Category: Remedies

1 3 4 5 6 7 10 120 / 221 POSTS
Keto: Good For Diabetes & Prediabetes?

Keto: Good For Diabetes & Prediabetes?

I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for 13 years. After I was diagnosed, every endocrinologist and diabetes educator I met with told me to eat a diet high in [...]
Tackling the Myths About CBD

Tackling the Myths About CBD

Your CBD Stores’ is a Bio/Plant Science Company offering SunMed CBD-Rich Hemp oil extracts. The boutique-style educational centers offer the highest-q [...]
“Get on the Ball!”

“Get on the Ball!”

My undergraduate degree was in sculpture from Boston University. We studied the human form with two years of anatomy and my last two years had a proje [...]
Using Nutrition to Combat Alcohol Abuse & Dependence: A Primer

Using Nutrition to Combat Alcohol Abuse & Dependence: A Primer

"...[A]lcoholism is a complex genetic-biochemical disorder more closely related to diabetes or to sugar metabolic syndrome than to any behavioral or p [...]
CBD Therapy: Just The Facts

CBD Therapy: Just The Facts

CBD stands for ‘Cannabidiol’ which is a compound extracted from hemp. Hemp contains CBD as well as hundreds of other plant compounds, including CBN, C [...]
Reflexology: An Ancient Healing Art for Today’s Stresses

Reflexology: An Ancient Healing Art for Today’s Stresses

Natural therapies evoke natural responses for the enrichment of mind, body and “sole.” With that thought in mind, I invite you to relax, take off your [...]
Get Your “Slinky” Back: Get Rolfed

Get Your “Slinky” Back: Get Rolfed

Remember watching a slinky roll itself down the stairs? It was one continuous metal coil that effortlessly flowed with ease, grace and symmetry, poetr [...]
Is Stress Literally WEIGHING You Down?

Is Stress Literally WEIGHING You Down?

Dieting can only take you so far if your mental state can’t create or sustain good habits. Moreover, if you live in constant stress, you probably simp [...]
Hypnosis: A Proven, No Diet, Weight Loss Solution

Hypnosis: A Proven, No Diet, Weight Loss Solution

Those long, cold, dreary days of winter are finally upon us again. The beautiful holiday lights have dimmed. The festive decorations removed. All the [...]
Exploring Infertility with Shamanic or Hypnotic Regressive Techniques

Exploring Infertility with Shamanic or Hypnotic Regressive Techniques

In my professional practice and personal relationships, I’ve witnessed the heartbreak that women, men and couples endure due to infertility. Sometimes [...]
New Year, New You!

New Year, New You!

Start your new year by changing some old habits that don’t really contribute to your well-being. Here are some quick tips to make a few easy changes t [...]
The Critical Importance of Full Body Detoxification

The Critical Importance of Full Body Detoxification

"Have you ever noticed that many people treat their cars better than their bodies? They wouldn’t dream of ignoring a warning light on the dash lettin [...]
6 Stellar Superfoods for You and Your Baby

6 Stellar Superfoods for You and Your Baby

Eating for two is not easy and there is a lot of pressure to get the right nutrition, especially when there is so much information out there about the [...]
The Natural Path To Reduce Stress & Anxiety

The Natural Path To Reduce Stress & Anxiety

"Most people experience stress and anxiety at some point in their lives. Depending on the level of severity, they can detrimentally impact one’s quali [...]
The Heavenly Heat of Far-Infrared Heating Pads

The Heavenly Heat of Far-Infrared Heating Pads

The first thing I noticed personally when I used a far-infrared (FIR) heating pad was the tingle. It was a familiar tingle since I had just returned f [...]
A Natural Path to  Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails

A Natural Path to Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails

"New research explores the relationship of what’s known as the “gut-skin axis”, and how food, gut infections, and conditions such as leaky gut can imp [...]
Amp Up the Healing With Electroacupuncture

Amp Up the Healing With Electroacupuncture

I always chuckle a bit at the look of terror that spreads across my patients’ faces when I first tell them I’d like to hook up some of their needles t [...]
The Intersection of CBD and Acupuncture

The Intersection of CBD and Acupuncture

I ran into a former patient of mine (let’s call her Jane) in the grocery store a few months ago. She had stopped regular acupuncture treatments a few [...]
Natural Ways to Promote Breast Health &  Prevent Breast Cancer (Part 2)

Natural Ways to Promote Breast Health & Prevent Breast Cancer (Part 2)

[S]ome of the best weapons you can give your Warrior Goddess to help her successfully fend off breast cancer are very tiny. . . . Only small amounts o [...]
Nutrition: A Reliable Method to Manage Mental Illness

Nutrition: A Reliable Method to Manage Mental Illness

Each year, mental illness affects 43.8 million or 1 in 5 adults nationwide. A growing body of evidence suggests that poor nutrition contributes to thi [...]
Natural Ways to Promote Breast Health &  Prevent Breast Cancer (Part 1)

Natural Ways to Promote Breast Health & Prevent Breast Cancer (Part 1)

Not counting some kinds of skin cancer, breast cancer in the United States is: The most common cancer in women, no matter your race or ethnicity. The [...]
The Emerging Field of Nutrition and Mental Health

The Emerging Field of Nutrition and Mental Health

From the time of the ancients until the 17th century everyone recognized the interconnectedness of the mind and body. The idea of viewing the mind an [...]
Every Thought You Think Releases Chemicals in Your Brain

Every Thought You Think Releases Chemicals in Your Brain

Struggling with anxiety, panic attacks, a depression that comes from being chronically anxious? Maybe you have a phobia that's limiting your life, or [...]
Give Your Mind a Detox

Give Your Mind a Detox

When we talk about detox, we typically focus on just the physical body. What about the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies? Those need to be deto [...]
1 3 4 5 6 7 10 120 / 221 POSTS