Tag: Featured
Can Our Lifestyle Affect Our Risk of Depression?
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 7.6% of Americans aged 12 and up are depressed. This number was much higher for females and those b [...]
Depression is Not a Chemical Imbalance
Depression has become an epidemic in the United States. According to the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), in 2013, 9.2 percent of adults i [...]
Classic Western Elegance at the Snow King Resort Hotel
Wyoming and Montana are two places that have been on my list for years to visit. The drive into Jackson takes you along the pristine Snake River and w [...]
Infertility: The Holiday Season’s Biggest Grinch
The holidays can be the happiest time of year… or the saddest. According to the National Institutes of Health, there is a high incidence of depression [...]
The Ins and Outs of Winter Sickness
It’s the time of year for snow days, apple pie, and family gatherings, which inevitably means it is also the time of year for sniffles, coughs, and fe [...]
You Are What You Eat: The Truth Behind Metabolic Syndrome
There is nothing short of an epidemic silently sweeping the United States. According to the American Medical Association, 34% (more than one [...]
Controversies in Breast Cancer Screening
As October comes to a close, so too does Breast Cancer Awareness Month – 31 days devoted to raising public awareness and funding to combat one of Amer [...]
Six Baby Steps to a Healthier Pregnancy
Whether you plan to start a family now or in a few years, there are things you can do that will help improve your chance of a healthy pregnancy. Start [...]
5 Signs That You Are Not Following Your Destiny
One day last summer I woke up in the middle of the night with my heart racing and skipping beats. I thought I might seriously be having a heart attack [...]
Optimizing Women’s Health and Fertility with Essential Oils
It is no mystery that a woman’s body is profoundly affected by her hormones. It seems like we go through life on this roller coaster ride of ups and d [...]
Breast Health Beyond Cancer
A cancer experience is the definitive existential crisis. It shakes us out of a comfortable fog of illusion, which allows us to maintain a more-or-les [...]
Make Not-Getting-Cancer a Hobby
Written by Deborah Percival on behalf of a friend.
If you think staying healthy is complicated, try getting cancer. Suddenly, carving out time to e [...]
Rest, Relaxation and Luxury at the Inn and Spa at Loretto
At first glance, the Inn and Spa at Loretto is reflective of traditional adobe pueblos of the area located in the epicenter of historic downtown Santa [...]
Divorce as a Death and Initiation: A Guide to the Five Stages of Divorce
In 1969, Swiss Psychiatrist, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross created the five stages of grief from her work dealing with terminally ill patients. Her groundbrea [...]
Can an Unhealthy Digestive Tract Increase Breast Cancer?
One in eight; this is the number of women who will experience breast cancer in their lifetime. Dramatically higher than in the past, this statistic ha [...]
Why You Should Watch Out For Genetic Mutations
Have you ever felt something was off in your body but were told over and over everything is "normal?" This is the case for so many people, who then ca [...]
Natural Remedies for Common Childhood Ailments: Part Two
Continued from August Natural Nutmeg online at:
Childre [...]
Ask Dr. Jeff! Your Homeopathic Veterinarian
What’s the best food to feed your dog? Does your cat need to be vaccinated? How about your itchy pup or vomiting cat?
I’m excited to be here to ans [...]
Can Diet Impact Our Genetic Lineage?
When does a patient become a parent? For me, as a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist, this precious moment has nothing to do with [...]
The Winvian Farm: Stay the Night in a Treehouse, a Greenhouse or a Sikorsky Helicopter
After you’ve read the title of this article, you’re probably thinking I jet-setted off to Europe or some exotic location to have the opportunity to st [...]
Natural Remedies for Babies and Children: Where’s the user manual?
Having a user manual sure would make raising kids easy, except that every individual is different. Therefore every healthcare decision may also be dif [...]
Ragweed: The Anguish of August
Ragweed grows along the country roads of Connecticut, flourishing in the August heat along with its companion goldenrod. Ragweed has that mess of redd [...]
A Sport’s Lovers Paradise in South Lake Tahoe
Boating, paddleboarding, kayaking, skiing, biking, hiking, ice skating and bar hopping... whatever your passion, Tahoe South (as the locals call it) d [...]
Summer Fun with our Kids! Let’s Make Popsicles!
We’re in the heat of the summer… We’re dripping with sweat… Imagine a yummy treat that can cool you off—and it’s healthy too! Since my children were v [...]