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Metaphysical Psychotherapy: Weaving Ancient Wisdoms and Contemporary Psychology

Metaphysical Psychotherapy: Weaving Ancient Wisdoms and Contemporary Psychology

As a licensed healthcare clinician, I believe putting the psyche (a Greek word meaning “soul”) back into the word psychology (the study of the psyche/soul) helps people understand personal karma, heal intergenerational trauma (wounds), and live their soul’s purpose.

Metaphysical (beyond the body and material plane of life) psychotherapy is an integrative treatment brand focused on the soul’s curriculum interpreted through the weaving of four Ancient Wisdoms – (astrology, numerology, cardology, and personology) – with contemporary psychologies. Clients learn to seek existential answers to their life’s purpose and become aligned with the lessons their soul came here to teach and learn. The path is an intuitive journey and allows the sacred information derived from the date of birth to be the determinant and guide for their earthly experiences.

I believe it is imperative to understand and decode the soul’s map created before each client’s incarnation; soul is hidden/camouflaged in the name and birthdate of every human being…nomen est omen (Latin, “the name is a sign”) – the name and the date of birth are the destiny!

Ancient Wisdoms
Clients initially present for conventional therapy and gradually become curious about unlocking the psyche (Ancient Wisdoms) and allowing energetic blockages to release for deeper healing. As they choose to embark further on their path, they are asked to question, “Is the life I’ve been living the life that wants to live in me? Is my soul’s compass aligned with my current path or have I (personality) wandered off course?”

I believe the body speaks the mind – it is the metaphorical house for the mind, emotions, and spirit/soul.

  • The frame is the body or the earth (element).
  • The roof is the mind or the air (element).
  • The interior is the spirit/soul or the fire (element).
  • The basement is the feelings/emotions or water (element).

Current psychology/psychiatry does not engage the soul in the art of healing. It denies the human energy system as a soul (the transmission of all energy) within the body and prefers to safely treat bodies/organs only as the “sole vs. soul” carriers of physiological imbalances.

The Language of the Soul
I believe the greater the distance between the mind (roof) and the emotions (basement), the deeper the woundedness of the spirit; when soul is disconnected from the personality’s behaviors – addictions, relational dysfunction, trauma, depression, codependency – toxic grief issues occur.

“When soul is neglected, it doesn’t just go away, it appears symptomatically in obsessions, addictions, violence, and loss of meaning.” — Thomas Moore

I use the Ancient Wisdoms (the psychologies of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Carl Jung, Pythagoras, Jesus Christ, Jeff Goldschneider (The Secret Language of Birthdays), and the Order of the Magi to energetically interpret the language of the soul.

The following four psychologies are the informational technologies I interpret and integrate for clients who are interested in seeking a deeper dive into soul purpose and healing.

The client will learn how to use their zodiacal sign’s inherent characteristics in relationships, career and finances. They will learn about the inherent habit patterns of their personality based on the planetary ingredients defining their date of birth.

“We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.” — Carl Gustav Jung, Father of Analytical Psychology

The client will learn how the letters in their name are really numbers that define their character and determine their personal destiny. They will also learn about the application of numbers in their full birth name and how it determines their character, life experiences and ultimate goals.

The client will explore the spiritual code camouflaged inside the Sacred Science of the fifty-two cards and revealed by the date of birth. Descriptions of the Birth Card, Planetary Ruling Card, and other important significators will inform about character traits, personality behavior, and planetary influences affecting this life and karmic patterns.

  • Fifty-two cards in the common playing card deck and fifty-two weeks in the year, four seasons and four suits, twelve royal cards and twelve months…and adding the numerical value of every card in the deck = 365 – as in days per year!
  • The cards were never meant to be played with – they originated with the beginning of time. Every civilization owns a common deck of playing cards, and they’re referenced in the Bible in the Book of Revelations.
  • Cards are the suits souls have chosen to wear in this lifetime to process their individual Karmic Curriculum – the Architectural Blueprint for Life!
  • “He’s such a card!”
  • “What’s your deal?
  • “House of Cards”
  • “What‘s your strong suit?”
  • “It’s not about the cards you’ve been dealt; it’s how you play the hand.”

The client will learn about their unique soul map created before their birth to determine their life’s purpose on this planet. This portrait reveals the karmic journey the individual is destined to undertake in this lifetime. The path begins with a starting point indicating their innate talents and traces a spiritual route to a destination point or direction you’ve chosen to complete.

My soul purpose is to give my wounds/traumas a voice; a place where my deep guidance meets the world’s needs; I want to liberate the human spirit within self and others through a more in-depth understanding of the soul’s agenda; a psychospiritual mentoring through validation of our innate gifts and strengths developed in other lifetimes will remind people of their authentic purpose.

What Do I Value, and What Environments Bring Out the Best in Me?
The Ancient Wisdoms are path identifiers – they are an app for self-compassing and awareness. My purpose is to download them into our culture. Metaphysical therapy is an alternative healing modality that allows people to become informed about what they really came to this world to do!

Many of my clients are seeking their life purpose and looking beyond their careers, family, and possessions. They want to know why coincidences in their life occur, what they’re about, and why some people are able to connect as if they’ve always known each other. They believe there’s more to life than just the material plane!

If you are curious about observing traumas as karmic learning gifts and consider the people in your life (parents, siblings, partners, children, colleagues, friends) as a family of soul travelers here to help teach us what we need to learn, ancient wisdoms/spiritual sciences offer an opportunity to decode your destiny with deeper awareness.

“I’ve been doing Destiny Card readings with Mary Anne for over 10 years; I’ve always been intrigued by metaphysical practices such as astrology, numerology, and intuitive readings, but the Destiny Cards have been most accurate by far. My cards predicted my divorce, business expansion, health concerns, people who have come in and out of my life, a new relationship, and more. Their accuracy amazes me every time; it’s a confirmation I’m on the right path and following my soul’s unique destiny. Mary Anne has an incredible gift of not only explaining the card system in a way that’s easily understood, but also weaving all her knowledge of astrology, numerology, and personology into a reading as well. I cannot imagine not having her guidance and this incredible system to look forward to every year on my birthday.”

— Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD, CEO and Publisher, Natural Nutmeg Magazine

“I went into this Card Party reading as a believer with a very open and curious mind, and it was 1000% delivered. The volume of knowledge and information flowed effortlessly. It’s so clear that this passion and dedication of Mary Anne’s is truly a CALLING! The way she delivers each reading with such respect, genuine support, and connection, it was like we’ve known each other for lifetimes. Our group was relatively large, yet Mary Anne created and shared a very customized, personal, and thorough presentation. It was really like a comfortable night around a fire for everyone. It was so cool to hear each reading and be able to analyze, dive a bit deeper, and offer perspective to those who wanted it. Such a bonding experience! I loved it and look forward to my next session. Mary Anne is truly a gift of insight!”

— Jessica, Card Party Attendee

Mary Anne Costerella, MA, LADC, is a metaphysician, integrative psychotherapist, graduate of the Magi Fellowship Counselor Training Program, nationally certified Destiny Card Reader, and ongoing student of the Ancient Wisdoms. She utilizes the Destiny Card System in conjunction with Astrology, Numerology, and Personology to provide clients with an integrated approach to their journey to personal transformation. Mary Anne holds a BA in Secondary Education, an MA in Counseling Psychology and Pastoral Counseling, and is a certified Addictions Specialist.

Visit: www.maryannecosterella.com.