Category: Dental Health
Walking: An Oral Health-Promoting Habit?
What does taking a walk have to do with oral health? As we flip the calendar into the new year, we often take stock of the habits we ought to continue [...]
Countering Risks of Dental Care in Patients With Undiagnosed High Blood Pressure
In my more than 40 years of providing clinical dental care to my patients, I have yet to hear a single individual say they were looking forward to get [...]
You Are What You Eat – And It All Starts With the Mouth
As a physician of the oral cavity, I have never seen a mouth come into my practice without its body. The mouth and the body are intimately and intrins [...]
The Brain-Mouth Connection: 6 Systemic Implications
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!
Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about our mouths. In this article, we will cover systemic implications o [...]
A Different Way to Look at Eating Healthfully
To most of us, eating healthfully is interpreted from a negative point of view:
What shouldn’t I eat?
Does it contain allergens like gluten, lactose, [...]
Gum Disease and Cavity Disease: Medical Conditions Masquerading as Dental Conditions?
As an experienced dentist, I have yet to see a mouth come into my office all by itself. All the mouths I see and treat are intimately attached to and [...]
Gut Dysbiosis: Energy Vampire?
More than 1000 different species of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoans, call our digestive tract home - from its entrance to it [...]
Breathing Through Your Mouth Is Hazardous to Your Health!
Even though most of us breathe through our mouths on occasion, the mouth was not
designed to continually serve as the primary pathway for respiration. [...]
Detoxification – It All Starts at the Mouth
Too much of anything can be toxic. Even drinking water has a toxic dose. When one reaches the toxic dose of something, negative things happen to our b [...]
It May Be Time to Change Your Dentist
Every licensed practitioner of dentistry in the United States, whether a DDS or a DMD, has been trained in allopathic dentistry—the somewhat mechanica [...]
Your Dentist Can Help You Breathe Easier and Sleep Better
As we all know, the most important involuntary act we perform every second is to breathe—after all, we need to breathe to live. But how many of us are [...]
Go Ceramic! Benefits of Nonmetal Implants
Placing ceramic implants is one of my passions in dentistry, partially because implants are the best choice to replace missing teeth. There are differ [...]
Does Bottle Feeding Cause Sleep Apnea in Children?
As parents, we always try to do the best for our kids. We believe in breastfeeding; many health-conscious parents go out of their way to find organic, [...]
Chronic Pain: Treating the Invisible Disorder
Almost all of us have encountered pain at some point, usually in its acute form. However, chronic pain is different and can frequently lead to restric [...]
Rethink Your Oral Health
Most of us know that oral health is very important. We take measures to maintain good oral hygiene, going for regular dental visits and having two cle [...]
Oral & Dental Therapy Kills Bacteria Quickly
Current research has demonstrated a strong correlation between oral health and the following health issues: cardiac health, cognitive function, lung h [...]
Silent Problems in Your Jaw
Many patients come to see me because they are concerned that they may have a cavitation. A cavitation is an area in the bone that is dead or dying and [...]
Your Mouth Has Gotten You Into Trouble!
Many of my patients come in with a myriad of health problems, dental concerns and an extensive history of dental procedures. People are not aware that [...]
Your Oral Environment is the Key Indicator of Health
The basic tenets of holistic dentistry are simple: dentistry should do no harm, and dentists review mouth, sinuses, airway, teeth, jaw bones, gums, gi [...]
Beware of Dental Tunnel Vision
Dentistry is essential to a person's wellbeing. One has to have an outstanding immune system to overcome potential problems in the mouth such as mercu [...]
The Importance of Your Oral-Nasal Complex
If someone were to ask you: “what is the most important nutrient that humans need to survive?” Most folks would say either food or water, which are un [...]
Your Mouth Has Gotten You Into Trouble!
Many of my patients come in with a myriad of health problems, dental concerns and an extensive history of dental procedures. People are not aware that [...]
Oral Ecology: Prebiotics, Probiotics, & Alternative Natural Sweeteners
In high school biology, a small amount of time is spent on the topic known as ecology. Most students study this subject to pass a test, but few realiz [...]
The New Role of Your Dentist
The next time you go to the dentist, the first question you may be asked is, "How is your health in general?" Over the last couple of decades, the rol [...]