Category: Food Allergies & Sensitivities

Gut Health: The Key to Vibrant Energy

Gut Health: The Key to Vibrant Energy

Can you relate to this? You wake up feeling tired and sluggish, facing a jam-packed day. You ask yourself, “How on Earth am I supposed to get through [...]
Taking a Bite Out of Food Sensitivity and Intolerance

Taking a Bite Out of Food Sensitivity and Intolerance

Do you suffer from a range of undiagnosed symptoms that feel like a complete mystery? Has it become your norm to suffer painful or uncomfortable intes [...]
Never Fear Food Poisoning Again

Never Fear Food Poisoning Again

Your head is pounding, your brow is sweating, and the stabbing pain in your gut is the only thing that distracts you from the nausea. You run for the [...]
Breathe Easier During Allergy Season

Breathe Easier During Allergy Season

‘Tis the season for sneezing, congestion, headaches, and itchy eyes. As the beautiful trees begin to bud and flowers push up through the ground, peop [...]
Allergies! Your Food IS Your Medicine

Allergies! Your Food IS Your Medicine

It’s spring...the trees are green, the grass is lush after a wet winter, and the flowers are blooming beautiful colors. With this being so, your aller [...]
Is Your Food Making You Sick?

Is Your Food Making You Sick?

Does eating make you feel tired, bloated or in pain? Do you feel certain that you are having food reactions but don’t know what to call it or where to [...]
Your GI Distress May Be Due to Leaky Gut Syndrome

Your GI Distress May Be Due to Leaky Gut Syndrome

I learned the importance of gut health over 30 years ago. It all started when I found a naturopathic doctor for my four year old daughter. She had be [...]
Food: You Are What You Eat

Food: You Are What You Eat

Food is the ONE thing that people dose themselves with every single day. Food provides comfort and nourishment. It is engrained in casual social even [...]
Finding Relief with a Low Histamine Diet

Finding Relief with a Low Histamine Diet

Many years ago, I embarked on an autoimmune Paleo diet (AIP) to see if it would help calm my immune system. The results, at first, were remarkable. I [...]
Food Intolerance: Is What I’m Eating Hurting Me?

Food Intolerance: Is What I’m Eating Hurting Me?

Food intolerance and sensitivity are terms used interchangeably when referring to troublesome, but non-life threatening responses to ingested food. T [...]
Enjoying the Holidays Despite Food Sensitivities

Enjoying the Holidays Despite Food Sensitivities

When we think of the holidays it brings to mind the wonderful smells and tastes that go along with the festivities. Whether it is the aroma of turkey [...]
Food Sensitivities—Breaking Down the Basics!

Food Sensitivities—Breaking Down the Basics!

We hear a lot about food sensitivities nowadays, with so many people avoiding one or multiple foods in their daily diets. Often, people cite food alle [...]
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Gut-based Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Gut-based Interventions

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) the prevalence of autism is now 1 in 68. This is a 119.4% increase over the rate of 1 in 150 that wa [...]
How Does Our Diet Affect Inflammation?

How Does Our Diet Affect Inflammation?

It is no longer a question as to whether or not inflammation contributes to chronic disease. While it is a process essential to human existence, it ca [...]
BioSet – A New Way to Treat Allergies

BioSet – A New Way to Treat Allergies

BioSet is a gentle, drug free means of eliminating food intolerances and environmental sensitivities. Based on the principle of the energetic body, as [...]
Do you Feel Like a Train Wreck?

Do you Feel Like a Train Wreck?

When was the last time you went out with your friends or your partner to do something fun? Did the experience cause you any pain? Were you feeling the [...]
The Gerson Therapy

The Gerson Therapy

The Gerson Therapy is a natural nutritional therapy that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, vegetarian diet [...]
Does My Child Have Food Allergies?

Does My Child Have Food Allergies?

Constipation, diarrhea, hives, rashes, eczema, dark circles around the eyes, sneezing, runny nose, coughing and wheezing, ear infections, poor weight [...]
The Root Cause of Autoimmune Disease

The Root Cause of Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease is a diagnosis that, unfortunately, I see in my practice every day as a naturopathic doctor (ND.) The best modality of care for aut [...]

How to Augment the Immune System in response to childhood vaccinations

History of Vaccines The vaccine controversy has been a source of heated debate amongst the natural and traditional medical and parenting communitie [...]

Autoimmune Disease and Naturopathic Treatment

It was not very long ago that I became interested in Naturopathic Medicine. I always thought if I was ever to become a Naturopathic Physician I would [...]
Food Sensitivities

Food Sensitivities

Millions of Americans suffer from food sensitivities. These sensitivities can cause a wide array of symptoms from rashes to bloating, from congestion [...]
Autism and Allergies, What’s the Link?

Autism and Allergies, What’s the Link?

In 1943, Austrian psychiatrist Leo Kanner was first to describe autism. His article “Autistic Disturbances of Affective“ described 11 children who had [...]
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