Category: Conditions
The Ins and Outs of Winter Sickness
It’s the time of year for snow days, apple pie, and family gatherings, which inevitably means it is also the time of year for sniffles, coughs, and fe [...]
Depression is a Wake-Up Call from your Soul
Depression is one of the most common psychopathological disorders of our time. Like many other mental disorders, the most widely used form of therapy [...]
Healthy Holiday Eating, Sticking To Your Goals
Most people overestimate the amount of weight gained during the holidays. According to The New York Times, the average weight gain for a U.S. adult be [...]
Why Music Therapy Makes Sense
When even our own vocal chords and bodies can become instruments, music is an almost universal experience to man that communicates and touches a deepe [...]
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
It’s that time of year when many of us start making our list of who’s been naughty and nice. Then we wrack our brains as to what to get them for the h [...]
Is It Possible to Find the Joy Again?
Reading or hearing about the side effects of prescription medication for depression is enough to make anyone depressed and anxious! And then [...]
Ask Dr. Jeff! Your Veterinary Homeopath
What’s the best food to feed your dog? Does your cat need to be vaccinated? Can anything be done to help your itchy pup other than steroids and anti-h [...]
Game of Bacteria: Killing Them Before They Kill You
Bacteria are everywhere. It’s a symbiotic relationship; we need them and they need us. Sometimes that relationship is a battle. When it comes to oral [...]
How to Cure the Busy Lifestyle Syndrome (BLS)
So what is BLS? Sounds more like bullshit but unfortunately it is not. It’s the real deal and all of us suffer from it, well maybe not all of us, but [...]
Are You Ready to Kiss Your Headaches Goodbye?
There are many different kinds of headaches. Tension headaches, which are the most common form, involve a constant pressure feeling around the head. C [...]
Does Your Brain Need a Detox from Overstimulation?
Do you ever forget why you went downstairs? Or have gone into a room and left because you could not remember why you went in? Do you say, “It’s just o [...]
BioSet – A New Way to Treat Allergies
BioSet is a gentle, drug free means of eliminating food intolerances and environmental sensitivities. Based on the principle of the energetic body, as [...]
Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions Part 2
Curcumin has a surprisingly wide range of beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic activi [...]
You Are What You Eat: The Truth Behind Metabolic Syndrome
There is nothing short of an epidemic silently sweeping the United States. According to the American Medical Association, 34% (more than one [...]
Controversies in Breast Cancer Screening
As October comes to a close, so too does Breast Cancer Awareness Month – 31 days devoted to raising public awareness and funding to combat one of Amer [...]
Six Baby Steps to a Healthier Pregnancy
Whether you plan to start a family now or in a few years, there are things you can do that will help improve your chance of a healthy pregnancy. Start [...]
Optimizing Women’s Health and Fertility with Essential Oils
It is no mystery that a woman’s body is profoundly affected by her hormones. It seems like we go through life on this roller coaster ride of ups and d [...]
Ask Dr. Jeff! Your Veterinary Homeopath
What’s the best food to feed your dog? Does your cat need to be vaccinated? How about your itchy pup or vomiting feline?
I’m excited to be here to [...]
Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions, Part 1
Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities and thus
has a pote [...]
Hypnosis: A Gentler Approach Than Battling Cancer
The battle approach to cancer is so pervasive in our thinking that it has become our only strategy. We are constantly waging war on cancer using chemo [...]
Natural Breast Health with Manual Therapy to Promote Lymphatic Drainage and Nutritional Wellness
Breast Health
Breast health is an important component of a woman’s health. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, regardless of race or [...]
Breast Health Beyond Cancer
A cancer experience is the definitive existential crisis. It shakes us out of a comfortable fog of illusion, which allows us to maintain a more-or-les [...]
Make Not-Getting-Cancer a Hobby
Written by Deborah Percival on behalf of a friend.
If you think staying healthy is complicated, try getting cancer. Suddenly, carving out time to e [...]
Ask Dr. Jeff! Your Veterinary Homeopath
What’s the best food to feed your dog? Does your cat need to be vaccinated? How about your itchy pup or vomiting cat?
I’m excited to be here to ans [...]