Category: Remedies

1 2 3 4 5 9 72 / 216 POSTS
Essential Oils Basics: A Look at These Time-Tested, Natural Therapies

Essential Oils Basics: A Look at These Time-Tested, Natural Therapies

Have you been hearing all the chatter lately about the positive impact of essential oils (EOs) on well-being, but are not sure where to begin to becom [...]
When Your Body Talks, LISTEN!

When Your Body Talks, LISTEN!

There was a very loud bang that scared my seven-year-old dog, causing him to jump up and over, landing on my new puppy, who screeched and ran around m [...]
The Many Amazing Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

The Many Amazing Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Have you heard about the benefits of extended traditional fasting but have been afraid to try it? Are you open to a less challenging way to fast, as l [...]
Celebrate the Little Things

Celebrate the Little Things

I have always loved birthdays—my birthday, my friends’ birthdays, my family’s birthdays. It’s a day to commemorate all that is good about being brough [...]
Cryo Body-Sculpting: You Are the Clay, We Are the Sculptors

Cryo Body-Sculpting: You Are the Clay, We Are the Sculptors

Do you have stubborn pockets of fat that are immune to diet and exercise? Despite doing all the “right” things, our body contour can have a mind of it [...]
Dive into Change!

Dive into Change!

Change is everywhere—our shifting climate, the four seasons here in New England, our bodies as we age, our relationships. Change is inevitable. It has [...]
How Traditional Chinese Medicine Improves Digestion

How Traditional Chinese Medicine Improves Digestion

Imagine you are about to cook something. Assuming you have already prepped your ingredients, what is the first thing you do? You turn on the stove. Fi [...]
Reversing Prediabetes to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Reversing Prediabetes to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

A diagnosis of prediabetes increases your risk for type 2 diabetes, but it does not necessarily follow that you will be afflicted with the disease. Yo [...]
Protect Your Immune System Naturally This Holiday Season

Protect Your Immune System Naturally This Holiday Season

The glorious fall days are upon us, along with their promises of pumpkin-picking excursions, Thanksgiving, and all the special holidays, including rin [...]
The Art of Patience

The Art of Patience

We, as a society, are impatient. We want everything NOW, if not sooner. I am guilty of this myself, and as I grow older and as our world speeds up, it [...]
Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Natural Ways to Address Its Complexities

Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Natural Ways to Address Its Complexities

Did you know that erectile dysfunction (ED) is very common among American men of all ages and that the risk of its development increases with age? Und [...]
Natural Ways to Address the Complexities of Fibromyalgia

Natural Ways to Address the Complexities of Fibromyalgia

Do you suffer from chronic or severe pain throughout your body? Have your traditional physicians concluded that your symptoms are psychosomatic after [...]
Herbal Broth Hot Flash Relief

Herbal Broth Hot Flash Relief

First discovered and researched a little over 100 years ago, hormones serve as communication messengers to initiate or terminate processes all over th [...]
Stay Healthy All Year with Vitamin D

Stay Healthy All Year with Vitamin D

Vitamin D is emerging as a good preventive measure for COVID-19 both to bolster immune response and to dampen the escalating inflammatory response, wh [...]
The Emotional and Energetic Roots of Pain and Illness

The Emotional and Energetic Roots of Pain and Illness

Our pain and illness are not randomly created. We are all complex, multidimensional organisms. We know that a physical ailment affects us emotionally, [...]
Healing Chronic Illness with Functional Medicine

Healing Chronic Illness with Functional Medicine

Chronic health issues can be a daily burden. Many are suffering with Post-COVID (or Long-COVID) syndrome, that includes fatigue, brain fog, and residu [...]
Can an Alkaline Diet Promote Greater Wellness?

Can an Alkaline Diet Promote Greater Wellness?

Have you been searching for a diet that can promote your overall wellness? The overly simplistic acid-alkaline theory of disease essentially maintain [...]
Repair Damaged Soft Tissues with Topical Herbs

Repair Damaged Soft Tissues with Topical Herbs

Tendons attach muscles to bones while ligaments hold bones and tendons in place. Fascia guides muscle groups and allows them to slide over other struc [...]
Kidney Care for Critical Detoxing and Longevity

Kidney Care for Critical Detoxing and Longevity

Are you seeking ways to improve your body’s ability to combat both viral and other infections and age-related degenerative diseases? One of the most i [...]
A Pivotal Life Changing Decision

A Pivotal Life Changing Decision

How does one thrive in life, business and relationships? I want to share with you my personal experience of how I was able to thrive in life. This is [...]
Safe and Effective Body Contouring with MediCupping

Safe and Effective Body Contouring with MediCupping

Cupping (aka Vacuum Therapies) has been widely used for centuries to treat a variety of medical conditions ranging from muscle tension to insomnia. A [...]
Stress Reduction 101

Stress Reduction 101

In my youth, I remember feeling so stressed I could not breathe. Feeling so stressed I could not think, sleep or eat. My heart felt like a brick, my h [...]
Power Up Your Brain with Nootropics

Power Up Your Brain with Nootropics

Nootropics Tune Up Your Mind…[They] are a different type of brain and cognition supplement. Their goal is to boost cognitive performance now...[They] [...]
What Are You Thankful For?

What Are You Thankful For?

It is that time of year when we are used to indulging in turkey, many styles of potatoes and umpteen desserts. We hang out with friends and family and [...]
1 2 3 4 5 9 72 / 216 POSTS