Category: Remedies

1 8 9 10219 / 219 POSTS

Diet and Your Bones – By Desmond Ebanks, MD

As a doctor practicing integrative medicine, I find that education is as important to my patients as anything else I do. We focus on maintaining healt [...]

Autism: Connecting Through CranioSacral Therapy – By Karen Elizabeth Rowan, LMT, CST

There are a number of health modalities available today that can support a child, teen or an adult that has been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Dis [...]

Spring Cleaning For the Body and Soul – By Lisl Meredith Huebner, Dipl. CH

As we awaken from the confinement of winter, we can imagine our ancestors also emerging from their hibernation. The snow is still persistent in shady [...]
1 8 9 10219 / 219 POSTS