Category: Stress
Protect Your Immune System Naturally This Holiday Season
The glorious fall days are upon us, along with their promises of pumpkin-picking excursions, Thanksgiving, and all the special holidays, including rin [...]
Are You Touch Deprived?
Who isn’t completely stressed out these days? With the ongoing pandemic, intense political climate, and civil unrest, we are all on edge more than eve [...]
Reducing Stress Is the Heart’s Work
You’ve probably sat through a Zoom meeting and watched a weak presentation, thinking, “What an incoherent presentation that was!” Or maybe you saw som [...]
Difficulty Sleeping? Massage Therapy Can Help
According to the American Psychiatric Association, sleep disorders involve problems with quality, timing, and amount of sleep, resulting in daytime di [...]
Boosting Immunity Mindfully to Beat Stress
It’s no secret that stress negatively affects the immune system. Indirectly, stressed people tend to engage in behaviors that have negative effects on [...]
Healing Chronic Illness with Functional Medicine
Chronic health issues can be a daily burden. Many are suffering with Post-COVID (or Long-COVID) syndrome, that includes fatigue, brain fog, and residu [...]
The Four Pillars of Optimal Health
As much as we would like one, there is no single answer to achieving optimal health. In truth, a healthy lifestyle is one rooted in balance, not quick [...]
The Benefits of Himalayan Salt Stone Massage
You may have heard of Hot Stone Massage but a novel treatment called Himalayan Salt Stone Massage has become popular in recent years primarily due to [...]
Gaining Control Over Your Stressed Brain
Completely frantic and beside herself, a young mother of two came to see me for fatigue. Once she sat down with me, the floodgates opened and she admi [...]
Stress Reduction 101
In my youth, I remember feeling so stressed I could not breathe. Feeling so stressed I could not think, sleep or eat. My heart felt like a brick, my h [...]
DIY Tips to Relieve Stress
If you’re reading this, please, take a pause, and do this body scan. Let your shoulders drop, sit- up straight, unclench your hands and jaw. Take a de [...]
Are You Touch Deprived?
Who isn’t stressed out to the max these days? With the ongoing pandemic, intense political climate, and civil unrest, we are all on edge more than eve [...]
4 Ayurvedic Remedies to Manage Stress
The Ayurvedic approach to stress is based on an imbalance in our energetic properties, the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha). Stress in Ayurveda is seen pre [...]
Stress Could Be Causing Your Infertility
Quarantine, protests, virtual or no work/school, riots, face mask wearing. . . Demands, expectations, uncertainties, and judgement from others. . . I [...]
Managing Stress and Anxiety in Children
Life is full of many experiences, both happy and stressful. They are a part of everyday life for both adults and children. Learning how to manage stre [...]
CBD’s Minor Cannabinoids & Terpene Blends “Science Made Simple”
In this amazing world of CBD there has been much talk of our bodies and the wonders of our very own Endocannabinoid System including how receptors in [...]
Acupuncture for Stress & Immunity: Just the Medicine for These Anxious Times
The public awareness of acupuncture has grown by leaps and bounds since I first started my practice 13 years ago. This is a testament not only to the [...]
Being Stressed Doesn’t Have To Be So Stressful!
On a day-to-day basis, we are generally able to undergo various amounts of stress that doesn’t appear to influence our functioning. However, the feeli [...]
Debunking The Top 5 Self-Care Myths
Self-care has gained notable momentum in the wellness community. We are all familiar with the concept that we, “cannot pour from an empty cup” or that [...]
CBD Therapy: Just The Facts
CBD stands for ‘Cannabidiol’ which is a compound extracted from hemp. Hemp contains CBD as well as hundreds of other plant compounds, including CBN, C [...]
Reflexology: An Ancient Healing Art for Today’s Stresses
Natural therapies evoke natural responses for the enrichment of mind, body and “sole.” With that thought in mind, I invite you to relax, take off your [...]
Is Stress Literally WEIGHING You Down?
Dieting can only take you so far if your mental state can’t create or sustain good habits. Moreover, if you live in constant stress, you probably simp [...]
5 Tips to DeStress in the New Year
While stress is a hot topic all year, the holidays and the start of a new year bring a heightened awareness to the topic. Even as we wind down from t [...]
Make Stress Your Goal This Year
Most people want to alleviate stress in their life; so much so, that they stress over it, but there’s actually a good reason to embrace stress. Stres [...]