impacts of trauma may have permanent effects on our health, the inner child can heal, and the symptoms can change in intensity, frequency, and duration. Stress and lifestyle play a huge part in truly healing. I believe in natural medicine and in collaboration, and I offer a lens of spirituality, compassion, decades of clinical experience, an energy perspective, and consciousness.

My clinical focus is to heal the original trauma wound that most likely happened during the formative childhood years. Ultimately the goal is for my client to learn how to reparent their inner child. I create a space of peace, consciousness, respect, and grounding, supported by imagery, meditation, body work, breathwork, energy medicine, and plant medicine so that the healing occurs safely and at the right time.

Understanding trauma from a holistic lens allows me to focus on mind, body, emotional body, and spirit, which guides me to treat the whole self. I can then bring my integrative clinical approach and the knowledge and training in CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) toolbox to assist with healing. Trauma-focused cognitive and internal family systems therapies help change the mental script that developed from the traumatic experience. We focus on rewiring the neural connections and helping the central nervous system reset.

Specializing in trauma, I understand that talk therapy is just one modality in psychotherapy. I focus on connecting with their bodies so they may guide to their emotions and/or memories safely and at a slow pace.

I have been in the mental health field for over 24 years. I have worked in many clinical settings and with every age group, so I come to my sessions equipped with presence, knowledge, clinical experience, and intuitive guidance. I make a difference for my clients, no matter the history of their symptoms or how much therapy they’ve received before our work together.

As I reflect on the last 15 years of being a licensed psychotherapist, I feel that the sky is the limit. I have a vision of starting my wellness center and teaching courses on mind-body medicine as well as teaching meditation and law of attraction classes. I do not feel pressured to do anything now, as I am enjoying the fruits of all my hard work up to this point. It’s very important to me to practice what I preach.

Jenny Alzate, LPC, CMHIMP • 860.729.6138 • Jennyalzate.comjenny.alzate@gmail.com • Accepting new patients in the fall

Susana Padilla, Certified Hypnotherapist, Hypnosis Haven
Susana Padilla Hypnosis Haven, located in New Milford, CT, has been helping clients around the globe since 2016. Using therapeutic imagery with hypnosis creates an internal mindscape for hypnotherapy to take place, and clients benefit from certified hypnotherapist Susana Padilla’s mastery.

She has been helping clients in the “usual” realms of hypnosis, such as overcoming anxiety or traumas, weight management, smoking cessation, and fears, but for the past few years, she has been helping increasing numbers of clients who have survived strokes or traumatic brain injuries.

“The reason I decided to study Hypnosis for Stroke Survivors was because my younger brother suffered a severe stroke in 2020. I saw firsthand not only how many aspects of life are changed but how advantageous it could be to add hypnosis to the recovery plan. Hypnosis is all about neuroplasticity and finding new ways to make new connections in the mind/brain to help the body!

“I dove right in and began seeing clients that hadn’t walked in years, clients suffering from aphasia, pusher syndrome, and many other challenges that come from surviving a stroke. Online and in-person sessions have helped clients recover their abilities and get out of their depression or mental plateaus of physical therapy.

“The benefits clients come to experience by the seventh hour of hypnosis are lifelong, and given that they have their recordings to keep, the progress is continually reinforced.”

Available for evening and weekend sessions, online and in person.

Susana Padilla, Certified Hypnotherapist, Hypnosis Haven • New Milford, CT • 949.53.HAVEN (949.534.2836) • Hypnosis-Haven.comjenny.alzate@gmail.com

Marcel and Erin Touponse, The Blackbird House Healing Center, Blackbird Hypnosis
Marcel and Erin Touponse Blackbird Hypnosis offers a wide range of services to assist you to Become Aligned with Your Mind.

Marcel and Erin Touponse, owners of The Blackbird House Healing Center and Gift Shop in Old Wethersfield, provide hypnosis sessions to help alleviate anxiety and assist with habit control, weight loss, goal empowerment, and intuitive development.

Marcel Touponse obtained his certification from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI). The sole focus of Marcel’s Hypnotherapy Sessions is to put people in the best position to achieve their goals. He works with a wide variety of concerns, including weight loss/nutrition, smoking/vaping cessation, sleeping, internet/phone compulsion, academic performance, and professional advancement. His approach is to ensure you begin your journey with the full power of your subconscious mind available, as well as a personally tailored toolbox for use when you’re not in session.

Erin Touponse is certified through the National Guild of Hypnotists. She is a student of shamanic studies, and her sessions are journeys into the subconscious to gain clarity, release past traumas, and deepen the intuitive connection. In addition to soul-level regressive sessions, Erin offers past-life
regression, allowing you to see a different perspective on your current life situation and gain the wisdom that only past life experiences can offer.

Marcel and Erin work at The Blackbird House and offer convenient and affordable appointments.

Become Aligned with Your Mind and open up the potential that lies within you. Visit
BlackbirdHypnosis.com for more information today.

Marcel and Erin Touponse, The Blackbird House Healing Center and Gift Shop • 147 Main St., Wethersfield, CT • 860.416.3177 • BlackbirdHypnosis.comtheblackbirdhouse.comblackbirdhypnosis@gmail.com

Kevin Ferry, Certified Tai Chi and WHM Instructor, Personal Injury Attorney
Kevin Ferry During my decades-long career as a trial lawyer, I have worked with thousands of injury victims, over a dozen wrongful death cases, too many “sexual abuse of a minor” cases to count, and now a rash of cases involving abuse and neglect of young people with autism living in group settings. The amount of human suffering that attorneys, doctors, therapists, and many others face can be overwhelming if there is no way to filter it through the body, mind, and spirit. The build-up of this toxic load took a huge toll on me. Being attached to every argument and the outcome of every case was an enormous expenditure of energy. This is ultimately what brought me to where I am today.

Many wise teachers have said that the only true gift you can give to the world is to become more peaceful in your interactions with all beings. That has been my constant calling since I realized that lawyer “fighting” is counterproductive and harmful to achieving justice for injury victims and was costing me my health and contentment.

For ten years, I have studied Tai Chi with Dr. Ming Wu and traveled to China with him to deepen my practice in its origin culture. I started attending workshops at the Omega Institute after a friend suggested we visit the bookstore there. Soon I was delving deep into Bhakti Yoga and have been to festivals on both coasts. Bhakti led me to study Buddhism, and I attended a weekend retreat with Monks and Nuns living in Thich Nhat Hanh’s New York Monastery, Blue Spirit.

In 2018, the Ice Man was calling. I had heard of Wim Hof but finally decided to learn more about him and attended a full-day workshop in Brooklyn, NY. In 2020, Dr. Wu awarded me with a Tai Chi Instructor’s certificate. That same year I traveled to Poland for Wim Hof Method Instructor training and obtained a WHM instructor’s certificate.

Today, Ferry Law is helping the catastrophically injured obtain maximum justice with minimum stress. With my vastly improved listening and companioning skills, I’m able to be present for clients. The years of work on myself to find peace is something I feel compelled to share.

For three years, we have offered our clients yoga, breath work, and Tai Chi and have created a serene space, both inside and outside our law office, to bring our clients in touch with the present moment. Organic herb, flower, and vegetable gardens, along with two Little Free Libraries in our front yard, bring joy to the New Britain community as well as the Ferry Law team and staff.

I teach Tai Chi and Wim Hof Method workshops, where participants are led through a transformative breath work session and ice bath while having fun with other amazing humans learning to tap into their physiology for health, happiness, and strength. I also collaborate with my partner and yoga teacher, Leslie Winter Gordon, ERYT-500, in weekend retreats in Mystic, CT.

Kevin Ferry • 77 Lexington St., New Britain, CT • 833.FerryLaw (833.337.7929) • ferrylaw.com • Text: 860.827.0880

Leslie Gordon, E-RYT 500, Yoga Instructor and Practitioner,
Leslie Gordon Yoga

Leslie Gordon I’m Leslie Gordon, a yoga practitioner who has taught yoga for over 20 years. In 2020, I began teaching solely on Zoom. I’m excited to bring yoga to every body and love to help people—especially those who think yoga could never work for them. My approach is practical, spirit-filled, and heart-centered.

Though I didn’t realize it early on, yoga has been looking for me for a long time. Because my parents were morticians, death was part of daily life, and I began questioning everything to find some meaning.

When my boys were born, my career in the museum field ground to a halt, and I craved the company of adults to free me from big wheels, Tonka trucks, and the daily stresses of caring for two young, active boys. It led me to a little yoga center near my home, and from there, my path took an exciting turn. I discovered that yoga helped me find my breath, my center, and some peace and quiet, and it made me feel great! After several years of learning, the opportunity presented itself to study more deeply. I enrolled in teacher training with Integrative Yoga Therapy (iytyogatherapy.com), and it was there and through subsequent workshops and training that I discovered my passion for helping every body access yoga. My classes and style of teaching put yoga into the hands (and bodies) of everyone.

Because of the pandemic, my 20-year yoga career shifted, and I began teaching yoga solely on Zoom. I realized many people were more comfortable taking Zoom classes, not only for safety’s sake but also for the convenience of not having to take the extra travel time to and from the studio. It also became very clear that not everyone is comfortable in a yoga studio.

I have remained on Zoom even though many places have reopened, and life is starting to feel more normal again. Because of my experience before the pandemic, the shift to Zoom has been comfortable for me, fairly seamless for the folks who attend my classes, and has allowed me to expand my community beyond the limits of the Farmington Valley.

I would love to have you join our loving community! I can be contacted at lesliewintergordon@gmail.com if you would like information on how to join our thriving Zoom family.

Leslie Gordon, E-RYT 500, Yoga Instructor and Practitioner • Leslie Gordon Yoga • https://lesliegordonyoga.com/lesliewintergordon@gmail.com

Justin Speller, Intuitive Energy Work, Tap Into the Light
Justin Speller Growing up in a family of doctors, I learned to see the world through a scientific lens. I focused on what works, what can be tested, what is proven to help make life better. I loved the idea that a treatment could be objectively proven to work beyond the shadow of a doubt.

When I changed my career direction and started focusing on the subtle human energy fields, I brought this same scientifically oriented approach to my endeavors. Energy-based techniques drew me in because they simply worked so well. I experienced healing on emotional and physical levels that I had never before thought was possible.

Energy work directly shifts the blueprint that creates the mind and the body. Change your energies, and you will change your life.

There are nine major human energy systems, and they all exist in a much less dense state than the physical body. These malleable human energies respond beautifully to focused thought, intention, and visualization. We can use our minds to resolve issues in our own blueprints for health and create new healthier versions of ourselves.

Many years ago, as a teenager, I developed a swallowing disorder. Certain foods tended to get stuck in my esophagus on the way down. Unable to swallow and in severe pain, I would run to the restroom to regurgitate, often in the middle of the meal. I felt intense embarrassment and humiliation.

Eventually, my parents brought me to the doctor, who performed an endoscopy to check for any physical blocks in my esophagus; fortunately, none were found. The doctor prescribed once daily Prilosec, which thankfully resolved the issue. It was only years later that I began to hear about the long-term side effects of taking this medication and became determined to try to get off it.

By this time, I had learned about the human energy fields and their impact on physical functioning. I searched for my answer, knowing there must be a number of blocks, misalignments, or imbalances somewhere in my subtle energy fields that were disturbing the blueprint creating my digestive tract. I knew if I could find and resolve them, my swallowing problem would disappear.

This healing was a process. It took me some time to find and heal all the energetic root causes for my swallowing issue. I believed and persevered, and with each block found and released, my swallowing issue improved.

First, I was able to switch to a less intense medicine. Then, with more improvement of my energies, I successfully switched to a homeopathic remedy. Finally, I shifted enough in my energy systems to heal my swallowing issue completely and get off all medication. Changing my energies changed my life.

Justin Speller, Intuitive Energy Work • Tap Into the Light • Wethersfield, CT • tapintothelight.com
• 617.435.7798 • tapintothelight@gmail.com

Joyce St. Germaine, The Sacred Journey, Healing Practices
Joyce St. Germaine Whether generated through sound via voice or instruments, color, stones, crystals, visualization, prayer, or intention, all healing happens energetically. When a request is made or a thought arises to offer healing energies to any person, animal, place, or group, energy is at work. Thoughts are a form of energy that the healer has received and now begins the practice of setting an intention to connect to the being, place, or group to offer channeled healing energies.

This is always done with respect to the free will of all, not dictating how healing will happen and not attaching to the outcome of the work. Whether the energy is sent remotely or through hands-on modalities, it is offered without condition, as a gift of love the recipients may use as they wish for their greatest good.

It is helpful to consider the role empathy plays in energy healing. In over 40 years of energy work, I have come to realize that empathy on its own isn’t such a useful tool. Empathy should be used in small doses, just enough for the healer to gather necessary information. Empathy in too large a dose has the potential to duplicate suffering rather than offer healing. Used appropriately, it reminds us that we are all connected—its ultimate gift.

At The Sacred Journey in Burlington, CT, I offer Shamanic Journeying and Energy Practices, Sound Healing, Crystal and Stone Healing, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, Extraction, Spirit Detachment, Yoga, and Hypnotherapy. I also lead monthly study groups, children’s events, and Shamanism and Yoga Retreats in Costa Rica, Belize, Sedona, Santa Fe, and Taos.

True healing happens when the energy healer, through compassion, transforms the energy of awareness into selfless service. Compassionate, selfless service is the highest honor bestowed upon any energy healer. It is a pure, heart-centered practice.

Joyce St. Germaine • The Sacred Journey • www.thesacredjourney.biz • 860.675.970 • jsgermaine@aol.com

Eilis Philpott, Master Healer and Teacher, Soul Healing Journey, LLC
Eilis Philpott My greatest wish for all my clients is that they truly know what it feels like to be loved unconditionally. No matter where you are, where you’ve been, or where you’re going, you deserve to know and love every aspect of yourself. Understanding this deeply is the key to achieving your soul mission here on the planet.

Fundamentally, we all want to feel loved, and many of us have not experienced true unconditional love. Every class, training, and modality I teach is grounded in love and achieving a genuine acceptance of who we are and where we are at any given moment. All sessions are dictated by the needs of the client on that day, and every session is thus individualized to each person’s needs. I have been practicing for more than 20 years, and in that time, I have seen individuals change their careers, work through major trauma and abuse, and improve their current relationships or create new ones.

My personal and healing journey has brought me geographically from Ireland and England, then to the U.S., where I have been for the past 30 years. My academic background is rooted in science; I hold a bachelor’s degree in science, received a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Master’s degree equivalent), and I have an honorary doctorate in Divinity. After stints in the educational world and the corporate arena, I finally found my calling in the healing arts.

For over 20 years, I have been a master healer and teacher certified in numerous modalities. I began with rebirthing breathwork, then became a Reiki Master (Usui and Angelic Reiki), and continued to explore and teach high-vibration energy healing techniques. I am one of only two teachers approved to teach 13th Octave LaHoChi in the United States, a responsibility and honor I take seriously.

Sharing the power of this quantum healing modality is currently a core focus of my practice. I hold multiple 13th Octave LaHoChi training each year in states across the country. This year I offered the first international in-person workshop in Ireland. The next 13th Octave LaHoChi training workshop will be in Virginia in August, with one to follow in the Northeast in early December.

Presently I offer soul-level healing of various types, clearing blocks, obstacles, and challenges preventing individuals from living life to its fullest potential. I especially focus these days on customized training programs that support and elevate other healers. Modalities I currently offer in addition to 13th Octave LaHoChi include Akashic Field Healing and Training, Soul Language and Way of the Warrior training, Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHH), and Rebirthing Breathwork. The next in-person Rebirthing Breathwork workshop is scheduled for September in Newtown, CT.

Though I have already trained in many healing modalities, my education is ongoing. This allows me to offer original bespoke sessions and programs that evolve and integrate everything I have learned as appropriate to the needs of the individual or group I’m working with. The work we do together at Soul Healing Journey supports the internal energetic shifts needed to live a life of peace, harmony, and joy, as well as supporting the achievement of the individual’s soul mission on the planet.

Eilis Philpott • Soul Healing Journey, LLC • Fairfield, CT • SoulHealingJourney.com • 203.767.5954 • Eilis@SoulHealingJourney.com