Category: Digestion

1 2 3 24 / 51 POSTS
Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain: How Gut Health Impacts Your Mental Health

Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain: How Gut Health Impacts Your Mental Health

Your gut and brain are more connected than you might think. Research continues to uncover critical links between gut health and brain function, often [...]
SAD? It’s a Gut Feeling!

SAD? It’s a Gut Feeling!

It’s that time of year again when the days have gotten shorter, and darkness begins to encroach on our workdays. It is difficult for just about everyo [...]
Gut Health: The Key to Vibrant Energy

Gut Health: The Key to Vibrant Energy

Can you relate to this? You wake up feeling tired and sluggish, facing a jam-packed day. You ask yourself, “How on Earth am I supposed to get through [...]
Why You Should Try Colon Hydrotherapy

Why You Should Try Colon Hydrotherapy

Have you heard people talking about colonics (also called colon hydrotherapy)? Word has been spreading about the importance of gut health and the heal [...]
Taking a Bite Out of Food Sensitivity and Intolerance

Taking a Bite Out of Food Sensitivity and Intolerance

Do you suffer from a range of undiagnosed symptoms that feel like a complete mystery? Has it become your norm to suffer painful or uncomfortable intes [...]
Gut Dysbiosis: Energy Vampire?

Gut Dysbiosis: Energy Vampire?

More than 1000 different species of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoans, call our digestive tract home - from its entrance to it [...]
How Traditional Chinese Medicine Improves Digestion

How Traditional Chinese Medicine Improves Digestion

Imagine you are about to cook something. Assuming you have already prepped your ingredients, what is the first thing you do? You turn on the stove. Fi [...]
Did You Know Digestive Problems Can Reduce Your Immune Function?

Did You Know Digestive Problems Can Reduce Your Immune Function?

Considering the pervasive use of preservatives and the increase in modified foods in our diet, is it any wonder why we have more digestive problems th [...]
Diet Can Make a Difference for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Diet Can Make a Difference for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

One in ten people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a chronic condition with symptoms including abdominal pain, bloating and distention, exc [...]
Never Fear Food Poisoning Again

Never Fear Food Poisoning Again

Your head is pounding, your brow is sweating, and the stabbing pain in your gut is the only thing that distracts you from the nausea. You run for the [...]
The Critical Functions of the Gut Microbiome

The Critical Functions of the Gut Microbiome

What is a microbiome? And why is this daunting biological term important to understanding our health? A microbiome is a colony or ecosystem of diverse [...]
Heal Your Gut to Beat Disease and Achieve Your Ideal Weight

Heal Your Gut to Beat Disease and Achieve Your Ideal Weight

With 60-70 million Americans affected by digestive disorders like constipation, heart burn, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease or ulcerative co [...]
A Microbiome Reset to Transform Your Weight and Health

A Microbiome Reset to Transform Your Weight and Health

As a practitioner who focuses on microbiome medicine, I am still astonished at how much of our health is contingent upon the health of those little cr [...]
Go with Your Gut!

Go with Your Gut!

Everything you eat passes through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the tube-like structure of your digestive system. The GI tract is home to millions [...]
Natural Ways to Address Acid Reflux & GERD

Natural Ways to Address Acid Reflux & GERD

Chronic gastrointestinal (GI) complaints are often treated with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), antibiotics, and other medications that offer temporary [...]
How Genetics and the Environment Influence Your Gut

How Genetics and the Environment Influence Your Gut

A tremendous amount of research is coming out in regards to genetics and personalized wellness. Gastrointestinal health, although largely impacted by [...]
Natural Approaches to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Natural Approaches to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Few people realize that the intestinal tract has its own nervous system that communicates directly with the brain [called the gut-brain axis]. Because [...]
Belly Blues: How Gut Health Impacts Your Mood

Belly Blues: How Gut Health Impacts Your Mood

Stress is something we all have experienced. We have all dealt with digestive issues at some point in our life, whether it be heartburn, gas, diarrhea [...]
A Multifaceted Approach to a Healthy, Happy Gut

A Multifaceted Approach to a Healthy, Happy Gut

It has been said that inflammation is the cause of almost every disease and this is especially true when it comes to disorders of the gut. Intestinal [...]
Breathe Easier During Allergy Season

Breathe Easier During Allergy Season

‘Tis the season for sneezing, congestion, headaches, and itchy eyes. As the beautiful trees begin to bud and flowers push up through the ground, peop [...]
Allergies! Your Food IS Your Medicine

Allergies! Your Food IS Your Medicine

It’s spring...the trees are green, the grass is lush after a wet winter, and the flowers are blooming beautiful colors. With this being so, your aller [...]
Is Your Food Making You Sick?

Is Your Food Making You Sick?

Does eating make you feel tired, bloated or in pain? Do you feel certain that you are having food reactions but don’t know what to call it or where to [...]
5 Steps to Heal Your Gut

5 Steps to Heal Your Gut

Have you heard of this thing called “leaky gut”? What does it mean to have a leaky gut and what symptoms would you experience? More importantly, what [...]
Your GI Distress May Be Due to Leaky Gut Syndrome

Your GI Distress May Be Due to Leaky Gut Syndrome

I learned the importance of gut health over 30 years ago. It all started when I found a naturopathic doctor for my four year old daughter. She had be [...]
1 2 3 24 / 51 POSTS