Category: Remedies
Sleep Loss Has Profound Effects on Health
After decades of research, the case can be confidently made that sleep loss and sleep disorders have profound and widespread effects on human health.
Becoming a Reiki Master
Reiki draws on universal energies and can be used for healing, psychic and spiritual development. It connects the Reiki Practitioner and person receiv [...]
The Power of Biomechanical Bodywork: A Different Kind of Massage
We all know that massage is medicine to the body. Massage is primarily prescribed for medical or stress-related issues and the goal is to loosen and l [...]
3 Myths Busted About Type 2 Diabetes
Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for diabetics? The biggest commonality with every diabetic or heart disease patient that [...]
New Year’s Resolutions That Bring Lasting Change
There’s no better time to improve your life than at the birth of the new year. The new calendar is a fresh, clean slate and most of us feel energized [...]
Chronic Inflammation, Pain & Disease: Combating Them Naturally (Part 2)
Whole-body inflammation refers to chronic, imperceptible, low-level inflammation. . . .[O]ver time this kind of inflammation sets the foundation for m [...]
Mind-Body Medicines: An Essential Component For Health And Healing
Did you know the mind is among the most powerful tools you could utilize for healing and health? Mind-body Medicines (or MBMs) are among some of the m [...]
End the Nightmare of Insomnia
Are your eyes bleary as you read this? Did you just stifle a yawn? If so, you’re not alone because over 30 million adults and over two million childr [...]
The Secret for Living Disease and Stress Free
In today’s society, it is normal for older citizens to shows signs of multiple chronic diseases and a lower standard of living due to health problems [...]
Chronic Inflammation, Pain & Disease: Combating Them Naturally (Part 1)
In the classic response to injury or infection, the injured area becomes red, swollen, hot, and painful. But, there is another type of inflammation t [...]
Hypnosis for Successful Relapse Prevention
The addiction statistics in this country are STAGGERING and have gotten more so in recent years. It feels like we all know someone who is struggling, [...]
Jessica Pizano, Owner of Fit to You, LLC
This business spotlight is our fifth in a series recognizing local holistic practitioners and businesses that are celebrating 10 years in 2017. I had [...]
Subconscious Tools for Troubling Times
It keeps you up at night, or maybe it’s there first thing when you wake up in the morning. Your eyes open and this wave of anxiety flows over you befo [...]
Navigating the Nutritional Supplement Industry
Nutritional supplements remain one of the most popular integrative medicine treatment modalities used throughout the United States. Adult cancer survi [...]
Should I Take Nutritional Supplements?
There is no absolute answer to whether or not supplementation is necessary, as it depends on the relative case. To err on the side of caution…no it is [...]
Hypnosis: Discover the Secret to Effortless Weight Loss
It’s that most wonderful time of year again. The leaves have fallen from the trees and the temperature of the air is cool and crisp. The dark evening [...]
Leveraging the Natural Power of the Mind to Conceive
The infertility statistics in the United States are a bit inconsistent, depending on the source you reference, but let’s face it, if you’re someone wh [...]
Boosting the Immune System with Natural Remedies (Part 1)
Low immune function refers to an underactive and poor performing immune system. The immune system’s prime function is to protect the body against infe [...]
Self Healing with Singing Bowls
“Healing is the state of coming into balance and harmony with our highest purpose.”
- Steve Halpern
If given the opportunity, th [...]
Cranial Therapy & Holistic Physical Therapy for Concussions and Sports Injuries
Have you ever felt completely helpless after one of your children incurs a sports injury or after you have injured yourself? We have all heard the phr [...]
Breast Cancer: The Integrative Connection
That scary word that any woman would fear to hear: Breast Cancer. Breast cancer is a serious condition striking 1 in 8 women. There will be an estimat [...]
Has Breast Cancer Touched Your Life?
As women, breast cancer is a part of our lives. It has been a part of my life since my mother had her first scare with it back when I was a teenager, [...]
Natural Ways to Address Aching Joints & Arthritis
People used to believe that osteoporosis and osteoarthritis were the result of aging and reduced intake of calcium and
milk products. Science has no [...]
Optimize Your Life by Nurturing Your Spine
What is Buddhism? While it is an umbrella term for various principles and practices all wrapped in a cultural layer, at its core, Buddhism is really a [...]