
Why Are All Skin Creams White?

Why Are All Skin Creams White?

If you think about it, most, if not all, skin creams are white. Ever wonder why? You see, base creams initially make it feel like you are applying moisture to your face, but skin creams are stripped down of their natural qualities, and manufactured chemicals are added to the formulation instead of natural enzymes found in rare plant extracts. This is why you are left with a white, lifeless skin cream. These chemicals actually dry out your face and make you more reliant on their products.

Standards of Practice
Immortal Opulence is a small company based right here in Connecticut. We hand-select the rare ingredients from around the globe – many from tribal farmers who cultivate wild harvests yet must meet ECOCERT standards. ECOCERT is a worldwide certifier of organic farming products and is accredited to certify organic ingredients according to the NOP standards under the USDA. We make smaller batches under obsessive quality control, which maintains the natural color of the cream without stripping away the powerful enzymes that create the beautiful, silky transformation of your skin.

Only the Best Ingredients
True wild-crafted plants have developed strategies to fight off insects, handle changing environmental conditions, and produce powerful vital nutrients and enzymes to help ensure their survival. Once harvested, they offer more in terms of health benefits and nutrients. Here are three of the special ingredients we have selected and why:

  1. Amaranth Oil. The oil is left in its pure virgin form as it never left the seed. This is why the external application of amaranth oil can help dramatically improve skin quality, slowing the aging of skin and the development of wrinkles and damage due to harsh environments. And surprisingly, amaranth oil also helps protect against other unwanted skin conditions. For external application purposes, amaranth oil is a natural moisturizer that penetrates the skin quickly, leaves no greasy feeling, blends well with other oils, and never irritates the skin.
  2. Wild Harvest Prickly Pear Cactus Seed Oil. A Moroccan oil, Prickly Pear contains the most Vitamin E of any beauty oil on the market (150 % more than Argan Oil) and the highest percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (88 %), making it an incredibly powerful oil for skin health. This reduces wrinkles and is a potent free radical scavenger. To make cactus seed oil, farmers harvest the ripe cactus fruit around the end of July. When ripe, the ovoid cactus fruit is slightly soft and has a green to reddish-purple color. The cactus fruit contains a reddish, greenish, yellowish sweet pulp full of black seeds. The seeds are separated from the fruit and dried. It is cold pressed from these seeds.
    This oil penetrates deeply without leaving behind a greasy residue. It restores elasticity and brightens the complexion, and its high antioxidant activity stimulates cell renewal, leaving you with fresh, new skin. This oil intensely hydrates the skin and is suitable for all skin types but works particularly well on dry, mature skin. A high linoleic acid content soothes even the most dehydrated skin. Essential fatty acids in prickly pear oil keep the collagen layer of your skin moist and healthy, which keeps your pores tight. Prickly pear also slows skin aging because it contains the highest levels of betalains of any known plant. Betalains are super antioxidants with powerful anti-aging effects. The high fatty acid content plumps the skin, reducing wrinkles, adding firmness, and intercepting free radical damage, and will not clog your pores.
  3. Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil. Sea buckthorn, also known as sea berry, is a small pea-sized fruit rich in over 190 nutrients and Omegas-3, 6, 9, and the elusive Omega-7. Put simply, Omega-7 can help restore the skin’s natural omega balance, protect skin cells, and aid in the healing of cells. The Turkestanica Sea Berry is a subspecies harvested exclusively in the Himalayan Highlands at 12,000 feet above sea level. The harsh conditions in this high mountain area create plants and berries, which must develop powerful vital nutrients and enzymes to help ensure their survival. Once harvested, they offer more in terms of health benefits and nutrients.

The little orange berry used for over 13 centuries is wild-crafted and sustainably harvested and is the world’s richest source of Omega-7. While sea buckthorn grows all across the globe, this harvest comes exclusively from wild-growing fields in the Himalayan Mountains, where a special subspecies of sea buckthorn grows called Turkestanica. With the presence of the legendary SOD (superoxide dismutase), among other valuable nutrients, it makes this sea buckthorn berry oil invaluable for your health and beauty routine. Omega-7 is a special nutrient that protects, replenishes, moistens, and restores the skin. It is arguably a powerful alternative to Botox treatments.

Consider this: Approximately 60% of what you put on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream and then circulates throughout your entire body, possibly affecting your organs, too. This is why we, as consumers, must read labels to keep our bodies healthy. It’s not only what we ingest but what we absorb.

Learn how to truly rejuvenate your skin and cause a dramatic transformation that will maintain your natural beauty with no health concerns to worry about – ever.

Richard Fanelli is a relentless anti-aging researcher and professionally trained skin care formulator. His anti-aging skin cream, Immortal Opulence, was awarded best-in-category two years in a row by Natural Nutmeg readers. He resides in Connecticut.

Visit: www.MyImmortalOpulence.com to learn more.