Category: Conditions
Debunking The Cholesterol – Heart Disease Myth
By Paul D. Tortland, D.O.
The Cholesterol “Problem”
Most everything we’ve been taught about cholesterol and heart disease is wrong.
The secon [...]
After a season of celebrations, we often wake up on January 1st feeling bloated, sick and determined to start anew. [...]
Breast Cancer Risks & Prevention
The good news is that breast cancer is a disease of long duration, and we have daily opportunities over a lifetime to make decisions that will encoura [...]
Perspectives on 20 Years of Breast Cancer Awareness
As a 52 year-old-woman and a naturopathic physician who has specialized in women’s health for 20 years, I am acutely aware of how breast cancer affect [...]
ADHD-Nutritional Strategies for School Success
Another summer has drawn to a close and the stores have been displaying backpacks, study supplies and school ready clothes for a month. For children [...]
Raising Children Naturally
In today’s world it is vital to make natural choices whenever possible. Making the natural choice is important for two reasons: 1. to [...]
Telomeres and Healthy Aging
Healthy aging is a topic that gets more and more vital each year. More than 40 million Americans are 65 years old or greater and the proportion the U. [...]
How to Augment the Immune System in response to childhood vaccinations
History of Vaccines
The vaccine controversy has been a source of heated debate amongst the natural and traditional medical and parenting communitie [...]
Words that Heal: Communicating with Kids
A teen boy was agitated with staff on a pediatric psychiatric unit – cursing, threatening, pacing – so he was sent to a small room to calm down o [...]
Autoimmune Disease and Naturopathic Treatment
It was not very long ago that I became interested in Naturopathic Medicine. I always thought if I was ever to become a Naturopathic Physician I would [...]
Chronic Cancer Pain: New Hope for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)
Pain is “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.” IA [...]
Prostate Cancer: Structure, Screening, and Prevention
The health of a very small gland has received a very large amount of attention in recent years. The battles of celebrities such as Louis Gosset Jr., D [...]
Food Sensitivities
Millions of Americans suffer from food sensitivities. These sensitivities can cause a wide array of symptoms from rashes to bloating, from congestion [...]
What Does Your Liver Have To Do With Your Weight?
Weight loss can be a frustrating and arduous task for many people, especially when it seems like you’re doing everything right but not seeing the resu [...]
Getting Help at Home
When is it time to get home healthcare assistance? How do I make that decision? And when? These are questions families struggle with as they attempt t [...]
Chronic Insomnia: A Risk Factor for Disease Natural Ways to Get the Sleep You Need
"Sleep is not a luxury, but rather an important component of health. A healthy amount of sleep is crucial for a vibrant and productive lifestyle. . . [...]
Menopause Sleep Issues: The Adrenal Connection
by Debra Gibson, N.D.
Menopause, also called the change of life, has been the focus of much-needed attention over the past several years, resulting [...]
Lyme Disease: Looking Beyond Borrelia
By Dr. Tom Moorcroft, DO
Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses have reached epidemic proportions in Connecticut and in much of the United Sta [...]
Addressing Underlying Medical Conditions in Autism
By Dr. Deb Bossio
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently estimate that 1 in 110 children in the United States are diagnosed wi [...]
Is Caring for a Loved One Taking a Toll On Your Other Relationships?
Often we are so busy paying attention to what we see, hear, or feel in the moment that we forget what is beneath the immediate surface of our daily li [...]
Special Diets and Autism: Is There a Benefit?
On a recent episode of the popular “Dr Oz Show,” which was devoted to autism, Mehmet Oz asked his panel of physicians if a gluten and casein free diet [...]
PMS: A Monthly Update
A woman’s monthly cycle is a direct barometer of how her body is feeling. Approximately 75 to 80% of women experience the following symptoms on a mont [...]
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A New Model Offering Hope for Recovery
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an increasingly common disorder characterized by impairment in social interaction and communication, as well as rest [...]