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Understanding Your Energy Is the Key to a Better World

Understanding Your Energy Is the Key to a Better World

Maya Angelou said it best: “When we know better, we do better.” But what does that mean on a deeper, energetic level? It means that when we become conscious of our unique frequency – the energy we carry and project – we create space for others to rise into their own awareness. We move from reacting to life to intentionally creating it.

The truth is that each of us is constantly emitting energy. Our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions create ripples that impact everyone we encounter. Whether we realize it or not, we are cocreating the world around us through the frequency we embody.

But here’s the key to this profound awareness for the collective: We’re stepping into a new time—one that invites us to feel more and think less, to create rather than react, and to simplify rather than complicate. It’s a time to come back to our essence and remember that balance is found within, not outside of us.

We often think the world around us is responsible for how we feel. But what if we pause to recognize that our inner state is shaping what we experience? Here are some empowering and reflective questions to help you become aware of your energetic frequency:

  • What energy am I bringing to this moment?
  • Am I reacting to life, or am I consciously creating it?
  • Am I allowing external situations to dictate my mood, or am I choosing my response from a place of awareness?
  • How can I simplify this situation?
  • Am I overcomplicating it with my thoughts and emotions?

A Simple Example from Daily Life
Imagine you’re having a productive day, and suddenly, your computer crashes. Some people will react with frustration, panic, or anger, creating ripples of chaotic energy. Others might take a breath, accept the moment as it is, and see it as an opportunity to pause and reset.

The difference is awareness.

When we live unconsciously, we project our internal chaos outward, imprinting stress, frustration, and negativity onto others. But when we live with intention, we hold space for calm, balance, and compassion, even in challenging moments.

Here are some practices to bring more awareness into your life.

When something unexpected happens – whether it’s a delay, a disagreement, or a challenge – pause and ask yourself:

  • What am I feeling in this moment?
  • Am I reacting from habit, or am I choosing a conscious response?
  • Is this something I need to control, or can I surrender to the flow?

Notice how often we complicate life by trying to control things outside of us. Simplicity is found in returning to your breath, your heart, and your presence. The more we shift from thinking to feeling and from reacting to creating, the more aligned our energy becomes.

Creating vs. Reacting
Reacting happens when we allow our external circumstances to control our internal state. Creating happens when we move from within – choosing how we show up and what we radiate into the world. Ask yourself:

  • Am I allowing external noise to pull me away from my truth?
  • What would happen if I approached life from a place of simplicity?
  • The world needs your creative energy, not your reactions.
    The truth is, we’re entering a time when heart-centered living will take precedence over mind-driven action. It’s about tuning into your intuitive, emotional frequency and moving through life from a place of feeling rather than overthinking.

Feeling is the new way forward:

  • Instead of asking, “What should I do?” ask, “What do I feel called to create?”
  • Instead of reacting to every situation, ask, “What energy do I want to bring into this moment?”

We are all energetic beings in constant cocreation with the universe. Every thought, feeling, and action ripples outward, affecting everyone we encounter. So, the question is: What ripple do you want to create today?

When we become aware of our energy, we naturally invite others to do the same. It’s not about forcing anyone to change – it’s about being a living example of conscious frequency. As Maya Angelou said, “When we know better, we do better.” And as we do better, we help others step into their light, too.

Let’s practice simplicity:

  • When you catch yourself overthinking, pause and return to your breath.
  • When you feel overwhelmed, ask, “What is the simplest way to approach this?”
  • When emotions rise, feel them fully, but choose to release them with love.

The ripple effect of your conscious energy is powerful. One calm, centered person can change the energy of an entire room. Imagine what happens when more of us live this way.

Your energy is your legacy. Let it be one of healing, creativity, and love as we co-create and dream our world into being.

Kelly McCarthy, owner of BeyondWordsNWisdom in Winsted, CT, is a SoulReader, Energy Guide, and Intuitive Graphic Artist. She unlocks stagnant energies, reflecting others’ true selves. Her ancestral wisdom and intuitive skills expand your awareness, opening your heart and mind to life’s possibilities, personally and professionally. Kelly offers in-person and remote opportunities to work together.

Visit: www.beyondwordsnwisdom.com, email Kelly at: [email protected], or call/text 860.806.9684.