Acupuncture hails from a bigger framework – commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) – that provides various treatment options for numerous ailments. However, it is very common to hear many of our friends and family using this modality to treat their pain, that is, if they have even heard of acupuncture at all.
The beauty of acupuncture stems from its dynamic functionality. This is especially true in modern times, as the number of prescription medications the aging population is taking continues to increase. It can be challenging to prescribe supplements or herbs when a patient is on polypharmacy due to the increased likelihood of adverse reactions. Acupuncture is one such modality that provides no threat of interaction but yields great efficacy.
Acute Illness
Think twice about canceling that standing weekly acupuncture appointment due to symptoms of a potential cold or sinus infection. The concern typically being addressed may not be the target of therapy that day, but if there’s a cough, runny nose, headache, or fever, acupuncture can help provide some relief. This won’t necessarily negate the potential need for conventional modalities, but it can provide much-needed relief during these times.
Digestive Concerns
Move over, laxatives – acupuncture is here! Acupuncture addresses the functional and neurogenic components of digestive concerns. It can help relax the patient and get them into a more parasympathetic state while also helping to harmonize the various constituents to ensure all systems are a go – literally!
Acupuncture works for those individuals with decreased as well as excessive bowel movements, as well as gas, bloating, and other digestive symptoms. This is helpful for patients who are on painkillers or medications that are known to slow bowel transit time; it is a welcome relief since these individuals might be lucky if they have one bowel movement every four days!
Fertility and Women’s Reproductive Health
Reproductive health is an exciting area of utilization, as it is proving itself a contender in the ever-increasing landscape of “unexplained infertility.” Research is showing in both natural conception and assisted reproductive technology (ART) that acupuncture can help to increase the live birth rate and implantation rate while also almost doubling the odds of becoming pregnant. More families are now considering ART to grow their families, and acupuncture is significantly increasing pregnancy rates in women with unexplained infertility going through any of the various ART modalities.
As for those women not yet interested in having children but keenly aware that their body’s hormones are seemingly unbalanced, acupuncture can provide assistance. This is a promising alternative to the number one suggestion: hormonal contraception. Supporting a woman throughout the various phases of her cycle will provide a way to optimize menstruation, support strong ovulation, combat hormonal acne, and so much more.
Stress and Anxiety No More
While the Western world affords us many conveniences, this is not without the things it takes from us in return. Stressful scenarios and anxiety abound in the fast-paced society we have created for ourselves, but that doesn’t mean living with these debilities is a necessity.
Acupuncture helps balance the nervous system and evoke appropriate responses to various stimuli. Certainly, the 45–60 minutes of “me time” doesn’t hurt, but there is power in the very intentional needle placement.
While this list is not exhaustive, it is fairly comprehensive and conveys how diverse a therapy acupuncture truly is. It isn’t uncommon for patients to reach out as a last-ditch attempt for help and begin to employ acupuncture techniques, but don’t save it for last. Acupuncture doesn’t need to be employed as a solo therapy for a specific concern; it is entirely safe to be combined with others, including pharmaceuticals.
Dr. Lyndsey Maher is the medical director of Soleil Acupuncture and Naturopathic Wellness in Hamden, CT, an integrative medical clinic. Her own health concerns in adolescence led her to naturopathic medicine so that she could give others the tools to make the most empowered and educated decisions for their own health. She sees various health matters in practice including but not limited to: hormonal health, fertility, and diseases of metabolism.