
Treating Women’s Hormones Without Drugs

Managing menopause has become a multi-million dollar industry. Topical creams, pills and patches are prescribed daily in an attempt to mitigate symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, irritability and poor sleep. For most women, menopause is the same rite of passage that our grandmothers, aunts and mothers experienced, and should not be something to suffer or medicate through. The exception to seeing menopause as a natural change in women’s bodies is surgical menopause. When hormone production ceases due to organ removal or failure, hormone replacement therapy, either bioidentical or synthetic, may be warranted. However, most women should be able to be manage menopause with lifestyle and dietary changes. Ingredients for a healthy, drug-free menopause are proper detoxification, stress hormone balance and a balanced whole food diet.

Balance Stress

The ovaries receive all the credit for hormone production and our major stress gland, the adrenal, is often ignored. Once the ovaries have quieted down with menopause, and hormone production from them has ceased, the adrenal gland becomes one of the primary sources of female sex hormones. The adrenal gland also is responsible for our stress response and cortisol production. Chronic stress in the menopausal woman depletes her stress hormones, energy, and hormone balance. The adrenal gland of the menopausal woman has a lot of responsibility and needs to be supported. Stress management, healthy exercise and a balanced whole-food diet are important to maintain a healthy adrenal gland. To repair a weakened adrenal gland, the body may require extra nutrients, particularly Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Panothenic acid. Often times, naturopathic physicians will prescribe botanical blends of adaptogens, or herbs that help the body’s response to stress. Adrenal function testing can be done through saliva or blood. Treatment of hypo-functioning adrenal glands can translate into a reduction of menopause symptoms, as well as improved energy and stress response.

Improve Detoxification

The mechanism of hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms is not clear. However, clinicians and researchers have indicated that a balance of estrogen and progesterone can improve symptoms. Many women who experience menopausal symptoms have too much estrogen or not enough progesterone. Proper detoxification of estrogen promotes balanced levels, instead of supplementing with extra hormones. Estrogen is processed in the liver, using enzymes that require B vitamins, cruciferous vegetables and sulfur containing foods such as eggs, garlic and onions. A high-nutrient diet and adequate levels of protein will support the liver and help promote proper estrogen and progesterone levels.

Dietary Hormone Support

Phytohormones, including phytoestrogens and progesterones, are found in many foods. Asparagus, sesame seeds, cherries, yams, soy, whole grains and many other vegetables and fruits as well as nuts and seeds contain these natural plant sources of hormones. An increased intake of whole foods can help supplement a decrease in hormone production, often times mitigating symptoms of menopause.

It’s difficult to discuss dietary hormone support without discussing the major phytoestrogen food source, soy. Is soy good? Is soy bad? Every doctor and health food store clerk has a different opinion. There are two truths that make the all or nothing opinion on soy difficult. Soy, like many other foods, has become extremely processed and genetically modified. In the past, soy food sources were primarily tofu, edamame, or perhaps soy milk, but now almost anything can be made from soy or has soy as an ingredient. Excess and extreme processing can affect the benefits of any food, including soy.

The second truth is that phytoestrogens, from foods or herbs, need to be kept in perspective. There are three forms of estrogen in the body; estradiol is the strongest and is associated with breast cancer more often than the weaker estriol and estrone. In fact, studies show having more estriol and estrone in relation to estradiol may help with autoimmune conditions, cancer prevention and menopause. Most phytoestrogens are about a thousand times weaker than estradiol, whereas estriol and estrone are about ten to one hundred times weaker. When a phytoestrogen molecule attaches to an estrogen site, it is tremendously weaker than the hormones our body produces. It’s not going to stimulate the body to the same level as human made estrogens do. In fact, it’s now blocking that receptor from being stimulated by a stronger estrogen. Soy and other phyto-estrogen containing foods can help support hormones in the body, but much like anything, they should be enjoyed in moderation and come from whole food sources. In general, they offer a great support to hormone balance.

The menopausal woman’s body wants to be balanced; it simply needs the right tools. Stress hormones, nutrient levels and diet plans all can be accessed to ensure proper hormone production, detoxification and body balance. Treating the cause can reduce symptoms and help avoid medications.

Dr. Lauren Gouin is a board certified naturopathic physician, accepting new patients for her family practice in Manchester, CT. Dr. Gouin is in-network with most insurance companies. For an appointment or more information, please call (860)533-0179 or visit www.ctnaturalhealth.com.