Category: Emotional Well-being

1 8 9 10240 / 240 POSTS
Life Off the Mat: Living a Life of Excellence and Purpose in Five Simple Steps

Life Off the Mat: Living a Life of Excellence and Purpose in Five Simple Steps

Ahhh…the sweet aroma of incense fills my senses and my soul. The worries of the day begin to fade. The warm candlelit room deeply calms me and the so [...]
Soul Retrieval: Reclaiming Personal Power Through Shamanic Healing

Soul Retrieval: Reclaiming Personal Power Through Shamanic Healing

“It is our birthright to fully express our Souls. Life without meaning equals despair. It is time for all to collect back our lost pieces and rememb [...]
Nurturing Your Relationship While Being a Working Mom

Nurturing Your Relationship While Being a Working Mom

One of the most challenging jobs in the world is being a mom. Factor in being a working mom and that job just got a little harder. It’s easy to lose [...]
Sex, Money, and…Retirement: How to Thrive in the Second Half of Your Marriage

Sex, Money, and…Retirement: How to Thrive in the Second Half of Your Marriage

One day we wake up and say, “Where did the time go?” The kids are off and we are retired. Waking up and entering the stage of retirement in a consciou [...]
Creating a Conscious Relationship with Your Partner

Creating a Conscious Relationship with Your Partner

Is there a formula for success in relationships? Have you ever wondered how some couples sustain healthy, happy, loving relationships while others se [...]
Bored or Unfulfilled by Your Current Job or Career?

Bored or Unfulfilled by Your Current Job or Career?

How do you define fulfillment in a career? Are you happy climbing the corporate ladder? Are you fulfilled by income, benefits, opportunities to travel [...]
Can a Horse be Your Best Coach?

Can a Horse be Your Best Coach?

"Horses are experts at helping people develop power, focus, balance-in-motion, social intelligence and the physical, mental and emotional collection d [...]
A 10-Step Plan for Dating with Purpose

A 10-Step Plan for Dating with Purpose

What if 2015 is your year to find love? It absolutely can be if you decide to take action and start dating with purpose. What is Dating with Purpos [...]
SOUL RETREIVAL AT WORK – Finding Meaning and Purpose at Work: Part 2

SOUL RETREIVAL AT WORK – Finding Meaning and Purpose at Work: Part 2

Something is missing at our place of work, something is very wrong….and we know it. Last month we discussed the cost of sleepwalking to work each day [...]
SOUL RETREIVAL AT WORK – Finding Meaning and Purpose at Work

SOUL RETREIVAL AT WORK – Finding Meaning and Purpose at Work

Something is missing at our place of work, something is very wrong….and we know it. So many of us are sleepwalking to work each day feeling unmotivat [...]
Emotional Fitness: The Key To Your Happiness

Emotional Fitness: The Key To Your Happiness

Last year more than 255 million prescriptions were written for anti-depressants in the U.S. alone. That’s really quite an amazing number. According to [...]
The Keys To Happiness

The Keys To Happiness

Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino   Our family is the proud owner of an adorable hamster named Emma Stone. She’s really quite cute by the way. [...]

The Happiness Code 2013

The year is 2013 and you are looking back on the past 10 years of your life...evaluating… did I do?  Did I make a difference?  We al [...]

From Fried to Revived: How To Take Your Power Back

Two symbols represent the Chinese character for change: danger and opportunity. It’s a fitting image for the fast-paced world we live in, today. “The [...]
Susan Lazar Hart Speaks About Stress and Relationships

Susan Lazar Hart Speaks About Stress and Relationships

Susan Lazar Hart Speaks About Stress and Relaptionships. See Her Live at Empowering Me...Naturally! Play Audio [...]

Words that Heal: Communicating with Kids

  A teen boy was agitated with staff on a pediatric psychiatric unit – cursing, threatening, pacing – so he was sent to a small room to calm down o [...]

Can Love Survive Commitment?

Yes, Love CAN survive commitment and in the right environment continue to grow and flourish throughout our life span. Isn't that just such good news, [...]

Life Is a Rehearsal

A while ago I did something really nice for my wife and took all the groceries out of the car and put them away when she came home from shopping. When [...]

The Problem with Obedience…

Are you a person who doesn't like to read ALL the directions to a game and you just want to learn as you go?  I am.  Sometimes I just feel like it's t [...]

Beyond the Resolution: Sustaining Lifestyle Transformation

Staying on Course for the Life You Want Change is not merely necessary to life – it is life.  Alvin Toffler Change and transformation are part of ev [...]

Harness Your Brain’s Power with Guided Imagery By Caroline Temple MS,LCSW

If there were a tool that could reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, enhance the immune system, reduce physical pain, help with insomnia and eating, [...]

Reflexology and Stress Reduction

One of the most important benefits of reflexology is its effect in reducing stress. Stress is intangible it cannot be seen, heard, smelt or tasted, bu [...]

What to do when confronting illness and disease – by A. Harris Stone Ed.D.

Most of our daily behaviors emerge from patterns we've developed and reinforced. We react to situationsautomatically, often completing an action witho [...]

Releasing Anger to Improve Well Being! – By Karen Gregaitis

Part of taking care of ourselves is learning how to express all our emotions. One emotion that seems to cause the most confusion, havoc or uncertainty [...]
1 8 9 10240 / 240 POSTS