Category: Stress
Think Sharper, Live Longer: Brain-Boosting Secrets You Need to Know
In a world that often glorifies hustle and productivity, we sometimes forget that true longevity isn’t just about living longer—it’s about living well [...]
Holistic Weight Management: Empowering Your Transformation at Imagine Float
Imagine a weight loss journey where progress feels natural, goals feel within reach, and every step brings you closer to lasting change. While challen [...]
Simple Tips for Weight Loss
It’s that time of year again - many of us have New Year’s resolutions that may include weight loss goals. Semaglutide medications such as Ozempic and [...]
NAFLD: The Silent Killer
When we think about liver disease, what usually comes to mind is cirrhosis due to several years of excessive alcohol consumption. However, liver damag [...]
5 Noninvasive Ways to Boost Your Immunity
Life inevitably brings challenges, and by equipping ourselves to navigate these bumps in the road, we significantly improve our prospects for health a [...]
Essential Self-Help Energy Medicine Solutions for Stress
Absolutely everything is energy, and your feelings of stress are no exception. When thoughts or external events trigger stress, a resulting surge of e [...]
Unlocking Vitality: How the BioCharger® NG Revolutionizes Wellness With Earth’s Energies
In an age when stress and modern lifestyles deeply affect our health, we find ourselves more disconnected from nature than ever. Most of us spend 93% [...]
Unwrap the Gift of Reiki
Every so often, I hear a proclamation for a specific product, book, or technique that helped catalyze positive change and desired results in a person’ [...]
Just for Today, I Will: The Tradition and Practice of Reiki
Reiki is an energy healing technique conceptualized as a biofield therapy. The name Reiki originates from the Japanese word Rei, or “Universal Life,” [...]
Understanding the “Why” — Exploring Your Weight Loss Motivations
It’s the start of the new year, so you’re likely putting your resolutions together. If one of your resolutions is to lose weight…why? Whenever I hear [...]
10 Tips for Mental Well-being
While there are many factors that contribute to mental health, the choices we make every day can have the most significant impact. From embracing the [...]
5 Unexpected Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Most of us know what to do to keep our immune system strong. Get at least eight hours of quality sleep every night. Exercise regularly. Eat a healthy [...]
Natural Tools to Help with Anxiety
If you are like many others these days, you might sometimes feel anxious, overwhelmed, or as though you’re struggling to move forward with your goals. [...]
Grounding, Gazing, Earthing, and Breathing for Peace
We are living in stressful times. Emotions are heightened, division is prevalent, and anxiety seems to be the norm. We cannot deny that we are greatly [...]
Break the Cycle of Stress Eating
Stress is one of the most common causes of overeating and weight gain. As much as you want to stop stress eating, it’s hard to control because it happ [...]
Neurofeedback or Psychotherapy? How to Decide Which Treatment Is Right for You
If you ever feel like life is more overwhelming and stressful than it used to be, you’re probably right - and you’re not alone. That’s according to sc [...]
Achieve Healthy Weight Loss with Hypnosis
Obesity is known to increase the risk of various disorders, including stroke, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and many types of cancer. It’s no secret tha [...]
Hypnosis Can Help Reduce Stress
Many of us experience some form of daily emotional stress that often results in physical stress, which can result in serious health conditions. Fortun [...]
Grief and Gratitude – Managing the Stress from Loss
Grief doesn’t come only from death or the dying process. If you’ve ever experienced any profound loss - of a job, home, business or business partner, [...]
Letter to a Caregiver
Caregiver: (n) A person who provides direct care to someone else; as for children, elderly; an injured family member/friend or the chronically ill.
D [...]
Is Your Pet’s Stress Stressing You Out? Dogs + CBD FAQs
For many of us, our pets are our fur babies. We love them, cuddle with them, and of course, we worry when they’re unwell. Thankfully, more natural opt [...]
Massage Improves Quality of Life as You Age
Americans are living longer, healthier, and more active lives than ever before. Specifically, the 65 and older population reached just under 50 millio [...]
Boost Your Immune System with Massage Therapy
Many of the health benefits of massage therapy, such as decreased pain and stiffness and reduced stress and anxiety, are very well known. But did you [...]
Massage Your Way to Reduced Stress
Stress is perhaps more prevalent than ever in today’s fast-paced world—many of us experience some form of stress in our busy everyday lives. Emotional [...]