Category: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

1 4 5 6143 / 143 POSTS
Hypnosis: Discover the Secret to Effortless Weight Loss

Hypnosis: Discover the Secret to Effortless Weight Loss

It’s that most wonderful time of year again. The leaves have fallen from the trees and the temperature of the air is cool and crisp. The dark evening [...]
Leveraging the Natural Power of the Mind to Conceive

Leveraging the Natural Power of the Mind to Conceive

The infertility statistics in the United States are a bit inconsistent, depending on the source you reference, but let’s face it, if you’re someone wh [...]
Self Healing with Singing Bowls

Self Healing with Singing Bowls

“Healing is the state of coming into balance and harmony with our highest purpose.”    - Steve Halpern If given the opportunity, th [...]
Cranial Therapy & Holistic Physical Therapy for Concussions and Sports Injuries

Cranial Therapy & Holistic Physical Therapy for Concussions and Sports Injuries

Have you ever felt completely helpless after one of your children incurs a sports injury or after you have injured yourself? We have all heard the phr [...]
Breast Cancer: The Integrative Connection

Breast Cancer: The Integrative Connection

That scary word that any woman would fear to hear: Breast Cancer. Breast cancer is a serious condition striking 1 in 8 women. There will be an estimat [...]
Has Breast Cancer Touched Your Life?

Has Breast Cancer Touched Your Life?

As women, breast cancer is a part of our lives. It has been a part of my life since my mother had her first scare with it back when I was a teenager, [...]
Optimize Your Life by Nurturing Your Spine

Optimize Your Life by Nurturing Your Spine

What is Buddhism? While it is an umbrella term for various principles and practices all wrapped in a cultural layer, at its core, Buddhism is really a [...]
Integration of Conventional Medicine with Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Integration of Conventional Medicine with Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Nurses are among the most trusted professionals, devoting their careers to caring for other people. Holistic nursing is the core of nursing education [...]
What the Mind Believes, the Body Can Conceive

What the Mind Believes, the Body Can Conceive

The Infertility statistics in the United States are a bit inconsistent, depending on the source you reference; but let’s face it, if you’re someone wh [...]
Natural Relief from Gout

Natural Relief from Gout

Scientists estimate that 6 million adults age 20 and older report having had gout at some time in their lives. . . [It] may be difficult for doctor [...]
Ancient Wisdom for Hormone Balance and Weight Loss

Ancient Wisdom for Hormone Balance and Weight Loss

Have you ever had the experience of trying to lose weight and you just can’t. “Doctor, I have tried everything and I can’t lose weight!” is a common t [...]
Winter and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Winter and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) states that people should live in harmony with their environment. During winter, this means slowing down and keepin [...]
BioSet – A New Way to Treat Allergies

BioSet – A New Way to Treat Allergies

BioSet is a gentle, drug free means of eliminating food intolerances and environmental sensitivities. Based on the principle of the energetic body, as [...]
The Yin and Yang of Autumn

The Yin and Yang of Autumn

As the humid days of summer give way to the brittle, dry air of fall, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners begin to turn their attention to the [...]
Homeopathy – A Safe, Effective, Non-Toxic Way to Help Your Child’s Mental Health Challenges

Homeopathy – A Safe, Effective, Non-Toxic Way to Help Your Child’s Mental Health Challenges

Here in Connecticut we are very much aware of the mental health challenges our children are experiencing given the increased diagnoses of ADHD and Aut [...]


By Tom Moorcroft, DO Have you ever taken a walk on a sandy beach or through tall, green grass moistened by the morning dew and felt a slight tingle [...]

Raising Children Naturally

Introduction In today’s world it is vital to make natural choices whenever possible. Making the natural choice is important for two reasons: 1. to [...]

Addressing Underlying Medical Conditions in Autism

By Dr. Deb Bossio   The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently estimate that 1 in 110 children in the United States are diagnosed wi [...]

Hypothyroid Symptoms – They’re Not in Your Head!

An interview with Dr. Frank Aieta (West Hartford), a Licensed Naturopathic Physician; Dr. Ann Aresco (Kensington), a Licensed Naturopathic Physician; [...]

The Flu Vaccine – By Dr. Frank Aieta, ND

It’s flu season again, and I’ve been receiving countless e-mails from patients and readers regard­ing the flu vaccination asking whether they should g [...]

Don’t fail me now! Amatsu perspectives on foot care. – by Andrew K Davies

Don't fail me now! Amatsu perspectives on foot care. Amatsu therapy employs the skill of Seitai (true body) in assessing and re-balancing the struc [...]

Whole Body Vibration Machines: Do They Really Work? – By Kelli Swick B.S.

Remember the vibrating belt exerciser? This rather comical 1950's contraption was placed around your thighs and buttocks and claimed to increase fat b [...]

Autism: Connecting Through CranioSacral Therapy – By Karen Elizabeth Rowan, LMT, CST

There are a number of health modalities available today that can support a child, teen or an adult that has been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Dis [...]
1 4 5 6143 / 143 POSTS