Category: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

1 2 3 4 6 48 / 143 POSTS
Can Hypnotherapy Help Us Move Away from Codependency?

Can Hypnotherapy Help Us Move Away from Codependency?

Everything I do is for you. You’re my reason for living. I don’t need anyone else as long as I have you. A few more of these sappy, romantic qui [...]
The Power That Made the Body Heals the Body

The Power That Made the Body Heals the Body

Auntie, look. I’m gonna sit in front of these computers with my mom. If you could give me 1/100 of any pain relief, I’ll believe it...but this seems r [...]
Can Hypnotherapy Really Help with Anxiety?

Can Hypnotherapy Really Help with Anxiety?

I am anxious by nature. Not a tragedy, but it deeply impacted my quality of life. Restless nights of little sleep would lead to foggy days of lowered [...]
Blanketing the World in Prayer

Blanketing the World in Prayer

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is a sobering time for so many people who have been affected by this scary and deadly disease. I [...]
A Society of Addiction and Instant Gratification

A Society of Addiction and Instant Gratification

As I get older and reflect, I feel that we, as a society, have been in a very rough place for the last several years. There are societal shifts I feel [...]
My Mother Was Right…Until She Wasn’t

My Mother Was Right…Until She Wasn’t

My mom is an amazing person. She is highly educated, taught school for 38 years, and has given me sage advice that I rejected when I was young but emb [...]
Channeling Your Wisdom with IFS

Channeling Your Wisdom with IFS

Internal Family Systems (IFS), an evidence-based healing model that serves as a powerful tool for wellness and growth, starts with the view of every h [...]
Don’t Fit the Same Old Mold – Find Your Own Unique Style

Don’t Fit the Same Old Mold – Find Your Own Unique Style

When I was in the first phase of my two-part Rolfing® training over forty years ago, I was young, a bit uncentered, and had a hard time staying presen [...]
Peptide Therapy to Reduce Pain and Accelerate Healing

Peptide Therapy to Reduce Pain and Accelerate Healing

In the groundbreaking book, Why We Age - and Why We Don’t Have To by Dr. David Sinclair, a leading world authority on genetics and longevity, Sinclair [...]
Neurofeedback or Psychotherapy? How to Decide Which Treatment Is Right for You

Neurofeedback or Psychotherapy? How to Decide Which Treatment Is Right for You

If you ever feel like life is more overwhelming and stressful than it used to be, you’re probably right - and you’re not alone. That’s according to sc [...]
Bashert: Meant to Be

Bashert: Meant to Be

When I was a teenager, I often heard my mom say, “It was bashert.” Saying it seemed to finalize a conversation with head nodding and a collective “ooo [...]
Our Wonderful Feet

Our Wonderful Feet

Our feet are miracles of creation. They allow us to walk, run, climb stairs, hike, skip, hop, and give us proper balance. Hopefully, we take care of t [...]
Shift from Struggling to Conceive to Empowered Conception

Shift from Struggling to Conceive to Empowered Conception

The journey of bringing a soul into your life is more intricate than we have ever been taught to believe. Conception is not just a physical and biolog [...]
Is It Possible to Slow Down – or Even Reverse Aging?

Is It Possible to Slow Down – or Even Reverse Aging?

In the groundbreaking book, Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To, by Dr. David Sinclair, a leading world authority on genetics and longevity, Sinclair [...]
Get to Know CBD: The Most Frequently Asked Questions

Get to Know CBD: The Most Frequently Asked Questions

You may have heard about all the health-related benefits of using CBD, but you’re still on the fence about using it. You have questions...and we have [...]
Cleaning Up My Diet – A Lifetime of Change

Cleaning Up My Diet – A Lifetime of Change

I started an ethical eating stand when I was six years old. I can remember our kitchen, where I stood, and the entire conversation as if it was yester [...]
Letter to a Caregiver

Letter to a Caregiver

Caregiver: (n) A person who provides direct care to someone else; as for children, elderly; an injured family member/friend or the chronically ill. D [...]
Is Your Pet’s Stress Stressing You Out? Dogs + CBD FAQs

Is Your Pet’s Stress Stressing You Out? Dogs + CBD FAQs

For many of us, our pets are our fur babies. We love them, cuddle with them, and of course, we worry when they’re unwell. Thankfully, more natural opt [...]
A Survivor’s Journey – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

A Survivor’s Journey – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I will tell my story because I believe is it priceless to hear firsthand from a holistic person who has survived cancer. There were four related surge [...]
The Latest Non-Invasive Regenerative Therapy to Treat Chronic Injury

The Latest Non-Invasive Regenerative Therapy to Treat Chronic Injury

Regenerative medicine is the wave of the future. It is the process of replacing or “regenerating” human cells, tissues, or organs to restore or establ [...]
Natural Pain Relief with CBD

Natural Pain Relief with CBD

One of the leading reasons aging adults seek medical attention is for pain relief. As we age, those little aches and pains can become more chronic, ev [...]
CBD: The Natural Sleep Remedy?

CBD: The Natural Sleep Remedy?

Experts tell us a good night’s sleep is critical for overall well-being and ensures you feel rested and have energy for the next day. Effective sleep [...]
Improving the Lives of Children through Rolfing®

Improving the Lives of Children through Rolfing®

Over the last forty years, I have had Rolfing sessions with many children. I applaud the parents because they have insight and want the best for their [...]
Fighting Lyme Disease with Acupuncture

Fighting Lyme Disease with Acupuncture

Summer is here! Warm, sunny days; cool, comfy nights; more time spent outdoors…introducing the potential for a greater exposure to tick bites. Tick-bo [...]
1 2 3 4 6 48 / 143 POSTS