Category: Women's Health

1 3 4 5 6 7 9 120 / 194 POSTS
What You Should Know About Dense Breasts and Mammography

What You Should Know About Dense Breasts and Mammography

As women, every October we are bombarded with pink ribbons, athletes wearing pink socks, and commercials and billboards telling us to “get your mammog [...]
The Ups and Downs of Perimenopause: Tips for a Healthier Transition

The Ups and Downs of Perimenopause: Tips for a Healthier Transition

Anxious, depressed, angry. Bloated, can’t sleep, can’t remember, no period, then full-blown red storm. Anxious, depressed, angry…again! Why don’t more [...]
Healthy Aging with Bioidentical Hormones

Healthy Aging with Bioidentical Hormones

Jane is a 48-year-old female who presented to our clinic with complaints of fatigue, irregular menstruation, headaches, low libido, difficulty sleepin [...]
Massage Therapy: Self-Care or a Luxury?

Massage Therapy: Self-Care or a Luxury?

How do you view massage therapy? Should it be treated as a rare indulgence or luxury or does it offer valuable health benefits? It seems there is a wi [...]
The Basics of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement (BHRT)

The Basics of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement (BHRT)

Both women and men suffer from a wide array of symptoms that occur when our hormone levels naturally fall as we age. Synthetic pharmaceuticals prescri [...]
Herbal Broth Hot Flash Relief

Herbal Broth Hot Flash Relief

First discovered and researched a little over 100 years ago, hormones serve as communication messengers to initiate or terminate processes all over th [...]
Stay Healthy All Year with Vitamin D

Stay Healthy All Year with Vitamin D

Vitamin D is emerging as a good preventive measure for COVID-19 both to bolster immune response and to dampen the escalating inflammatory response, wh [...]
The Emotional and Energetic Roots of Pain and Illness

The Emotional and Energetic Roots of Pain and Illness

Our pain and illness are not randomly created. We are all complex, multidimensional organisms. We know that a physical ailment affects us emotionally, [...]
Repair Damaged Soft Tissues with Topical Herbs

Repair Damaged Soft Tissues with Topical Herbs

Tendons attach muscles to bones while ligaments hold bones and tendons in place. Fascia guides muscle groups and allows them to slide over other struc [...]
Why Do Women Find It Hard to Ask for Help?

Why Do Women Find It Hard to Ask for Help?

I was recently asked this question, “Why do women find it hard to ask for help?” I want to qualify my answer by sharing that finding it hard to ask fo [...]
The Difference Between Mammography and Thermography

The Difference Between Mammography and Thermography

As a Medical Thermographer, I’m asked these several questions repeatedly, “What’s the difference between mammography and thermography?” “Is thermogra [...]
Biomagnetism: A Powerful Breakthrough for Lyme and Your Health

Biomagnetism: A Powerful Breakthrough for Lyme and Your Health

Biomagnetism is a revolutionary, scientific, and therapeutic approach to wellness. Practiced internationally, it is a method to balance bioenergetic e [...]
Choline Plays an Important Role in Pregnancy

Choline Plays an Important Role in Pregnancy

Choline is a critical nutrient during pregnancy that has only recently begun to be more understood. While it is not technically a vitamin by definitio [...]
Treating Sinusitis Naturally and Effectively

Treating Sinusitis Naturally and Effectively

If you suffer from chronic sinusitis and have been through multiple courses of antibiotics then you know the ills of the antibiotic approach. The anti [...]
Natural Treatment for Menstrual Migraines

Natural Treatment for Menstrual Migraines

According to the National Headache Foundation, approximately 60% of women suffering from migraines get menstrual migraines. Menstrual migraines can st [...]
How to Survive the Next Pandemic

How to Survive the Next Pandemic

In the midst of a pandemic we are surrounded by uncertainty. Many have lost loved ones, lost jobs or businesses, are experiencing financial stress, or [...]
What is Causing the Increase in Preterm Birth?

What is Causing the Increase in Preterm Birth?

Every year, an estimated 15 million babies worldwide are born preterm (before 37 completed weeks of gestation), and this number is rising, according t [...]
The Role of IV Nutrient Therapy in Chronic Disease

The Role of IV Nutrient Therapy in Chronic Disease

IV therapy is a relatively new method of delivering medicine to patients with its popularity taking off in the 1950s. It is a quick, effective way to [...]
The Changing Landscape of Pregnancy During a Pandemic

The Changing Landscape of Pregnancy During a Pandemic

Pregnancy is a time of hope and excitement as well as increased concern for what the future will bring for your growing family. Pregnancy during a p [...]
A New Treatment for Libido & Sexual Dysfunction

A New Treatment for Libido & Sexual Dysfunction

The peptide PT 141 has been shown to have a substantial effect on libido, generating sexual arousal in both men and women. It can work as an alternati [...]
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Women’s Health

Traditional Chinese Medicine for Women’s Health

More and more people are turning to Chinese medicine to find relief from symptoms and for healing in the long term for many health concerns. Treating [...]
PT-141: The Sexuality Peptide

PT-141: The Sexuality Peptide

The peptide PT-141 has been shown to have a substantial effect on libido, generating sexual arousal in both men and women. And it can work as an alter [...]
Are You Buying Health Care…Or Disease Care?

Are You Buying Health Care…Or Disease Care?

There is no doubt health care in this country has to change. The very first thing to change is the definition of health care. Health care is not insur [...]
1 3 4 5 6 7 9 120 / 194 POSTS