Category: Conditions

1 12 13 14 15 16 31 336 / 744 POSTS
COVID-19: The Case for Preventive, Immunosupportive Therapy

COVID-19: The Case for Preventive, Immunosupportive Therapy

In recent weeks, healthcare providers and government officials have issued warnings against the spread of COVID-19, commonly referred to as coronaviru [...]
Your Mouth Has Gotten You Into Trouble!

Your Mouth Has Gotten You Into Trouble!

Many of my patients come in with a myriad of health problems, dental concerns and an extensive history of dental procedures. People are not aware that [...]
Debunking The Top 5 Self-Care Myths

Debunking The Top 5 Self-Care Myths

Self-care has gained notable momentum in the wellness community. We are all familiar with the concept that we, “cannot pour from an empty cup” or that [...]
PT-141: The Sexuality Peptide

PT-141: The Sexuality Peptide

The peptide PT-141 has been shown to have a substantial effect on libido, generating sexual arousal in both men and women. And it can work as an alter [...]
COVID-19: The Case for Preventive, Immunosupportive Therapy

COVID-19: The Case for Preventive, Immunosupportive Therapy

In recent weeks, healthcare providers and government officials have issued warnings against the spread of COVID-19, commonly referred to as coronaviru [...]
The Critical Functions of the Gut Microbiome

The Critical Functions of the Gut Microbiome

What is a microbiome? And why is this daunting biological term important to understanding our health? A microbiome is a colony or ecosystem of diverse [...]
CBD Therapy: Just The Facts

CBD Therapy: Just The Facts

CBD stands for ‘Cannabidiol’ which is a compound extracted from hemp. Hemp contains CBD as well as hundreds of other plant compounds, including CBN, C [...]
Heal Your Gut to Beat Disease and Achieve Your Ideal Weight

Heal Your Gut to Beat Disease and Achieve Your Ideal Weight

With 60-70 million Americans affected by digestive disorders like constipation, heart burn, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease or ulcerative co [...]
A Microbiome Reset to Transform Your Weight and Health

A Microbiome Reset to Transform Your Weight and Health

As a practitioner who focuses on microbiome medicine, I am still astonished at how much of our health is contingent upon the health of those little cr [...]
Creating Happy Memories for Dementia Patients and Loved Ones

Creating Happy Memories for Dementia Patients and Loved Ones

Dementia can make it difficult for seniors and their loved ones to enjoy one another’s company in the same way that the family is used to. Dementia c [...]
Reflexology: An Ancient Healing Art for Today’s Stresses

Reflexology: An Ancient Healing Art for Today’s Stresses

Natural therapies evoke natural responses for the enrichment of mind, body and “sole.” With that thought in mind, I invite you to relax, take off your [...]
Go with Your Gut!

Go with Your Gut!

Everything you eat passes through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the tube-like structure of your digestive system. The GI tract is home to millions [...]
Could Your Lifestyle Be Causing Infertility?

Could Your Lifestyle Be Causing Infertility?

In the age of instant gratification, infertility can feel like a diagnosis that will never be overcome for many couples wanting to be pregnant NOW. Mo [...]
Are You Buying Health Care…Or Disease Care?

Are You Buying Health Care…Or Disease Care?

There is no doubt health care in this country has to change. The very first thing to change is the definition of health care. Health care is not insur [...]
5 High Performance Anti-Aging Oils You Need This Winter

5 High Performance Anti-Aging Oils You Need This Winter

There are many great uses for essential oils, including helping to combat aging of the skin as well as keeping your skin super hydrated and nourished [...]
Is Stress Literally WEIGHING You Down?

Is Stress Literally WEIGHING You Down?

Dieting can only take you so far if your mental state can’t create or sustain good habits. Moreover, if you live in constant stress, you probably simp [...]
5 Tips to DeStress in the New Year

5 Tips to DeStress in the New Year

While stress is a hot topic all year, the holidays and the start of a new year bring a heightened awareness to the topic. Even as we wind down from t [...]
Make Stress Your Goal This Year

Make Stress Your Goal This Year

Most people want to alleviate stress in their life; so much so, that they stress over it, but there’s actually a good reason to embrace stress. Stres [...]
Exploring Infertility with Shamanic or Hypnotic Regressive Techniques

Exploring Infertility with Shamanic or Hypnotic Regressive Techniques

In my professional practice and personal relationships, I’ve witnessed the heartbreak that women, men and couples endure due to infertility. Sometimes [...]
5 Steps for The Basics of Improving Fertility

5 Steps for The Basics of Improving Fertility

Over the past 20 years, technological advances in fertility have been quite remarkable. Accordingly, it should come as no surprise that much of the a [...]
Do You Need a Detox?

Do You Need a Detox?

It’s that time of year again! We have overindulged, perhaps put on a few pounds, and made resolutions to be healthy. A time of year where gyms are ent [...]
Is Stress Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts?

Is Stress Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts?

As for many people, your New Year's resolution may include letting go of some extra pounds to improve your health and wellbeing. Maybe you have tried [...]
The Critical Importance of Full Body Detoxification

The Critical Importance of Full Body Detoxification

"Have you ever noticed that many people treat their cars better than their bodies? They wouldn’t dream of ignoring a warning light on the dash lettin [...]
Break the Bad Habit Loop: You Can Do It!

Break the Bad Habit Loop: You Can Do It!

I’m sure you have heard people say, “I am on autopilot,” or “I could do it in my sleep.” Quite literally, once something becomes a habit we are automa [...]
1 12 13 14 15 16 31 336 / 744 POSTS