
Are Plants Ineffective and Weak in Skin Care?

Are Plants Ineffective and Weak in Skin Care?

Which plants and their oils can cause severe damage to your skin? Which plants negatively affect around 85 million people per year? Which plants send around 45,000 people to the emergency room every year? You’ve guessed it: poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac.

Can you think of anything else, even a medication, that can negatively affect your skin with such power? Maybe you or someone you know has experienced the excruciating effects of these plants and their oils found in nature. These plants contain a powerful oily resin called urushiol. When we unwittingly brush against its leaves, this sticky substance infiltrates and brutalizes our skin.

Here’s how it wreaks havoc:

  1. Urushiol Penetration: Upon contact, urushiol seeps into our skin. It’s like an unwelcome guest at a party – it doesn’t leave easily.
  2. Immune System Activation: Our immune system detects this intruder. Immune cells and skin proteins engage in a fierce battle. The result? Inflammation – the infamous rash.
  3. Redness, Itching, and Blisters: The rash appears as redness, accompanied by maddening itchiness. Blisters may form, making us feel like we’ve tangled with a tiny, malevolent cactus.
  4. Delayed Reaction: The rash doesn’t play fair. It often waits a day or two before making its grand entrance.

Can you even imagine if urushiol oil accidentally found its way into a jar of your skin cream? Yikes! I don’t even want to think about it. But this is the far negative end of the scale when it comes to the unbelievable power of plants.

The Positive Power of Plant Healing
Of course, there is a far positive end of the scale when it comes to the unbelievable healing power of plants, as well.

There are many rare plants and oils that can affect your skin in the most positive ways. When applied to your skin in precise amounts and when positive plant oils are able to penetrate your skin deeply, these botanicals can provide incredible healing, rejuvenation, and restorative properties.

Many plant oils are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help to boost collagen production in the skin. Many also have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can also help reduce inflammation associated with aging, sun damage, and a variety of skin problems. They do not aggravate your immune system like urushiol does.

When it comes to anti-aging and natural skincare, some skin creams do contain healing oils – and some of these unique creams not only rejuvenate your skin to youthful levels but can also improve some of the more extreme skin conditions.

This requires a trained, natural skin care formulator who can piece together different botanicals and create a variety of positive synergistic effects within your skin, which can help repair cell damage and virtually take years off your face. Now you have a winning formulation for a powerful anti-aging skin cream which can be a benefit to you in many ways and won’t damage your immune system or skin. 

Do you now understand the power of plants?

Remember: God heals his creation with his creation!

Richard Fanelli is a relentless anti-aging researcher and professionally trained skin care formulator. His anti-aging skin cream, Immortal Opulence, was awarded best-in-category two years in a row by Natural Nutmeg readers. He resides in Connecticut.

Visit www.MyImmortalOpulence.com to learn more.