Category: Men's Health
Reconnect with Nature, Reconnect with Yourself: A Whole-Health Journey in Africa
At times in life we lose track of the expansiveness of the universe. We sit in our cubicles hard at work, and we begin to feel that this is life: thes [...]
The ABC and E’s of Accident and Injury: The Importance of an Integrated Healthcare Approach
Hey, quick question. Where was the rest of your body when your knee fell down the stairs or when your neck was in a car accident?
Over thirty years [...]
Heal Anxiety by Facing Your Shadow
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I’m a healer, and I have anxiety. That’s right. I didn’t really understand what anxiety was, nor did I rea [...]
How To Boost Your Bone Strength While Building A Better Body
Our bones continually develop throughout our youthful years, forming the foundation of our body for our adult lives. When we were children we had nagg [...]
Hydrogen Water: A Powerful Natural Antioxidant
Free radicals – you’ve heard about them, but what are they really and how do we fight them? In a nutshell – free radicals are inflammation-causing mol [...]
Safe Hormone Replacement Therapy
Synthetic pharmaceuticals prescribed as “hormone replacement” therapy are among the most widely prescribed medications in this country. They are most [...]
The Importance of Health Advocacy
I haven’t been feeling well since last Fall. I was under a lot of stress in September so I thought it was just remnants of that, but as time went on [...]
Beware of Belly Fat: Reducing It Naturally
Each year obesity-related conditions cost over $100 billion and cause an estimated 300,000 premature deaths in the United States, making a very strong [...]
A Leaner, Happier and Healthier Holiday Season
No matter how much our culture changes, year after year, one of the top New Year’s resolutions never seems to change. If you guessed losing weight and [...]
Stand Up Straight!! Your Body Posture is Giving You Clues
Do you remember when your mom used to tell you to correct your posture? To sit up straight? To stand tall? Now, how is your posture? Your walk? When y [...]
Dr. Lauren Young, owner of CT Natural Health Specialists
This business spotlight is our 4th in a series recognizing local holistic practitioners and businesses that are celebrating 10 years in 2017. I had th [...]
Choose a Healthcare Team that Addresses Wellness
Every day we make choices that affect our health and wellness. When we wake up we choose what thoughts we want to empower that color our mood for the [...]
Tools To Take Charge of Your Health
Have you ever felt like you need a “tune-up?” Health and body need a re-boot? Are you feeling less than your best? Chalking it up to working too hard [...]
Keeping Your Bones Healthy for Life
The current approach to osteoporosis illustrates two of the biggest problems in medicine today.
Drug Therapy
First is the myth that only drug the [...]
Why Am I So Sensitive to Chemicals?
As a young child, I remember being allowed by my parents to run ahead through the department store’s perfume section as long as I waited on the other [...]
The O-Shot: The Next Generation in Natural Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments are becoming a popular option for giving a naturally based, biological boost to the healing process. Platelet ce [...]
Testosterone vs. Estrogen in Men
Men….do you think that your testosterone level may be too low? What about your estrogen level being too high? We normally think of the hormone tes [...]
Calling All Men… Are you STRESSED OUT?
We know that even moderate levels of prolonged stress have countless negative effects on the body, including insomnia, high cholesterol, high blood pr [...]
Infertility, A Guy’s Perspective
June is National Men’s Health Month. According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, infertility affects both men and women equally. Howev [...]
Being a Mindful Man in a Crazy World
Every day in my practice I speak to patients about the significant role that stress plays in our lives. We discuss the tendency toward an overactive [...]
Urinary Tract Infections: A Potentially Recurring Problem for Women & Men
Urinary tract infections are the second most common type of infection in the body,
accounting for about 8.1 million visits to health care providers [...]
How Did I Get This “Muffin Top”!
Carl and Cindy have always lived active lives. Married 30 years, they still enjoy biking and golfing, and they pride themselves in their healthy lifes [...]
Make Not-Getting-Cancer a Hobby
Written by Deborah Percival on behalf of a friend.
If you think staying healthy is complicated, try getting cancer. Suddenly, carving out time to e [...]
We Have Been Conditioned to Have Poor Posture!
Beginning at birth, we intuitively know about natural movement and begin to develop the musculature to propel us upward and outward into the world. We [...]