Category: Weight Loss
5 Strategies For Losing Weight and Being Financially Fit
This year is your year. Now is your opportunity to acknowledge how satisfied you are with your personal finances and take yourself to the next level [...]
Having Trouble Shedding Those Stubborn Pounds?
This year, you resolve to lose weight. You eliminate the junk food and hidden sugars from your diet. You start reading food labels. You switch to an a [...]
Is Inflammation Causing You to Gain Weight?
Inflammation is a major component of life that helps us deal with things such as infections, injuries, or allergies. In all instances, our body is try [...]
10 Step Ayurvedic Approach to Body Weight Management
Are you ready for a holistic approach to weight management that takes into account your unique constitution, imbalances, habits, mindset, and lifestyl [...]
What Really Works to Lose Weight?
You've probably tried to get rid of those extra pounds a couple of times. It turns out that shedding that extra weight is now more complicated than ev [...]
Can you Lose Weight with Keto?
“Keto” or the Ketogenic Diet is #trending. More than half of the bestsellers in the diet book category are pro-Keto for its benefits with weight loss, [...]
A Leaner, Happier and Healthier Holiday Season
No matter how much our culture changes, year after year, one of the top New Year’s resolutions never seems to change. If you guessed losing weight and [...]
Struggling with Weight Loss Resistance?
One of the most common patient concerns voiced in the office is, “I want to lose weight.” Most patients have already tried a combination of various me [...]
Living the LEAN Life
Being physically active most of my life has been a great advantage for me and I know it. But after having kids, relying on exercise alone wasn’t as pr [...]
Hypnosis: Discover the Secret to Effortless Weight Loss
It’s that most wonderful time of year again. The leaves have fallen from the trees and the temperature of the air is cool and crisp. The dark evening [...]
Weight Loss – Is There A Magic Bullet?
Some Disturbing Facts:
More than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese.
More than 1 in 3 adults are considered to be obese.
Mor [...]
What is the Right Diet and Exercise for Weight Loss? Let Your DNA Decide
Whether your knowledge of DNA only extends as far as your high school biology class or you’re a PhD student elbows deep in genetic research, it’s univ [...]
The #1 Factor in Successful Weight Loss
Do you know what is the number one determining factor in successful weight loss and maintenance? It’s probably not what you think like eating healthy, [...]
Can’t Lose Weight? The Catch 22 of Stress and Sleep
You’re doing everything right to lose weight and it still isn’t happening. You’re eating healthy, you’re taking supplements, you’re doing the right k [...]
Getting Through the Holiday Season Without Falling off the Wagon!
The wonderful part of the holidays is that they are a great time to connect with family and friends with so many events, parties and gatherings. The c [...]
Strategies to Ignite Your Fat-Burning Potential during the Holiday Season
Wouldn’t it be great if you could burn fat all day long instead of just during your exercise session? Especially during the holidays that involve par [...]
Unhealthy Gut Bacteria Can Cause Weight Gain
If you have been struggling to maintain or lose weight it may be because the bacteria living inside your gut are out of balance. What we eat affects o [...]
Thyroid Hormone Dysfunction and Weight Loss
Thyroid dysfunction can occur at any age. If your level of production of this important hormone is too low, you gain weight. Any imbalance of your t [...]
Finally Wise Up to the Weight Loss Industry! Excerpts from the new e-book, just released by Drs. Frank Aieta and Diane Hayden
It’s FINALLY happening! We are realizing that consistent and maintained weight loss comes from making lifestyle changes that incorporate eating health [...]
The Weight Loss Puzzle Finally Solved! Excerpts from the new e-book, just released by Drs. Frank Aieta and Diane Hayden
This is just a sample of what “The Weight Loss Puzzle, Finally Solved” has in store for its readers. There are also chapters on weight loss and minds [...]
The Myth of Cardiovascular Training for Weight Loss
Whether you have recently stepped on a scale to find that the numbers are not tipping in your favor or noticed your favorite pair of pants is getting [...]
The Weight Loss Puzzle Finally Solved! Excerpts from the new e-book, just released by Drs. Frank Aieta and Diane Hayden
We go through periods of time in our lives when the demands are greater and the stress load is heavier. Regardless of the reasons: illness, relationsh [...]
The Weight Loss Puzzle Finally Solved! Excerpts from the new e-book, just released by Drs. Frank Aieta and Diane Hayden
Trying and failing at losing weight again is just not on your mile-long list of to-do’sIlove anymore. And you’re sick of hearing “Oh! You need to go [...]
The Weight Loss Puzzle Finally Solved! Excerpts from the new e-book by Drs. Frank Aieta and Diane Hayden
Every year millions of books on diet and weight loss are sold in this country alone yet the statistics focusing on obesity and being overweight in Ame [...]