Category: Immune System
Think Sharper, Live Longer: Brain-Boosting Secrets You Need to Know
In a world that often glorifies hustle and productivity, we sometimes forget that true longevity isn’t just about living longer—it’s about living well [...]
5 Noninvasive Ways to Boost Your Immunity
Life inevitably brings challenges, and by equipping ourselves to navigate these bumps in the road, we significantly improve our prospects for health a [...]
Bioelectric Lymphatic Drainage: Noninvasive Treatment for Better Health
Based on the principles of quantum physics, bioelectric lymphatic drainage is a safe, drug-free method of improving the flow of fluids in the body by [...]
Resolving Autoimmune Disease: A Sample Case Study
Did you know that all autoimmune diseases can be reversed? Did you know that all the symptoms and damage caused by an autoimmune disease can resolve. [...]
5 Unexpected Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Most of us know what to do to keep our immune system strong. Get at least eight hours of quality sleep every night. Exercise regularly. Eat a healthy [...]
Simple Lifestyle Changes You Can Make Today to Optimize Your Immune System
Do you suffer from ongoing or recurring health challenges? Do they include frequent bacterial or viral infections, chronic fatigue, food allergies/sen [...]
Immune Support for Your Little Ones!
With the back-to-school season behind us and the winter season approaching, now is an opportune time to think about how best to prepare our children’s [...]
A Healthy Immune System Is the Best Lyme Disease Prevention
Preventing Lyme disease starts with preventing tick bites!... Well, not really. Preventing tick bites in New England is nearly impossible unless you a [...]
Take Care of Your Immune System So It Will Take Care of You!
Over the last few years, there has been a lot of discussion about the immune system. We are told to believe that pathogens (germs) are the cause of di [...]
Boost Your Immune System with Massage Therapy
Many of the health benefits of massage therapy, such as decreased pain and stiffness and reduced stress and anxiety, are very well known. But did you [...]
It’s Time to Give Acupuncture a Try
As an element of the ancient practice of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years for a variety of reasons, from [...]
Prevent and Treat Inflammation – Naturally
Chronic health issues seem to be continually on the rise in the U.S. In fact, the CDC indicates that 6 in 10 adults in the U.S. have at least one chro [...]
Massage Therapy Is Proven to Boost Immunity and More
In the May/June issue of Natural Nutmeg magazine, I wrote about embracing massage therapy as part of your self-care plan, rather than thinking of mass [...]
Protect Your Immune System Naturally This Holiday Season
The glorious fall days are upon us, along with their promises of pumpkin-picking excursions, Thanksgiving, and all the special holidays, including rin [...]
Boosting Immunity Mindfully to Beat Stress
It’s no secret that stress negatively affects the immune system. Indirectly, stressed people tend to engage in behaviors that have negative effects on [...]
Natural Ways to Address the Complexities of Fibromyalgia
Do you suffer from chronic or severe pain throughout your body? Have your traditional physicians concluded that your symptoms are psychosomatic after [...]
The Potential Use of Acupuncture in Long COVID Patients
It may seem paradoxical, but very often the patients I feel most confident working with are those for whom conventional interventions have not helped. [...]
Are You Detoxing Your Breasts?
Research has shown that up to 90% of cancers including breast cancer are from lifestyle and environmental factors, which leaves 10% relating to geneti [...]
Stay Healthy All Year with Vitamin D
Vitamin D is emerging as a good preventive measure for COVID-19 both to bolster immune response and to dampen the escalating inflammatory response, wh [...]
How to Feed Your Immune System
For thousands of years, food therapy has been foundational in medicine. Growing up in an ethnically Greek household where food is vital, herbal teas, [...]
Healing Chronic Illness with Functional Medicine
Chronic health issues can be a daily burden. Many are suffering with Post-COVID (or Long-COVID) syndrome, that includes fatigue, brain fog, and residu [...]
Did You Know Digestive Problems Can Reduce Your Immune Function?
Considering the pervasive use of preservatives and the increase in modified foods in our diet, is it any wonder why we have more digestive problems th [...]
12 Tips to Boost Your Immune System
Can we actually “boost” our immune system? We don’t want a weak immune response but we also don’t want an overactive response either. What we want is [...]
Anti-Viral Nasal Spray May Prevent COVID-19 Infection
We wear masks to protect others from our exhaled droplets. These droplets may contain virus. It is a considerate gesture and quite helpful. But when t [...]