Category: Healthy Eating
Fueling the Mind: The Connection Between Nutrition and Brain Health
The food we consume plays a vital role in optimal brain health. Just as our bodies rely on a balanced diet, our brains require specific nutrients to f [...]
Embrace a Food-First Approach During Menopause
Menopause can bring a wave of changes and symptoms, including hot flashes and central weight gain, as well as more subtle issues like bone density los [...]
NAFLD: The Silent Killer
When we think about liver disease, what usually comes to mind is cirrhosis due to several years of excessive alcohol consumption. However, liver damag [...]
BOOSTIE™: Clean, Sprouted Nutrition for Your Health
We live in a time when it’s increasingly difficult to determine the origin of our food and uncover the hidden ingredients. The FDA doesn’t require all [...]
Can Increasing the Energy in Your Brain Really Help You Heal?
Decades of research reveal that when you have an energy deficit in the brain, dysfunction and damage result. A newly published study from Stanford Uni [...]
Why BOOSTIE™ Is the Perfect Food!
Thirty-one years ago, my journey to the foods I currently eat started with a premenopausal breast cancer diagnosis. Thank you, G-d and the universe, f [...]
BOOSTIE™: The Forgotten Foods Our Ancestors Ate
Why am I offering a seemingly boring product that contains mostly nuts and seeds, with a bit of cacao nibs and an electrolyte version? Maybe I’m “nuts [...]
The Scoop on Abusing Sugar
Did you splurge over the holidays? If you’re like 75% of the American population, you ate too much sugar in the form of sweets or simple carbohydrates [...]
High-Vibration Foods for Your Best Life
What does food mean to you? Is it a way to have fun, feed a need, bond with friends and family, learn about the world, or detoxify and lose weight? Ho [...]
Good Nutrition Is Key for Caregivers Avoiding Chronic Health Issues
As the primary caregiver for my daughter with cerebral palsy (now twenty-six years old) and a lengthy list of medical issues, and with my husband rece [...]
5 Tips for Hormone Balance
Cyclical fluctuations in the levels of the ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone are necessary for producing a regular menstrual cycle. Mild symp [...]
4 Tips for Dinner Planning Without Restriction
Meal planning weekly can be a major frustration for many families. There are many variables to planning meals - what to make, the ingredients needed, [...]
Could Fat Become Your Friend? This MD Says It Should
Meet Dr. Christine Najjar, a medical doctor in Connecticut whose approach is deliciously refreshing. She specializes in Metabolic Medicine—the science [...]
How Food Can Help Heal Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Irregular menstrual cycles of longer than 35 days, acne, abnormal body hair growth, hair loss, and weight challenges are just a few of the symptoms th [...]
What’s the Best Diet for Chronic Illness?
The healthiest diet for those who have chronic illness should be able to pass muster if analyzed for these four factors:
Nutrient density
Alkalin [...]
Dieting Can Actually Cause Binge Eating and Body Image Distortion
Dieting is nothing new to Americans. On average, 45 million Americans go on diets every year. Being constantly surrounded by messaging that says, “eat [...]
7 Steps to a Healthy Gut and a Healthy Weight
Did you know that what we eat affects our gut bacteria and can cause weight gain or weight loss resistance? In fact, your weight may be controlled mor [...]
Can We Really Eat Fat to Lose Fat?
The title of this article is not my own, but rather it is the first step mentioned in a book that changed my life. That book is Busting Breast Cancer: [...]
Recipe: Fermented Verde Hot Sauce
Green hot sauces are traditionally milder than red, but you have the ultimate control when you make your own. I use a mix of mild jalapeños (2,500–8,0 [...]
The Power of Individualized Medicine: A Case Study
We are led to believe by most conventional doctors that the measurement of LDL and total blood cholesterol levels are the primary predictors for cardi [...]
The Anatomy of a Healthy Diet
Diet has an enormous impact on our overall health yet choosing the right one for you can be an overwhelming task, even with proper guidance. Before re [...]
To Dairy or Not to Dairy – That Is the Question
Dairy from cow’s milk, or from other animals such as goats, remains a controversial topic regarding its contribution to chronic conditions. I am going [...]
Protect Your Immune System Naturally This Holiday Season
The glorious fall days are upon us, along with their promises of pumpkin-picking excursions, Thanksgiving, and all the special holidays, including rin [...]
Soups: The Ultimate Comfort Food
If your eyes aren’t welling up and your nose isn’t running, you’re simply not getting your money’s worth from winter cooking. This is the season we go [...]