Category: Pain

1 2 3 4 72 / 74 POSTS
Treating Pain Naturally

Treating Pain Naturally

Pain is cited as the most common reason Americans access the health care system and is a leading cause of disability. The National Center for Health S [...]
How You Think About Pain Affects Your Pain Response

How You Think About Pain Affects Your Pain Response

Chronic Pain is an entirely different beast than acute pain. Chronic pain comes from the brain and is perpetuated by inflammation, molecules that tel [...]
Integrative Bowen Therapy for Treatment of Chronic Pain

Integrative Bowen Therapy for Treatment of Chronic Pain

Pain is something that we all experience throughout our lives. Whether severe, moderate, or mild, everyone has had to bear some pain. In most cases, p [...]
Osteopathic Medicine for Relief from Chronic Pain

Osteopathic Medicine for Relief from Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is commonly defined as any pain, which lasts more than 12 weeks. Whereas acute pain is the normal sensation which alerts us to an injur [...]
No Medical Explanation for Your Pain?

No Medical Explanation for Your Pain?

Psychogenic Pain Disorder (PPD) refers to a person experiencing pain with no medical explanations for the pain. It has other names such as “Pain soma [...]
Natural Treatment for Menstrual Migraines

Natural Treatment for Menstrual Migraines

According to the National Headache Foundation, approximately 60% of women suffering from migraines get menstrual migraines. Menstrual migraines can st [...]
What’s All the “Buzz” About CBD

What’s All the “Buzz” About CBD

Yes, there’s been a lot of talk more recently about CBD, the cannabinoid derived from Cannabis and Hemp plants. Ironically, Hemp derived CBD or Cannab [...]
CBD and Chronic Pain

CBD and Chronic Pain

Chronic pain conditions continue to be among the top reasons people visit their physician, and this is rising. At the birth of this trend, pharmaceuti [...]
Chronic Inflammation, Pain &  Disease:  Combating Them Naturally (Part 2)

Chronic Inflammation, Pain & Disease: Combating Them Naturally (Part 2)

Whole-body inflammation refers to chronic, imperceptible, low-level inflammation. . . .[O]ver time this kind of inflammation sets the foundation for m [...]
Chronic Inflammation, Pain & Disease:  Combating Them Naturally (Part 1)

Chronic Inflammation, Pain & Disease: Combating Them Naturally (Part 1)

In the classic response to injury or infection, the injured area becomes red, swollen, hot, and painful. But, there is another type of inflammation t [...]
Natural Medicine for Effective Pain Relief

Natural Medicine for Effective Pain Relief

Pain is by far the most common medical condition people experience and the #1 reason for doctor visits. Pain can impact people in so many ways, be lon [...]
You Don’t Have to Suffer with Daily Chronic Pain

You Don’t Have to Suffer with Daily Chronic Pain

When we are outside enjoying the pleasant weather, we are more vulnerable to strains and sprains from gardening and outdoor activities. Injuries may b [...]
Suffering from Foot and Ankle Pain?

Suffering from Foot and Ankle Pain?

Are you an athlete with foot and ankle pain? Or an elderly person with balance issues? Or suffering from bunions or fallen arches? Surprisingly, there [...]
Cranial Therapy & Holistic Physical Therapy for Concussions and Sports Injuries

Cranial Therapy & Holistic Physical Therapy for Concussions and Sports Injuries

Have you ever felt completely helpless after one of your children incurs a sports injury or after you have injured yourself? We have all heard the phr [...]
Natural Ways to Address Aching Joints & Arthritis

Natural Ways to Address Aching Joints & Arthritis

People used to believe that osteoporosis and osteoarthritis were the result of aging and reduced intake of calcium and milk products. Science has no [...]
Fibromyalgia Misdiagnosis:  What Else Could it Be?

Fibromyalgia Misdiagnosis: What Else Could it Be?

It is important to know that only a small number of patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia actually suffer from this classic variety of the syndrome. Up [...]
Holistic Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain

Holistic Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain

How often do we feel pain? Unfortunately, for some of us, it is a daily and constant experience. As many of you can attest to, chronic pain can become [...]
Are You Ready to Kiss Your Headaches Goodbye?

Are You Ready to Kiss Your Headaches Goodbye?

There are many different kinds of headaches. Tension headaches, which are the most common form, involve a constant pressure feeling around the head. C [...]
We Have Been Conditioned to Have Poor Posture!

We Have Been Conditioned to Have Poor Posture!

Beginning at birth, we intuitively know about natural movement and begin to develop the musculature to propel us upward and outward into the world. We [...]
Are You Suffering with Pelvic Pain?

Are You Suffering with Pelvic Pain?

Every day thousands of women are dealing with chronic pelvic pain. It can be debilitating and difficult to handle on a daily basis. Pelvic pain can [...]
Pelvic Pain and Manual Therapy

Pelvic Pain and Manual Therapy

Do you suffer from pelvic pain? Is it chronic or does it just present when you are performing certain activities, such as riding a bicycle or having s [...]
Do you Feel Like a Train Wreck?

Do you Feel Like a Train Wreck?

When was the last time you went out with your friends or your partner to do something fun? Did the experience cause you any pain? Were you feeling the [...]
Harness the Power of Your Body!

Harness the Power of Your Body!

Bad posture is a modern day health epidemic that is much worse than most people understand. More often than not, we find ourselves slouching at some [...]

Natural Strategies for Reducing Chronic Pain

Every one of us has experienced some kind of pain in our lives, whether it is headaches, back pain or joint pain. For many of us, this pain is persist [...]
1 2 3 4 72 / 74 POSTS