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The Magic Is Inside Us: How We Can Heal Ourselves Naturally

The Magic Is Inside Us: How We Can Heal Ourselves Naturally

When I read that this issue’s theme was “Boosting Your Immune System Naturally,” I instantly thought of a quote by Dr. Ida P. Rolf: “When the body gets working appropriately, it will spontaneously heal itself.” I have seen that happen many times in my forty-three years as a Rolfer. It’s common for me to see people lessen or get rid of chronic pain. It’s typical for people to experience looseness and freedom. It’s not unusual to see people feel better about themselves and become more productive.

There have been some unusual cases that were quite memorable. This article will focus on a few cases I remember fondly and with awe.
The Dead-End Kids
Years ago, I Rolfed an eighty-two-year-old woman; I’ll call her May. She was on meds for reflux that weren’t helping her. She saw many doctors and Specialists. She was fine all day and then had terrible pain after dinner, no matter what she ate. She changed her diet, took all kinds of digestive aids, and was at her wit’s end because the pain caused her to stay awake most of the night. She came to see me. I get a lot of what I call “The Dead-End Kids”—people who have sought out many types of treatments to no avail. We would soon see what we could do together.

Since Rolfing is a ten-session series of hands-on bodywork that directly realigns the major segments of the body, results can take time, education, and patience. We Rolfers see the body as a series of blocks that, through the accidents, injuries, and traumas of life, come out of alignment, causing strain and imbalance throughout the body. When this happens, we can suffer from all kinds of issues – headaches and chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain. Could we now add reflux to the mix?

May and I had the standard consultation, where she was photographed from the front, back, and two side views to see her body structure). I noticed that she had a very short waist; there wasn’t much space between her belly and chest. Her lower back was flat, her buttocks were tucked under, and she had lost the lumbar curve in her lower back. As our sessions progressed, I asked questions about her life, her days, and her activities.

May only suffered from this reflux pain in the evening. After she made dinner, her main activity was to lie back in her recliner, watch TV, and relax. Aha! Her diet was not causing her issues—her body structure was! She didn’t have enough room for her food to digest; her relaxed position resulted in a shortened and compressed abdomen. She never had digestive issues during the day because she was running around shopping, cooking, and living her life. Her collapsing torso was the reason for her pain as she reclined to relax after dinner.

As her body took on more length from her Rolfing sessions, her abdomen was less compressed and had more space. She learned to sit better, using her body comfortably and easily. Soon, her issues disappeared; she went off all the medications and was free of reflux and pain. She completed the ten sessions and was thrilled with the results.

The Pianist
Another client I saw was a pianist from Argentina who was studying at The Hartt School at The University of Hartford. His back was in terrible pain; he could hardly sit at the piano. Playing was his life’s passion, but his pain was keeping him from performing. He was unable to play for more than 10 or 15 minutes without pain interrupting him. He sought out Rolfing.

He told me that from a young age, he had been taught to sit at the piano in a specific way. It appeared to me to be hyperextensive and probably causing his extreme pain. His thrust to keep his chest up, compressing his lumbar spine and shifting it too far forward, which created pain that sometimes went down his legs. 

Since Rolfing is all about creating balance, order, and structure, our work together lessened the tensional force by allowing his upper body to relax and become more fluid. His lower back became more flexible, the pain subsided, and he was able to enjoy his life’s passion again.

The Magic of Rolfing®
I have had countless clients with that same holding pattern, thinking they are doing the best thing for their posture even though it causes problems and sometimes extreme pain. Bodies should feel comfortable and move with natural flexibility. Anything less than that signals that alignment and balance are off. When we pay attention to ourselves, our bodies, and what is possible, we can expect miracles.

I’ve seen teenagers become more confident and mature within a few sessions as they become more united with their bodies. As a person comes more into physical balance, the psyche can shift, and the two become more congruent. Amazing things happen when we feel grounded and have the capacity to reach upward – I’ve even had an older female client who was spontaneously relieved of her food sensitivities. I would not have believed it or thought it possible, but she achieved a new lease on life as she progressed through our sessions.

We can change many things about ourselves when we trust our inner knowing. Much of that starts with becoming more aware and looking at what could be missing or lying dormant. We have the innate ability to heal ourselves. Hopefully, we use that power to become healthier, happier, more whole, and more in touch with the world around us. Have a splendid journey!

Sharon Sklar is in her 43rd year of private practice as a Certified Advanced Rolfer. She has been voted one of Natural Nutmeg’s 10BEST Bodyworkers for the last five years. Sharon works with direct manipulation of the soft tissue of the body and movement re-education over a ten-session series to help her clients feel freer, get more balanced, and reduce chronic pain. Great for athletes, children, and adults recovering from the stress, injuries, or traumas of life. Inquiries are encouraged! State Licensed.

Call 860.561.4337 for more info or to schedule a consultation. www.SharonSklarRolfing.com.