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Turning 70: Lessons from an Older, Wiser Self

Turning 70: Lessons from an Older, Wiser Self

I recently turned 70, and I began to examine life, aging, and all the information that floods my brain when I stop, think, and listen. One thing that stands out to me is my gratitude for my health, my sanity, and my ability to persevere. Like most people, I have experienced the full spectrum of joy, despair, and all that is in between. I am committed to learning from each experience, trying not to get stuck, and moving forward with humility.

In my early twenties, when life felt particularly bleak, I was saved by seeking my path and finding my spirituality. I learned to listen to that inner guidance that would sometimes pop up. Thankfully I was quiet enough to hear it, pay attention, and really listen. Color came back into my world.

When I was 22 years old, my first time experience Rolfing, I had an experience of inner guidance during that I would become a Rolfer. It came along with visual content as well. I was awestruck, putting it on the back burner until a year or so later.

It became more evident each day that I should quit graduate school and pursue the prerequisites to get into The Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® in Boulder, Colorado. And what a ride it has been!

Listen to Your Inner Guides
I remember one Saturday morning when I was about 23, the phone rang. As I reached to answer the corded, plugged-in telephone, I heard a voice say, “Your parents are getting a divorce.” I picked up the receiver. My father was on the other end of the phone, which was strange because he never called me. Then he told me that he and my mom were getting a divorce. How weird…I knew it, I had just “heard” it, and now it was confirmed.

Things like that had been happening, but I was young, somewhat foolish, inquisitive, and setting out to figure out my life. Knowing I had some guidance was very powerful, but I didn’t always hear the messages. I had to be quiet enough, which at times, at that age, was a difficult task.

Being young, finding out we have inner guides, and learning to listen to them was truly an unimagined art to me. Those guides have served me well over the years, and I feel blessed to have their wisdom. Without that guidance, I felt like a kite without a tail. There was upward movement, but it was erratic and frenetic. I longed for order, support, and direction. My prayers were answered – I just needed to be quiet enough to hear and listen. Like most younger adults, I had to find my way.

Listen to Your Body
On the physical plane, I feel that many Rolfing® sessions over decades were the basis for me to overcome some very rough physical issues that threatened my well-being. Eighteen years ago, having had a lumpectomy for breast cancer, chemo, radiation, and infusions for another year brought complications that resulted in three more surgeries that might have sidelined some. But my strong physical structure, deep belief in my life having meaning, and not being ready to give up provided solid ground to fully recover and become a better version of myself!

When I had a very bad fall down the stairs eight years ago, resulting in smashed knees, a shredded meniscus in my right knee, and two tendons that popped off the bone in my shoulder, I needed more surgery and much rehab. I was told by some that I would never be the same and that shoulder surgery was limiting. I healed exceptionally well. I sought out the right doctors and had great communication, and those physical issues became tucked into my past. I recovered, and again, am better than before. The body’s healing process is miraculous.

Find Your Best Healing Process
So, how do we heal? Is it luck? Is it belief?

In my case, I think it’s a combination of my tenacious nature, really good bodywork, a strong belief in Spirit, and the inner guidance that pops up when I need it most. Of course, doctors have their role. I’m not anti-doctor or anti-medication, but I need to have clear explanations and reasons to believe in what is being said to me. I can align with that information and knowledge, and then I can fully participate in my own healing process alongside a trusted practitioner.

As I get older and wiser, I hold onto railings when I go down the stairs. I am much more cautious when driving my car because one false move on someone else’s part could alter my life quickly and perhaps permanently. That is not in MY future – been there, done that, and don’t want that experience again.

Now, I love the quiet, the peaceful alone time, the presence of nature. I love the supercharge I get from intimate, connected time with a friend or loved one, the joy and purpose I receive from my Rolfing® practice, a hug, time with my beloved pet family, a phone call or connection that warms my heart and soul—and throw in some exercise and great conscious foods. Waking up each morning and writing ten gratitudes in a journal starts my day with joy, love, and inner wisdom. I am more peaceful than ever.

Healing through life in all different ways – physically, mentally, and spiritually – takes time, patience, and determination to put the past in the past and live in the moment. Try to slow down, unplug more, be quieter, and look to the small things for comfort. Love yourself first, so you are better able to love those around you. You have the benefit of time, the willingness to change, and the insights to create a life well-lived if you take charge, shift gears, and listen more deeply. See what shows up for you!

I wish you a long life that is filled with purpose, meaning, health, and joy. Now is the time to participate in your own healing journey. It is never too late to start.

Sharon Sklar is in her 44th year of private practice as a Certified Advanced Rolfer. She has been voted one of Natural Nutmeg’s 10BEST Bodyworkers for the last six years and is very grateful for the support. Sharon works with direct manipulation of the soft tissue of the body and movement re-education over a ten-session series to help her clients feel freer, get more balanced, and reduce chronic pain. Great for athletes, children, and adults recovering from the stress, injuries, or traumas of life. Inquiries are encouraged! State Licensed. Call 860.561.4337 for more info or to schedule a consultation.