Category: Inspire

1 4 5 6 7 8 16 144 / 375 POSTS
How to Be Fabulous Over 50

How to Be Fabulous Over 50

Aging is a natural part of life. Physiologically, during a process called sarcopenia, our bodies lose 3–5% of our muscle mass after age 30. Our fascia [...]
The Pathway to Self-Care

The Pathway to Self-Care

Healthy aging is our birthright and yes, it can be yours at any age! We have been conditioned to believe that aches, pains, body issues, brain fog, em [...]
The Placebo Effect—It’s All about Belief

The Placebo Effect—It’s All about Belief

The placebo effect has gained significant exposure and acceptance over the past 10–20 years for two reasons: In the world of clinical research, lit [...]
Wisdom of the Inner Child

Wisdom of the Inner Child

We all carry with us the wounds and the joys of childhood. Often the voice of our inner child may speak to us, perhaps recollecting wounds from our ea [...]
15 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a COVID Shot

15 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a COVID Shot

Knowing how contentious this issue is, part of me would rather just write about something else, but I feel like the discussion/news is so one-sided, I [...]
You Want to Trust…but Experience Tells You Not To

You Want to Trust…but Experience Tells You Not To

As a psychotherapist and relationship specialist, I hear the word “trust” quite often in therapy sessions. In fact, lack of trust is one of the top ca [...]
Reducing Stress Is the Heart’s Work

Reducing Stress Is the Heart’s Work

You’ve probably sat through a Zoom meeting and watched a weak presentation, thinking, “What an incoherent presentation that was!” Or maybe you saw som [...]
A Fascinating Journey into Numerology and Healing

A Fascinating Journey into Numerology and Healing

From ancient times, each day of the week has been associated with a planet. The day you were born gives you a special link with the planetary ruler of [...]
Rolfing Rhymes with Golfing!

Rolfing Rhymes with Golfing!

In 1980, I sat in Dr. Groves’s kinesiology class at Central Connecticut State University, studying the science of human movement with all the jocks. W [...]
Returning to Work: New World, New Rules, New Opportunities!

Returning to Work: New World, New Rules, New Opportunities!

We all remember when it happened. One day, you were knee-deep in a rinse-and-repeat style of life, and the next, you could not go to work—not just you [...]
Finding Your Life Passion through Spiritual Counseling

Finding Your Life Passion through Spiritual Counseling

What would it feel like to lean into your passion for life? How would it feel to have clarity and confidence as you take the next step on your path? D [...]
FreedomFest 2021: The World’s Largest Gathering of Free Minds

FreedomFest 2021: The World’s Largest Gathering of Free Minds

FreedomFest is an intense three and a half days, and it’s different from any conference you have ever attended. This year’s theme is fitting: Healthy, [...]
Energy Evolution

Energy Evolution

I have witnessed so much shift and change since I moved to the US in 1994, and I count myself lucky and blessed to be part of the global growth and mo [...]
Boosting Immunity Mindfully to Beat Stress

Boosting Immunity Mindfully to Beat Stress

It’s no secret that stress negatively affects the immune system. Indirectly, stressed people tend to engage in behaviors that have negative effects on [...]
Is Your Vision Board Working for You?

Is Your Vision Board Working for You?

Shortly after the documentary film The Secret, based in part on principles developed by Esther Hicks, came out in 2006, a mass of people were suddenly [...]
Reveal Your Past & Heal Using the Akashic Records

Reveal Your Past & Heal Using the Akashic Records

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed many more references to the Akashic Field, Akashic Records, The Book of Life, and more. I am now seeing the term [...]
How Can You Transform Your Relationships?

How Can You Transform Your Relationships?

We are social beings. Relationships to ourselves and to others are essential for our very survival. This last year of isolation during the pandemic, i [...]
Smudging: Self-Care Spring Cleaning

Smudging: Self-Care Spring Cleaning

As we approach the spring season, we think of opening the windows to get fresh air, putting our winter clothes away, and doing a deep cleaning of our [...]
Searching for the Mystic Within

Searching for the Mystic Within

The spiritual world is full of mystics, those who have reached such a depth of spirituality and awakening that they serve as inspiration and teachers [...]
Shaken to the Core

Shaken to the Core

On January 6, 2021, I was settling down to write this column. It was my typical Wednesday off. I rest my hands, take time for myself and get life done [...]
Learn from 2020 and Lead the Way in 2021

Learn from 2020 and Lead the Way in 2021

In 2020, nearly nothing we anticipated came to fruition as we had expected. Yet this past year, maybe even without recognizing it, adapting to the mul [...]
Why Do Women Find It Hard to Ask for Help?

Why Do Women Find It Hard to Ask for Help?

I was recently asked this question, “Why do women find it hard to ask for help?” I want to qualify my answer by sharing that finding it hard to ask fo [...]
A Lifetime Saga of Mastering My Weight

A Lifetime Saga of Mastering My Weight

I was a chunky kid who was not very athletic and not very coordinated. People said I had a cute face, you know what that means! On my dad’s side, we h [...]
A Pivotal Life Changing Decision

A Pivotal Life Changing Decision

How does one thrive in life, business and relationships? I want to share with you my personal experience of how I was able to thrive in life. This is [...]
1 4 5 6 7 8 16 144 / 375 POSTS