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In the Flow

In the Flow

Have you ever had a day when all things flowed smoothly, and the world seemed in sync? I recently had a perfect day that, from beginning to end, showed me that I was living as I was intended to live with harmony, synchronicity, and joy. My heart still feels excited when I recall that day, and my wish is to have more ease and flow on a daily basis.

A Full Day
I awoke that Wednesday, my day off, with much to do and a schedule to keep. There were many aspects of the day that seemed out of my control. The big one was a workman coming to repair something, and the window of arrival was a four-hour block. Everything depended on his timely arrival, his timely service, and my ability to return home, take care of my brood of critters, and meet a dear friend for dinner and a show at the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts in Hartford.

When I booked the service appointment, I kindly asked that I be scheduled at the beginning of that block of time as I had important commitments that had time constraints. That day, the workman showed up early and was so very friendly and helpful and got the job done. I was overjoyed by the ease with which this part of my day was going as I was an hour away from home and had time deadlines.

I returned home, walked the dogs, fed my four critters, made a couple of important business calls, and zoomed off to the restaurant to meet my friend. Briefly forgetting it was rush hour, I drove into Hartford in a sort of guided bubble. I had a clear path ahead, found a parking space right near the restaurant, walked in, and saw the huge clock on the wall – it was exactly 5:30 p.m., the time we said we’d meet! I was thrilled to have this effortless chain of events unfolding on this day.

We had a lovely dinner and had plenty of special time to catch up on each other’s busy lives. My car was parked closer to the restaurant than the theater, so with my ticket in hand, I left to move my car. We would meet in the lobby in just a few minutes. There are three lobbies, and we forgot to say which one would be the meeting place. After waiting several minutes, I decided to go to my seat, look at the program and settle in waiting for my friend. We had great seats – a sixth-row center orchestra. As I looked at the stage and the program, seeing my nephew’s name as the executive producer, I took a quick photo of the stage and sent it to him. Based in NYC and traveling all over the world, I thought he might like to see where I was.

“Guess where I am?!” I wrote. A few seconds later, he sent me a photo from outside the theater saying, “Guess where I am?!” I was so excited. I wrote that we should rendezvous during intermission. He always takes notes to give the stage manager to keep the production sharp. I checked my phone for the time, turned to look up at the aisle to see if my friend was coming and who was sitting right behind me – my nephew, his husband, and my sister! We were speechless and hugged with such joy! Then my friend came, knowing the guys and my sister – more hugs and happiness. We could not have planned it that way. It was just perfect! I felt on top of the world.

The show, Les Misérables, was amazing. My nephew was surrounded by actors who knew him during intermission and after the show. His decision to come to Hartford was a last-minute opportunity when, just that morning, their babysitter said she could stay with the kids. I was happy to share the whole thing with my dear friend and to revel in this joyous and magical day.

Finding the Flow
How do we get there to have a perfect day filled with flow and ease? I look at my life and know that when I am chasing my tail with busyness, I seldom flow. When I am not well-rested, I cannot be open to joy. When my thoughts and deeds are heart-centered, I seem to breeze through my tasks and obligations with ease and serenity.

Is the secret to slow down and tap into the power of being present? There is a flow to life, and we need to be more in tune to experience it. Turning off the noise – TV, radio, our phones, our screens, listening to the news, being around negativity – are all just overlying the fundamental truth that we are out of touch with ourselves. It is so easy to be swept up in our fast-paced world full of distractions.

It is my commitment to ease up on myself and my busyness and to slow down. I do not watch the news as I used to, and I do not stress over things I have no control over. I am drinking enough water and getting the nourishment my body needs and deserves. I am making to-do lists on paper to get those things out of my head and being kind to myself when I accomplish a few small tasks. There is such accomplishment when I cross out an item. Small steps help me to create a flow that supports my overall well-being.

Similarly, I see my work as a Rolfer as a gateway to help people find that flow in their bodies. Waking up refreshed and feeling easy with no pain is a joy. To progress through the day with a body that moves well and feels light is a blessing. All these things are achievable.

Energy is energy; flow is flow. When we live in the flow, our bodies and minds can create conditions that allow miracles and universal support to occur. We are one with the Universe, and everything seems easy.

Try out some easing techniques for yourself. See if a lighter and more in-tune approach helps you breathe a bit deeper. See if there is more happiness in the quieter times and in finishing smaller chores. Listen to nothing. Be with yourself and feel the flow. Nourish yourself in body, mind, and spirit. Life is meant to be rich, full, and joyous.

Sharon Sklar is in her 44th year of private practice as a Certified Advanced Rolfer. She has been voted one of Natural Nutmeg’s 10BEST Bodyworkers for the last six years and is very grateful for the support. Sharon works with direct manipulation of the soft tissue of the body and movement re-education over a ten session series to help her clients feel freer, get more balanced, and reduce chronic pain. Great for athletes, children, and adults recovering from the stress, injuries, or traumas of life. Inquiries are encouraged! State Licensed.

Call 860.561.4337 for more info or to schedule a consultation. www.SharonSklarRolfing.com.