Category: Self-care

1 2 3 4 5 10 72 / 220 POSTS
How to Make a Hard Decision Easy in 3 Quick Steps

How to Make a Hard Decision Easy in 3 Quick Steps

We all struggle at one time or another with making decisions in our lives. Since the pandemic, most of us have experienced the need for certainty in a [...]
Reduce the Odds of Chemical Exposure in Your Home

Reduce the Odds of Chemical Exposure in Your Home

If you’ve ever chosen an organic food or product over the conventional option, you likely already grasp the concept of reducing your odds of exposure. [...]
Momming Is HARD! The 5 “Happy” Hormones to Help Your Mood

Momming Is HARD! The 5 “Happy” Hormones to Help Your Mood

As moms, the momming never seems to end. The hours spent doing both visible and invisible tasks throughout our day that often go unrecognized. The tim [...]
Cleansing Isn’t Just for Your Mind and Body – Here’s How to Detox Your Home

Cleansing Isn’t Just for Your Mind and Body – Here’s How to Detox Your Home

With spring upon us, it’s fitting to talk about what the season symbolizes. For many of us, it signifies a new beginning, a fresh start, a time to det [...]
Grounding, Gazing, Earthing, and Breathing for Peace

Grounding, Gazing, Earthing, and Breathing for Peace

We are living in stressful times. Emotions are heightened, division is prevalent, and anxiety seems to be the norm. We cannot deny that we are greatly [...]
Don’t Fit the Same Old Mold – Find Your Own Unique Style

Don’t Fit the Same Old Mold – Find Your Own Unique Style

When I was in the first phase of my two-part Rolfing® training over forty years ago, I was young, a bit uncentered, and had a hard time staying presen [...]
Meet Psychic Agnes Daddona! An Interview with Dr. Di

Meet Psychic Agnes Daddona! An Interview with Dr. Di

I recently had the opportunity to work with Agnes Daddona, a Psychic whose Holistic Spa and Intuitive Counseling services are based out of Avon, CT. A [...]
Combat Menopause Belly the Healthy Way

Combat Menopause Belly the Healthy Way

Are you in midlife and think you may be menopausal? Do you struggle daily with extra belly fat and have no clue where it came from? Do you feel like y [...]
New Year’s Transformation for Your New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s Transformation for Your New Year’s Resolution

As the year unwinds and you begin to think about the next year, you may reflect on the years of the past. I wonder what the December 2021 you would sa [...]
Bashert: Meant to Be

Bashert: Meant to Be

When I was a teenager, I often heard my mom say, “It was bashert.” Saying it seemed to finalize a conversation with head nodding and a collective “ooo [...]
Are You Ready to Heal?

Are You Ready to Heal?

I was. I wanted it more than anything, and I tried everything. Well, everything that I knew of. Turns out, I wasn’t truly ready, and I had a lot to le [...]
Our Wonderful Feet

Our Wonderful Feet

Our feet are miracles of creation. They allow us to walk, run, climb stairs, hike, skip, hop, and give us proper balance. Hopefully, we take care of t [...]
Grief and Gratitude – Managing the Stress from Loss

Grief and Gratitude – Managing the Stress from Loss

Grief doesn’t come only from death or the dying process. If you’ve ever experienced any profound loss - of a job, home, business or business partner, [...]
Shift from Struggling to Conceive to Empowered Conception

Shift from Struggling to Conceive to Empowered Conception

The journey of bringing a soul into your life is more intricate than we have ever been taught to believe. Conception is not just a physical and biolog [...]
How Trauma – Informed Breathwork Can Change Your Life

How Trauma – Informed Breathwork Can Change Your Life

Breathing. It’s something we do every minute of every day, mostly without thought. It’s the first thing we do when we are born, and it’s the last thin [...]
Cleaning Up My Diet – A Lifetime of Change

Cleaning Up My Diet – A Lifetime of Change

I started an ethical eating stand when I was six years old. I can remember our kitchen, where I stood, and the entire conversation as if it was yester [...]
Don’t Pity Me

Don’t Pity Me

I have a very dear friend who, several months ago, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. I spoke to her after she was released from the hos [...]
A Survivor’s Journey – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

A Survivor’s Journey – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I will tell my story because I believe is it priceless to hear firsthand from a holistic person who has survived cancer. There were four related surge [...]
Improving the Lives of Children through Rolfing®

Improving the Lives of Children through Rolfing®

Over the last forty years, I have had Rolfing sessions with many children. I applaud the parents because they have insight and want the best for their [...]
Inviting Extraordinary Childhood Experiences

Inviting Extraordinary Childhood Experiences

Children are naturally connected to the people and places around them—more deeply connected in ways adults have forgotten. From birth until age 4 or 5 [...]
The Truth about Abundance

The Truth about Abundance

When you think of abundance, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it money and financial wealth? Is it material possessions? Or is it someth [...]
Release Your Trauma from Past Lives

Release Your Trauma from Past Lives

Though quantum healing hypnosis may be a term that is new to you, you are probably more familiar with the term “past-life regression,” and that is exa [...]
The Chicken or the Egg?

The Chicken or the Egg?

It’s the age-old conundrum—which came first, the chicken or the egg? Similarly, as a student of Rolfing forty-odd years ago, we debated the question, [...]
Returning to “Normal”?

Returning to “Normal”?

Many of my recent conversations have involved the question, “When will things return to normal?” I am incredibly interested in these conversations. I [...]
1 2 3 4 5 10 72 / 220 POSTS