Category: Aging

The Sun: Your Skin’s Most Beautiful Adversary?
Ah yes, here comes the sun. So warm, so beautiful, so life giving. How can such a beautiful, blazing star cause so much damage?
Let’s look at the fac [...]

Why Are All Skin Creams White?
If you think about it, most, if not all, skin creams are white. Ever wonder why? You see, base creams initially make it feel like you are applying moi [...]

Are Plants Ineffective and Weak in Skin Care?
Which plants and their oils can cause severe damage to your skin? Which plants negatively affect around 85 million people per year? Which plants send [...]

A Holistic Approach to Longevity and Brain Health
Raise your hand if you want to live as well as possible for as long as possible! We all do here at Imagine Float. Our quest for longevity, which inclu [...]

Exercise for Dementia Prevention
In working with a number of patients concerned about optimizing brain health in the hopes of reducing their cognitive decline, I let them know that an [...]

Longevity Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated
Drawn-out protocols need not apply! The keys to longevity are everyday, accessible habits that can add years to your life and keep your brain function [...]

How Your Lifestyle Affects Longevity
There is increasing focus on longevity and anti-aging in our society—but what if these could be improved simply by living? Instead of investing in the [...]

What’s the Best Diet for Chronic Illness?
The healthiest diet for those who have chronic illness should be able to pass muster if analyzed for these four factors:
Nutrient density
Alkalin [...]

Improving Memory Function Safely and Naturally
Many people are worried that they might be losing their memory, or losing the ability to form new memories. Of course, neurogenerative diseases, such [...]

Midlife and Menopause: Mapping Your Path to Empowerment
It is truly unfortunate, and even demeaning to women, that American culture defines menopause as a time of loss—loss of fertility, youthful skin, emot [...]

Massage Improves Quality of Life as You Age
Americans are living longer, healthier, and more active lives than ever before. Specifically, the 65 and older population reached just under 50 millio [...]

Tools to Optimize the Brain and Enhance Memory
As we age, brain health and memory become a major concern for many of us. The good news is, there are many things we can do to help keep our brain vit [...]

How Important Are Hormones to Our Overall Health?
There are multiple factors that must be taken into consideration as we aim to achieve whole-body health, and one of the most important and often overl [...]

Transitioning to Menopause with Ease
Menopause is a natural phase of life—it is going to happen, so instead of fearing it, we need to embrace it. We can start by following these tips to h [...]

Are the Comforts of Winter Damaging Your Skin?
All my life I have battled rosacea—a skin condition that in the winter gets aggravated with the harsh cold wind outside and the dry heat inside. I ear [...]

How to Be Fabulous Over 50
Aging is a natural part of life. Physiologically, during a process called sarcopenia, our bodies lose 3–5% of our muscle mass after age 30. Our fascia [...]

Softer Skin Than You’ve Had in Years
I had the pleasure of sitting down with Spa Director—Clinical Aesthetician Laura Duffany—atThe Spa at Litchfield Hills to talk about the hottest new t [...]

Treat Symptoms Before They Arise with Anti-Aging Medicine
Doctors are trained to diagnose medical conditions and apply the correct treatment for those diagnoses. In anti-aging medicine, doctors attempt to do [...]

Aging Gracefully
One of the plagues of aging is falling—even perfectly healthy seniors with no pre-existing medical problems have a greater chance of taking a tumble t [...]

Nine Tips for Healthy Aging
We are all aging—but we are also living longer lives, so it is important to keep our bodies and minds as healthy as possible. Here are a few tips to h [...]

Facial Cupping Is the Hottest Anti-Aging Trend
Before the 2016 Summer Olympics, many of us in the U.S. had never heard of cupping. We learned that swimming champion Michael Phelps received regular [...]

How Music Helps You Heal
Music is primal to life and expressed by each of us every day, whether through dancing to a favorite tune, keeping rhythm with a pencil, or rememberin [...]

The Importance of Massage as We Age
For most of us, aging is not something we look forward to; the impact it has on our physical (and mental) health is dramatic. As kids, all we want to [...]

The Power of CoQ10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an organic compound that is fast becoming my favorite supplement. Among its many functions is its critical role in ATP, or ene [...]