Category: Conditions
Experience the Power of Quantum Healing
Have you ever wondered what your life’s purpose should be? Or if you are living the most authentic version of yourself? Have you wondered if there is [...]
Unwrap the Gift of Reiki
Every so often, I hear a proclamation for a specific product, book, or technique that helped catalyze positive change and desired results in a person’ [...]
Can a Juice Really Improve Your Energy?
What happens when the health teacher needs improved health? When focus and drive begin to dwindle? Imagine if you could add precious hours to your day [...]
Just for Today, I Will: The Tradition and Practice of Reiki
Reiki is an energy healing technique conceptualized as a biofield therapy. The name Reiki originates from the Japanese word Rei, or “Universal Life,” [...]
Gut Health: The Key to Vibrant Energy
Can you relate to this? You wake up feeling tired and sluggish, facing a jam-packed day. You ask yourself, “How on Earth am I supposed to get through [...]
Dr. Hinchey’s 10B Approach – Core Principles for Healing Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease
As the public health landscape evolves, Lyme and other tick-borne diseases (TBDs), such as Babesia, have emerged as significant concerns due to their [...]
Resolving Autoimmune Disease: A Sample Case Study
Did you know that all autoimmune diseases can be reversed? Did you know that all the symptoms and damage caused by an autoimmune disease can resolve. [...]
Protect Your Cells with Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy
Molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy has been on the rise in healthcare since a 2007 National Library of Medicine study exploring its antioxidant pro [...]
CT’s Top Bodyworkers, Holistic Spas, and Acupuncture
Bodywork is any therapeutic technique that involves working with the human body in a form involving manipulative therapy, breath work, or energy medic [...]
Inflammation Affects Your Brain – Can You Reverse It?
Do you feel unease about situations that didn’t bother you in the past? Maybe about a presentation, or meeting moms at your kids’ school functions. Do [...]
The Connection Between Autoimmune Disease and Breast Cancer
In the intricate landscape of women’s health, a compelling narrative unfolds - one where the complexities of autoimmune diseases intertwine with the u [...]
BOOSTIE™: The Forgotten Foods Our Ancestors Ate
Why am I offering a seemingly boring product that contains mostly nuts and seeds, with a bit of cacao nibs and an electrolyte version? Maybe I’m “nuts [...]
Acupuncture Is Much More Than Pain Relief
Acupuncture hails from a bigger framework - commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - that provides various treatment options for numerous [...]
Why You Should Try Colon Hydrotherapy
Have you heard people talking about colonics (also called colon hydrotherapy)? Word has been spreading about the importance of gut health and the heal [...]
10 Essential Steps for Women to Reinvent Themselves
Are you ready to take the plunge into a new phase of your life and emerge as the architect of your personal 2.0 version? Reinventing yourself from you [...]
Are Plants Ineffective and Weak in Skin Care?
Which plants and their oils can cause severe damage to your skin? Which plants negatively affect around 85 million people per year? Which plants send [...]
You Are What You Eat – And It All Starts With the Mouth
As a physician of the oral cavity, I have never seen a mouth come into my practice without its body. The mouth and the body are intimately and intrins [...]
Touchpoints 180™: Ketosis for Mental Health
“I don’t want medication.” Sound familiar?
Sometimes, you or someone you love has developed symptoms that seem to stack up, such as anxiety, depress [...]
A Holistic Approach to Longevity and Brain Health
Raise your hand if you want to live as well as possible for as long as possible! We all do here at Imagine Float. Our quest for longevity, which inclu [...]
Unleash Your Body’s Innate Healing Power for Chronic Conditions
Amid the myriad health challenges, a groundbreaking regenerative therapy called TruDose emerges as a beacon of hope. Here, we’ll explore some inspirin [...]
CT’s Top Naturopathic Physicians
Naturopathic medicine as primary health care emphasizes prevention and self-healing through the use of natural therapies. Naturopathic doctors are pri [...]
The Science Behind Repairing Your Skin
If you think this is just another article about skin care...think again!
Hundreds of articles are written every year about anti-aging skin care and w [...]
Unlocking 10 Secrets of Longevity
In the pursuit of a fulfilling and vibrant life, longevity is a profound goal. Beyond the chronological count of years, true longevity encompasses the [...]
Taking a Bite Out of Food Sensitivity and Intolerance
Do you suffer from a range of undiagnosed symptoms that feel like a complete mystery? Has it become your norm to suffer painful or uncomfortable intes [...]