Category: Autism

The ABCs of Surviving Survival Mode for Autism Parents
As a single mother of a teenager with autism, OCD, and anxiety, I understand what it is like to live in survival mode. Some days/weeks/months can feel [...]

The Big Mistake Every Autism Parent Makes – And How to Stop It
For over ten years following my son’s diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, my mantra was, “I’ll be OK once he is OK.”
And the fact was: I was not O [...]

The Missing Piece of the “Autism Awareness” Puzzle
It’s almost April, and soon people will be abuzz about “Autism Awareness.” There will be walks, runs, building and bridges will light up blue, and the [...]

Autism Parenting: How Am I Going to Do This?
The months and years following my son’s autism diagnosis were a mad dash to learn and do as much as possible as fast as possible. From scouring the in [...]

What Causes Autism?
Autism is the fastest-growing medical condition in our children today. From the late 20th century to today, the rates increased EIGHT TIMES! According [...]

Did Acetaminophen Cause the Autism Epidemic?
Pediatrician: “Sure, give your child some Tylenol. It’s perfectly safe.”
Poison Control Line: “Your child took the whole bottle of Tylenol? Go immedi [...]

The Truth About What Causes Autism
Autism is the fastest growing medical condition in our children today. From 2002 to 2016 the rates practically tripled. Approximately 17% of children [...]

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Gut-based Interventions
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) the prevalence of autism is now 1 in 68. This is a 119.4% increase over the rate of 1 in 150 that wa [...]

A Mom Who Healed Autism and ADHD
Several years ago, my youngest son was showing signs of being severely autistic and my older son had PDD (and probably more had we tested him before w [...]

Why Music Therapy Makes Sense
When even our own vocal chords and bodies can become instruments, music is an almost universal experience to man that communicates and touches a deepe [...]

Autism Spectrum Disorder is Increasing at an Alarming Rate
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is now being diagnosed in 1 in every 68 children, according to the most recent data (2010) from the Center for [...]
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Current Research on the Role of Diet and Nutrition
The incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in the United States continues to skyrocket, and is currently estimated to be 1 in 88 American child [...]
How to Augment the Immune System in response to childhood vaccinations
History of Vaccines
The vaccine controversy has been a source of heated debate amongst the natural and traditional medical and parenting communitie [...]
Addressing Underlying Medical Conditions in Autism
By Dr. Deb Bossio
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently estimate that 1 in 110 children in the United States are diagnosed wi [...]

Special Diets and Autism: Is There a Benefit?
On a recent episode of the popular “Dr Oz Show,” which was devoted to autism, Mehmet Oz asked his panel of physicians if a gluten and casein free diet [...]

Autism Spectrum Disorder: A New Model Offering Hope for Recovery
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an increasingly common disorder characterized by impairment in social interaction and communication, as well as rest [...]

Integrative Manual Therapy and Nutritional Wellness for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Is recovery from Autism possible? This is a common question in many parents’ minds today, along with: what will it take? Autism is a [...]

Music: A Window into the World of Autism
What do parents do when their two year-old child is quiet, does not point to things and sits like a stone in his car seat? When two musician parents w [...]

Autism and Allergies, What’s the Link?
In 1943, Austrian psychiatrist Leo Kanner was first to describe autism. His article “Autistic Disturbances of Affective“ described 11 children who had [...]

Supplements and Therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism. It’s growing and growing. In October 2009, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics published a study saying that 1 in 58 bo [...]
Autism: Connecting Through CranioSacral Therapy – By Karen Elizabeth Rowan, LMT, CST
There are a number of health modalities available today that can support a child, teen or an adult that has been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Dis [...]
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