Category: Conditions

1 8 9 10 11 12 31 240 / 744 POSTS
Boosting Immunity Mindfully to Beat Stress

Boosting Immunity Mindfully to Beat Stress

It’s no secret that stress negatively affects the immune system. Indirectly, stressed people tend to engage in behaviors that have negative effects on [...]
Unexplained or Unexplored Infertility?

Unexplained or Unexplored Infertility?

The inability to become pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term is caused by a myriad of medical conditions and other contributing factors. Therefore, e [...]
Natural Ways to Address the Complexities of Fibromyalgia

Natural Ways to Address the Complexities of Fibromyalgia

Do you suffer from chronic or severe pain throughout your body? Have your traditional physicians concluded that your symptoms are psychosomatic after [...]
The Ups and Downs of Perimenopause: Tips for a Healthier Transition

The Ups and Downs of Perimenopause: Tips for a Healthier Transition

Anxious, depressed, angry. Bloated, can’t sleep, can’t remember, no period, then full-blown red storm. Anxious, depressed, angry…again! Why don’t more [...]
Healthy Aging with Bioidentical Hormones

Healthy Aging with Bioidentical Hormones

Jane is a 48-year-old female who presented to our clinic with complaints of fatigue, irregular menstruation, headaches, low libido, difficulty sleepin [...]
Massage Therapy: Self-Care or a Luxury?

Massage Therapy: Self-Care or a Luxury?

How do you view massage therapy? Should it be treated as a rare indulgence or luxury or does it offer valuable health benefits? It seems there is a wi [...]
My Journey with Lyme Disease

My Journey with Lyme Disease

I don’t suppose you can call it lucky, but I knew I had Lyme disease within the first few days. No rash, no bull’s-eye. I made some mistakes but also [...]
The Basics of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement (BHRT)

The Basics of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement (BHRT)

Both women and men suffer from a wide array of symptoms that occur when our hormone levels naturally fall as we age. Synthetic pharmaceuticals prescri [...]
The Potential Use of Acupuncture in Long COVID Patients

The Potential Use of Acupuncture in Long COVID Patients

It may seem paradoxical, but very often the patients I feel most confident working with are those for whom conventional interventions have not helped. [...]
Herbal Broth Hot Flash Relief

Herbal Broth Hot Flash Relief

First discovered and researched a little over 100 years ago, hormones serve as communication messengers to initiate or terminate processes all over th [...]
Should Toxin Exposure Be a Part of Preventative Screening?

Should Toxin Exposure Be a Part of Preventative Screening?

Did you know that there are thousands of manufactured chemicals in the United States? These chemicals are found in numerous places; in food, water, co [...]
Are You Detoxing Your Breasts?

Are You Detoxing Your Breasts?

Research has shown that up to 90% of cancers including breast cancer are from lifestyle and environmental factors, which leaves 10% relating to geneti [...]
Stay Healthy All Year with Vitamin D

Stay Healthy All Year with Vitamin D

Vitamin D is emerging as a good preventive measure for COVID-19 both to bolster immune response and to dampen the escalating inflammatory response, wh [...]
How to Feed Your Immune System

How to Feed Your Immune System

For thousands of years, food therapy has been foundational in medicine. Growing up in an ethnically Greek household where food is vital, herbal teas, [...]
The Emotional and Energetic Roots of Pain and Illness

The Emotional and Energetic Roots of Pain and Illness

Our pain and illness are not randomly created. We are all complex, multidimensional organisms. We know that a physical ailment affects us emotionally, [...]
Healing Chronic Illness with Functional Medicine

Healing Chronic Illness with Functional Medicine

Chronic health issues can be a daily burden. Many are suffering with Post-COVID (or Long-COVID) syndrome, that includes fatigue, brain fog, and residu [...]
The Four Pillars of Optimal Health

The Four Pillars of Optimal Health

As much as we would like one, there is no single answer to achieving optimal health. In truth, a healthy lifestyle is one rooted in balance, not quick [...]
Can an Alkaline Diet Promote Greater Wellness?

Can an Alkaline Diet Promote Greater Wellness?

Have you been searching for a diet that can promote your overall wellness? The overly simplistic acid-alkaline theory of disease essentially maintain [...]
The Benefits of Himalayan Salt Stone Massage

The Benefits of Himalayan Salt Stone Massage

You may have heard of Hot Stone Massage but a novel treatment called Himalayan Salt Stone Massage has become popular in recent years primarily due to [...]
Biomagnetism is a Revolutionary Approach for Lyme Disease

Biomagnetism is a Revolutionary Approach for Lyme Disease

First recognized in the town of Old Lyme in 1975, Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, then transmitted [...]
Repair Damaged Soft Tissues with Topical Herbs

Repair Damaged Soft Tissues with Topical Herbs

Tendons attach muscles to bones while ligaments hold bones and tendons in place. Fascia guides muscle groups and allows them to slide over other struc [...]
Why Do Women Find It Hard to Ask for Help?

Why Do Women Find It Hard to Ask for Help?

I was recently asked this question, “Why do women find it hard to ask for help?” I want to qualify my answer by sharing that finding it hard to ask fo [...]
Trying to Conceive? Natural Ways to Boost Fertility

Trying to Conceive? Natural Ways to Boost Fertility

The journey to parenthood is an exciting experience. You read books, watch videos, listen to podcasts, and talk with friends and family that have expe [...]
Kidney Care for Critical Detoxing and Longevity

Kidney Care for Critical Detoxing and Longevity

Are you seeking ways to improve your body’s ability to combat both viral and other infections and age-related degenerative diseases? One of the most i [...]
1 8 9 10 11 12 31 240 / 744 POSTS