Category: Conditions

1 23 24 25 26 27 29 600 / 691 POSTS
Maintaining and Strengthening Relationships During Infertility Treatment

Maintaining and Strengthening Relationships During Infertility Treatment

As the saying goes, marriage takes work. In fact, all relationships are work, but in truth it is the external factors that test our most precious ties [...]
Pelvic Pain and Manual Therapy

Pelvic Pain and Manual Therapy

Do you suffer from pelvic pain? Is it chronic or does it just present when you are performing certain activities, such as riding a bicycle or having s [...]
Nurturing Your Relationship While Being a Working Mom

Nurturing Your Relationship While Being a Working Mom

One of the most challenging jobs in the world is being a mom. Factor in being a working mom and that job just got a little harder. It’s easy to lose [...]
Creating a Conscious Relationship with Your Partner

Creating a Conscious Relationship with Your Partner

Is there a formula for success in relationships? Have you ever wondered how some couples sustain healthy, happy, loving relationships while others se [...]
Why Have I Lost Interest in Sex?

Why Have I Lost Interest in Sex?

I sat down with Dr. Deanna Cherrone, founder of Natural Health & Healing in West Hartford, who has been studying and practicing functional medicine fo [...]
Libido – Beyond Hormones

Libido – Beyond Hormones

Sexual health is often overlooked in medical settings. While many doctors and patients realize the importance of discussing mental, physical, and emot [...]
Do you Feel Like a Train Wreck?

Do you Feel Like a Train Wreck?

When was the last time you went out with your friends or your partner to do something fun? Did the experience cause you any pain? Were you feeling the [...]
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) – The Critical Full-Body Protector

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) – The Critical Full-Body Protector

If you're older, your body becomes more and more challenged to convert the oxidized CoQ10 to ubiquinol . . . Further, as you get older your body l [...]
Is Stress Due To Your Mindset?

Is Stress Due To Your Mindset?

I don’t know about you, but at least once a day I hear someone—and yes, some days that someone is me—say “I’m so stressed out!” or “I can’t handle thi [...]
Treating Children’s Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Treating Children’s Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis, are an overreaction to substances that you breathe, causing an inflammatory response that affects [...]
Tick Talk – Prevention is, by Far, the Best Medicine

Tick Talk – Prevention is, by Far, the Best Medicine

Since the late, 1970s, ticks have become a common part of the life of the New Englander. We learned back then that ticks were the vector, or carrier, [...]
Harness the Power of Your Body!

Harness the Power of Your Body!

Bad posture is a modern day health epidemic that is much worse than most people understand. More often than not, we find ourselves slouching at some [...]
Allergy Season is Upon Us

Allergy Season is Upon Us

The April rainfall along with all this snow melting is going to make for a very wet season and lots and lots of mold. Rainy days increase mold spores [...]
Retrain Your Body to Prevent Allergies

Retrain Your Body to Prevent Allergies

Allergies occur when the body reacts inappropriately to a harmless substance. The reaction is a learned error in the immune system that creates a vari [...]
Vitamin D3:  A Study-Supported Essential Supplement (Part Two)

Vitamin D3: A Study-Supported Essential Supplement (Part Two)

Researchers are beginning to find that low levels of vitamin D may be linked to other diseases, including breast and colon cancer, prostate cancer, [...]
Good Bacteria…Bad Bacteria…What You Need to Know

Good Bacteria…Bad Bacteria…What You Need to Know

Many people cringe at the thought of bacteria, and are shocked about facts relating to them. For example, studies have shown the average adult human b [...]
When Food Sensitivities Take Over: The Mast Cell Connection

When Food Sensitivities Take Over: The Mast Cell Connection

It seems that in this modern era of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), processed foods, and chemically laden products, there is an astronomical in [...]
Oral Reflexology: How Your Mouth Reflects your Overall Health

Oral Reflexology: How Your Mouth Reflects your Overall Health

Reflexology has become a common practice in natural health. The concept of focusing on one part of the body to heal another is not new, and there is c [...]
The Right to Know…About What You’re Eating

The Right to Know…About What You’re Eating

Here we are in 2015, and there is so much to learn about our food and healthcare in America. Our food AND our health care, as they are one and the sam [...]
Autism Spectrum Disorder is Increasing at an Alarming Rate

Autism Spectrum Disorder is Increasing at an Alarming Rate

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is now being diagnosed in 1 in every 68 children, according to the most recent data (2010) from the Center for [...]
Want to Increase Your Libido and Longevity?

Want to Increase Your Libido and Longevity?

The Chinese people and many Asian cultures have learned to tap nature’s marvelous resources for what some call Radiant Health. They have studied the e [...]
Can Environmental Factors be Affecting Your Ability to Conceive?

Can Environmental Factors be Affecting Your Ability to Conceive?

Many couples don’t have to try very hard to conceive, while others struggle and are faced with the trials and tribulations of infertility. For either [...]
Managing Infertility is like Learning to Surf

Managing Infertility is like Learning to Surf

Suggestions such as “relax,” “take a vacation,” or “just give it time and it will happen,” are commonly heard by patients struggling with infertility. [...]
SOUL RETREIVAL AT WORK – Finding Meaning and Purpose at Work: Part 2

SOUL RETREIVAL AT WORK – Finding Meaning and Purpose at Work: Part 2

Something is missing at our place of work, something is very wrong….and we know it. Last month we discussed the cost of sleepwalking to work each day [...]
1 23 24 25 26 27 29 600 / 691 POSTS