Category: Inspire
Release Your Trauma from Past Lives
Though quantum healing hypnosis may be a term that is new to you, you are probably more familiar with the term “past-life regression,” and that is exa [...]
The Chicken or the Egg?
It’s the age-old conundrum—which came first, the chicken or the egg? Similarly, as a student of Rolfing forty-odd years ago, we debated the question, [...]
Returning to “Normal”?
Many of my recent conversations have involved the question, “When will things return to normal?” I am incredibly interested in these conversations. I [...]
Discover Who You Truly Are
Deep into preparing for my “Love Your Inner Child” event on a bitterly cold, snowy weekend, I experienced one of those big “a-ha” moments. I had been [...]
To Dairy or Not to Dairy – That Is the Question
Dairy from cow’s milk, or from other animals such as goats, remains a controversial topic regarding its contribution to chronic conditions. I am going [...]
The Healing of Trauma as a Path to Individual – and Even World – Peace
I have studied body-centered Gestalt therapy at Hartford Family Institute for the past 21 years and in that time I have learned many things, though pe [...]
When Your Body Talks, LISTEN!
There was a very loud bang that scared my seven-year-old dog, causing him to jump up and over, landing on my new puppy, who screeched and ran around m [...]
The Resiliency of Spirit
There is no doubt the past two years have tested our resiliency in many ways. For some of us, resilience is not something we have taken time to ponder [...]
7 Clues That You Knew Your Partner in a Past Life
Could it be possible that love survives and crosses over from one lifetime to the next? If you believe in reincarnation and coming back to earth as yo [...]
Can You Take a “Shortcut” to a Better Self-Image?
Your self-image shapes the trajectory of your life. If you see yourself as attractive, fit, likeable, capable, and adventurous, then you behave as if [...]
Finally Keep Those New Year’s Resolutions with a Health Coach
The new year and new year’s resolutions are right around the corner. Every year with excitement and a fresh perspective, many people vow to commit the [...]
Is Your Spirit in Need of a Tune-Up?
As humans, we have feelings of discomfort and dis-ease in us. These feelings include depression, anxiety, fear, agitation, meaninglessness, loneliness [...]
Celebrate the Little Things
I have always loved birthdays—my birthday, my friends’ birthdays, my family’s birthdays. It’s a day to commemorate all that is good about being brough [...]
Trauma: A Spiritual Awakening
A pure heart, open to the Light, will be filled with the Elixir of Truth.
~ Rumi
As I hold her heart, I whisper in her ear: “Don’t hold back the tear [...]
A Promise of Spring
Winter is a time of rest, moving inward, hunkering down into a place of warmth, solitude, and reflection. It is a time to dream of peace, the return o [...]
Mindful Practices for the Winter Months
As I sit and write this, the hours of daylight are getting shorter and for some of us, entering and enduring the winter months can be difficult in man [...]
Healing from the Pain of Unexpected Loss
In the more than 40 years I have been a practicing psychotherapist, I have worked with many people who have experienced unexpected/traumatic loss, inc [...]
Dive into Change!
Change is everywhere—our shifting climate, the four seasons here in New England, our bodies as we age, our relationships. Change is inevitable. It has [...]
Hungry for Answers: An Inner Journey
When I asked my inner guidance for the name of my podcast, the response I received was Hungry for Answers. “Yes!” I thought, “Hungry for Answers would [...]
The Foundation of Self-Trust
The concept of self-trust is the topic foremost on the minds of those who sit on my couch. Self-trust, in my opinion, is the foundation for starting a [...]
Spiritual Health for Today’s Woman
As I reflected on the topic of spiritual health and pondered how I would bring this message to women, I had to go deep into my own heart. What is spir [...]
A Metaphysical Dive into the Dynamics of the Pandemic
As a licensed integrative/addictions psychotherapist and spiritual scientist, I weave ancient wisdoms of psychology with contemporary philosophy to tr [...]
The Art of Patience
We, as a society, are impatient. We want everything NOW, if not sooner. I am guilty of this myself, and as I grow older and as our world speeds up, it [...]
Mindful Wandering in Nature
We can receive messages from the divine wherever we are, at any time. On a recent hike at Hidden Valley Preserve, I practiced wandering with intention [...]