Category: Conditions
Food Sensitivities
Millions of Americans suffer from food sensitivities. These sensitivities can cause a wide array of symptoms from rashes to bloating, from congestion [...]
What Does Your Liver Have To Do With Your Weight?
Weight loss can be a frustrating and arduous task for many people, especially when it seems like you’re doing everything right but not seeing the resu [...]
Getting Help at Home
When is it time to get home healthcare assistance? How do I make that decision? And when? These are questions families struggle with as they attempt t [...]
Chronic Insomnia: A Risk Factor for Disease Natural Ways to Get the Sleep You Need
"Sleep is not a luxury, but rather an important component of health. A healthy amount of sleep is crucial for a vibrant and productive lifestyle. . . [...]
Menopause Sleep Issues: The Adrenal Connection
by Debra Gibson, N.D.
Menopause, also called the change of life, has been the focus of much-needed attention over the past several years, resulting [...]
Lyme Disease: Looking Beyond Borrelia
By Dr. Tom Moorcroft, DO
Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses have reached epidemic proportions in Connecticut and in much of the United Sta [...]
Addressing Underlying Medical Conditions in Autism
By Dr. Deb Bossio
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently estimate that 1 in 110 children in the United States are diagnosed wi [...]
Is Caring for a Loved One Taking a Toll On Your Other Relationships?
Often we are so busy paying attention to what we see, hear, or feel in the moment that we forget what is beneath the immediate surface of our daily li [...]
Special Diets and Autism: Is There a Benefit?
On a recent episode of the popular “Dr Oz Show,” which was devoted to autism, Mehmet Oz asked his panel of physicians if a gluten and casein free diet [...]
PMS: A Monthly Update
A woman’s monthly cycle is a direct barometer of how her body is feeling. Approximately 75 to 80% of women experience the following symptoms on a mont [...]
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A New Model Offering Hope for Recovery
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an increasingly common disorder characterized by impairment in social interaction and communication, as well as rest [...]
Benefits of Broccoli: Sulforaphane and Your Health
We all know that eating our broccoli is good for us, and many population studies have confirmed that people who eat more vegetables, and in particular [...]
Integrative Manual Therapy and Nutritional Wellness for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Is recovery from Autism possible? This is a common question in many parents’ minds today, along with: what will it take? Autism is a [...]
Music: A Window into the World of Autism
What do parents do when their two year-old child is quiet, does not point to things and sits like a stone in his car seat? When two musician parents w [...]
Autism and Allergies, What’s the Link?
In 1943, Austrian psychiatrist Leo Kanner was first to describe autism. His article “Autistic Disturbances of Affective“ described 11 children who had [...]
A New Approach to Resolving Spring Allergy Symptoms
Springtime is just around the corner and that means seasonal allergies will be in full swing soon. Spring is such a beautiful time of year and can b [...]
Supplements and Therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism. It’s growing and growing. In October 2009, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics published a study saying that 1 in 58 bo [...]
Chronic Toxin Overload
Chronic Toxin Overload:
The real cause of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
by Dr. Tom Moorcroft, DO
Patients who suffer from unrelenting [...]
The United States of America – An Overmedicated Society
by Dr. Henry Sobo
Here are two important facts that you should know:
#1. Medication sid [...]
Statin Drugs
Instead of giving my personal views on statins, let’s quickly review some of the studies done on these drugs and allow you to form your own educated o [...]
Cholesterol – Why We Can’t Live Without It
Written by Deanna M. Cherrone M.D., owner of Natural Health & Healing a Functional Medicine practice in Avon, CT.
Cholesterol is a fatty subs [...]
The Risks of Acid-Blocking Drugs
By Dr. Frank Aieta, ND
Drugs intended to treat heartburn, like Nexium or Prilosec, are among the most widely prescribed medicines in the United Sta [...]
Hypothyroid Symptoms – They’re Not in Your Head!
An interview with Dr. Frank Aieta (West Hartford), a Licensed Naturopathic Physician;
Dr. Ann Aresco (Kensington), a Licensed Naturopathic Physician; [...]