Category: Conditions
Dr. Lauren Young, owner of CT Natural Health Specialists
This business spotlight is our 4th in a series recognizing local holistic practitioners and businesses that are celebrating 10 years in 2017. I had th [...]
The In’s and Out’s of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Bioidentical hormone therapy refers to hormone replacement with hormonal substances that are, on a molecular level, identical to what our own bodies m [...]
What Is Happening With My Hormones?
In my many years in private practice as a board-certified Ob/Gyn, I had many appointments with women who complained to me that they felt that their “h [...]
Diagnosed with Lyme? Support Your Immune System
There are many ways our immune system can be challenged from combating colds and flu to more chronic responses like autoimmune disease. While we gener [...]
Your Mouth Has Gotten You Into Trouble!
Many of my patients come in with a myriad of health problems, dental concerns and an extensive history of dental procedures. People are not aware that [...]
Your GI Distress May Be Due to Leaky Gut Syndrome
I learned the importance of gut health over 30 years ago. It all started when I found a naturopathic doctor for my four year old daughter. She had be [...]
Lowering Your Cholesterol May Not Prevent Heart Disease: Part 2
Dietary factors and therapeutic lifestyle changes have no side effects. They should be considered the first line of defense in preventive cardiology. [...]
Suffering from Foot and Ankle Pain?
Are you an athlete with foot and ankle pain? Or an elderly person with balance issues? Or suffering from bunions or fallen arches? Surprisingly, there [...]
Choose a Healthcare Team that Addresses Wellness
Every day we make choices that affect our health and wellness. When we wake up we choose what thoughts we want to empower that color our mood for the [...]
Food: You Are What You Eat
Food is the ONE thing that people dose themselves with every single day. Food provides comfort and nourishment. It is engrained in casual social even [...]
Finding Relief with a Low Histamine Diet
Many years ago, I embarked on an autoimmune Paleo diet (AIP) to see if it would help calm my immune system. The results, at first, were remarkable. I [...]
Tools To Take Charge of Your Health
Have you ever felt like you need a “tune-up?” Health and body need a re-boot? Are you feeling less than your best? Chalking it up to working too hard [...]
Food Intolerance: Is What I’m Eating Hurting Me?
Food intolerance and sensitivity are terms used interchangeably when referring to troublesome, but non-life threatening responses to ingested food. T [...]
Seasonal Allergy Suffering is on the Rise
The number of seasonal allergy sufferers have been on the rise in recent years. There are only so many nasal sprays and decongestants that can be take [...]
The Empath’s Survival Guide
Being an empath is the new normal. The “Empath’s Survival Guide” is a perfect guide book. Now people will know how to cope with being highly sensitive [...]
Impact of Childhood Trauma and Stressors in Fibromyalgia
Traumatic experiences and stressors in childhood have historically been overlooked as predisposing factors in the development of various chronic pain [...]
Spring Cleaning for Your Diet
Life brings us the message that we need to detoxify in many ways. Physically our body gives us wake up calls with low energy, achiness, bad skin and [...]
Saying Goodbye to Gluten: The Emotional Journey
I’ve just had a difficult discussion with a patient about a diagnosis of Celiac disease. For those unfamiliar with Celiac, it’s an autoimmune disorde [...]
Detox Every Day with Real Food
We don’t have to wait for a special day or season to do this, with the right lifestyle and food, it just happens. It can be simple, affordable and del [...]
The Body’s Brilliant Recycling Project
We hear a lot about “detox” but many of us don’t really stop to think about what that means in our body. Most often we hear about detox cleanses wher [...]
Lowering Your Cholesterol May Not Prevent Heart Disease
In the “old” days LDL was considered “bad” cholesterol . . . . HDL, on the other hand, was traditionally believed to be “good” cholesterol . . . The p [...]
Keeping Your Bones Healthy for Life
The current approach to osteoporosis illustrates two of the biggest problems in medicine today.
Drug Therapy
First is the myth that only drug the [...]
Why Am I So Sensitive to Chemicals?
As a young child, I remember being allowed by my parents to run ahead through the department store’s perfume section as long as I waited on the other [...]
It’s More Than Just a Knock on the Head
Concussions and head injuries are all over the news lately, especially now that football season is in full swing. They’ve even made their way to the s [...]