Category: Emotional Well-being

1 4 5 6 7 8 10 144 / 240 POSTS
Sh*t Happens: Paradox, Perspective and Healing

Sh*t Happens: Paradox, Perspective and Healing

When a client, an artist, came to me suffering from PTSD after a terrible car accident, his life was shattered. To make matters worse, the experience [...]
Winning the Inner Battle

Winning the Inner Battle

Do you ever feel like you are in a war against yourself to create the change that you desire? Do you want to lose weight but can’t resist the sweets? [...]
Online Therapy is Not the Wave of the Future, It is Now

Online Therapy is Not the Wave of the Future, It is Now

You wear many hats. You have a career, you are a parent, you are a friend, a son/daughter, a leader, an organizer, a planner. You know how to show up [...]
How Telling Your Life Story Can Heal Your Pain

How Telling Your Life Story Can Heal Your Pain

Have you ever told stories from your life to someone and that person said to you, “Wow, you should write a book?” Perhaps writing a book is not the ne [...]
What the Autumn Equinox Teaches Us About Love

What the Autumn Equinox Teaches Us About Love

Since the autumn equinox is the time of equal day and night, it’s easy to assume its connection to love is that it’s a 50/50 deal. You do your part, I [...]
The Perseverance Diet

The Perseverance Diet

In today’s world climate, it is easy to feel as if you are suffocating with the extraordinary demands of life. Yet we all find a way, don’t we? One w [...]
Qigong for Healthy Aging

Qigong for Healthy Aging

Qigong is on people’s minds these days. It’s in the news and at your local Y or maybe at your yoga center. What is qigong? Whereas tai chi is a rout [...]
Healing Trauma & PTSD from COVID-19

Healing Trauma & PTSD from COVID-19

Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress are not easy topics to talk about. They are backed by decades of stigmatization and misinformation. In the wake of th [...]
The Garden: We’re in It Together

The Garden: We’re in It Together

Find a partner,” one of the facilitators said. “When you do, draw an invisible line between the two of you and each take a turn trying to get the othe [...]
Explore Your Unique Gifts with Agnes Daddona of Intuitive Counseling

Explore Your Unique Gifts with Agnes Daddona of Intuitive Counseling

I had the pleasure of having an intuitive reading with Agnes Daddona last month and was blown away by her authenticity, accuracy and just how amazing [...]
Have Faith in Yourself

Have Faith in Yourself

What makes the difference between surviving and thriving during this time? The answer…Your faith in yourself. Not faith of religion or the universe or [...]
Staying Positive Through the Storms of Life

Staying Positive Through the Storms of Life

How do a psychologist and avid golfer weather a hurricane? I have been golfing longer than practicing psychology. I have weathered a few hurricanes, i [...]
A Path of Heart

A Path of Heart

While I write this I am at home providing telehealth for my clients through my Psychotherapy practice. It is a frightening time for so many, everythin [...]
COVID-19 – Betrayal and the Butterflies of Spring

COVID-19 – Betrayal and the Butterflies of Spring

A virus, treachery, and insects with brightly colored wings—a highly unlikely threesome. When a pandemic escapes from Pandora’s box and changes the fa [...]
Access Unlimited Mental Well-Being

Access Unlimited Mental Well-Being

We have all been tested over the past months; some physically, others mentally and spiritually as we attempt to make sense of a pandemic. I notice my [...]
Inspire Your Gifts: Heart Path Therapy®

Inspire Your Gifts: Heart Path Therapy®

Although this time can be challenging, it is a time for change, hope, and evaluating what is really important in your life. Let your spiritually guide [...]
Where Are Your Angels in This Challenging Time?

Where Are Your Angels in This Challenging Time?

Where are God and Angels during this challenging time? Aren't Angels supposed to be helping humanity, especially now? Many of my clients recently aske [...]
Do You Have Faith in Yourself?

Do You Have Faith in Yourself?

What makes the difference between surviving and thriving during this time? The answer…Your faith in yourself. Not faith of religion or the universe or [...]
Access Unlimited Mental Well-Being

Access Unlimited Mental Well-Being

We have all been tested over the past months; some physically, others mentally and spiritually as we attempt to make sense of a pandemic. I notice my [...]
Inner and Outer Climate Change:  A Creative Response

Inner and Outer Climate Change: A Creative Response

In spite of our human longing for a better future, change doesn’t happen easily, even in the face of dire threat. Perhaps that’s why New Year diet res [...]
Emotional Intelligence is a Great Dining Companion

Emotional Intelligence is a Great Dining Companion

You’ve probably heard it said, “You are what you eat.” But do you find yourself eating what you are – feeling, that is? The food we eat may be close [...]
Healthy Ever After

Healthy Ever After

I am a firm believer that shift happens, in a lot of ways when we least expect it. At the point when “it” happens we sometimes have the adverse reacti [...]
The Final Resolution

The Final Resolution

What if the New Year’s resolutions weren’t something that you decided to do once a year. What if it meant a start of a new lifestyle for the rest of y [...]
Was That a Spiritual Set-up?

Was That a Spiritual Set-up?

When I first began my spiritual journey, I declared that my spiritual mantra was, “Bring it On!”. This has resulted in a spiritual journey with many w [...]
1 4 5 6 7 8 10 144 / 240 POSTS