Category: Remedies
Do You Really Know What Hormones Do?
As Sue thought about her upcoming anniversary celebration, it was with mixed emotions. She was really looking forward to an evening out with her husba [...]
Are Your Vitamins Lying to You?
Picture this… shopping for supplements, you walk down the vitamin aisle of a store and you see a wall of products. Many have pretty pictures of fruits [...]
Age Defying Foods to Savor Now
Growing older is a desirable biological process (consider the alternative!), and our senior years should be a wonderful time of life with minimum stre [...]
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Current Research on the Role of Diet and Nutrition
The incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in the United States continues to skyrocket, and is currently estimated to be 1 in 88 American child [...]
4 Nutrition Myths: Busted!
We all know that eggs, especially the yolks, are bad for us. So is coconut, whether it be the oil, the milk or the flesh. Low fat foods are healthier, [...]
Fish Oil: Nature’s Cortisone & So Much More
The evidence for supplementing with omega-3 fats
is now so firmly established that even mainstream
doctors are convinced of its merits.
~ Life Exte [...]
Menopause, A Hormone Balancing Act – by Dr. Deanna M. Cherrone
Menopause is not a dis-ease. It is a natural transition that occurs when a woman’s ovaries stop producing eggs. Women are not meant to be fertile fo [...]
FOLIC ACID: A Key Nutrient Throughout Life
Folic acid, also known as folate or Vitamin B9, is a nutritional powerhouse which influences health and development from day-one of life through [...]
Natural Remedies for Your Depression
According to a World Health Organization study (2000), approximately 17-21 million Americans (roughly 10% of the country) are diagnosed with depressio [...]
Vitamin C: Guarding Your Immunity and Life
Vitamin C’s health-boosting benefits go far beyond fighting the common cold and flu. . . . [T]his potent antioxidant is crucial in supporting the [...]
A Different Perspective on Food, Weight Loss, and Healing
This past October, I had a once in a lifetime experience. The Dalai Lama came to Danbury, CT, and I had a chance to be there. It was an amazing ex [...]
By Tom Moorcroft, DO
Have you ever taken a walk on a sandy beach or through tall, green grass moistened by the morning dew and felt a slight tingle [...]
Vitamin D in Health and Disease
By Paul D. Tortland, DO
Vitamin D is an important vitamin, right? Wrong!
Sorry, it’s a trick question. Contrary to popular belief, vitamin D is [...]
Perspectives on 20 Years of Breast Cancer Awareness
As a 52 year-old-woman and a naturopathic physician who has specialized in women’s health for 20 years, I am acutely aware of how breast cancer affect [...]
Raising Children Naturally
In today’s world it is vital to make natural choices whenever possible. Making the natural choice is important for two reasons: 1. to [...]
Can Your Lifestyle Be Causing Bone Loss?
Our bones have the job of providing a solid frame to support our organs, muscles and skin. Although we think of adult bones as being hard and unchangi [...]
Addressing Underlying Medical Conditions in Autism
By Dr. Deb Bossio
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently estimate that 1 in 110 children in the United States are diagnosed wi [...]
Integrative Manual Therapy and Nutritional Wellness for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Is recovery from Autism possible? This is a common question in many parents’ minds today, along with: what will it take? Autism is a [...]
Create Your Herbal First Aid Kit
I find the herbal first aid kit an important addition to my travels. First aid does not have to mean something serious. Rather, it can just mean the [...]
Do We Really Need To Take Vitamins & Supplements?
As a naturopathic physician, my medical education was rooted deeply in understanding how nutrition plays an enormous role in combating disease and ach [...]
Hypothyroid Symptoms – They’re Not in Your Head!
An interview with Dr. Frank Aieta (West Hartford), a Licensed Naturopathic Physician;
Dr. Ann Aresco (Kensington), a Licensed Naturopathic Physician; [...]
The Flu Vaccine – By Dr. Frank Aieta, ND
It’s flu season again, and I’ve been receiving countless e-mails from patients and readers regarding the flu vaccination asking whether they should g [...]
The Standard American Diet and Why it Makes us Fat – by Shoshana Levinson, MS., cDN.
The Standard American Diet that I’ll refer to as SAD, is one that has too many calories, too much sugar and refined carbohydrate, too little of the go [...]
Bioidentical Hormones Replacement – by Henry C. Sobo, MD
Synthetic pharmaceuticals prescribed as “hormone replacement” therapy have for years been among the most widely prescribed medications in The United S [...]